how to sync etsy with shopify

Etsy Shopify Integration - Etsy Shopify Inventory Sync - shopUpz Inventory Tutorial hey you today's

Healthy Wealthy Skinny

Updated on Mar 04,2023

Etsy Shopify Integration - Etsy Shopify Inventory Sync - shopUpz Inventory Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to how to sync etsy with shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to sync etsy with shopify

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Etsy Shopify Integration - Etsy Shopify Inventory Sync - shopUpz Inventory Tutorial

hey you today's video is sponsored by,shopups it is another video in my etsy,series i'm going to show you how you can,easily sync your shopify and your etsy,inventory i'll also show you how you can,create one listing that will show up in,both shops which will save you tons of,time if you are looking for ways to,become more efficient while managing,both your etsy and your shopify store,then you want to stay tuned,welcome to healthy wealthy skinny where,we focus on the steps to help you live a,healthy wealthy and skinny life i'm,shawn and if you are ready to start,thriving and not just surviving go ahead,and hit that like button smash that,subscribe button and hit the bell icon,so you get a notification every week,when i drop a new video and be sure to,stay until the very end because as,always i've got something special for,you,i often recommend that if you're going,to sell on etsy you should also have,your own websites to sell your products,on as well,shopify is one platform that you can use,to set up your own e-commerce store,pretty easily,if you've already set up both your etsy,shop and your shopify store,then chances are you've run into the,problem of managing your inventory,here's an example of an inventory sink,issue that you might have let's say,you're selling joggers on both your etsy,shop and your shopify store,a buyer comes in on etsy and purchase a,pair of medium black joggers,those medium black joggers are instantly,removed from your inventory count on,etsy,the next day a buyer comes in and buys a,pair of medium black joggers from your,shopify store,you get the order you go fill it and you,find out that you are out of medium,black joggers what has happened is your,inventory was not adjusted from the,purchase from your etsy shop and now,you're in the awkward situation where,you have to reach out to your customer,and let them know you can't fulfill the,order because you don't have the medium,black joggers in stock or you have to,delay shipping out the order to your,customer because you have to reorder,your stock of joggers,i was running into this situation,constantly which is why i was so happy,when shirley from shopups reached out to,me and asked me to try out their etsy,inventory integration app,this app was the best app that i did not,know i needed it allows you to export,your shopify listings to etsy,keep your inventory synced in real time,so you don't over sell,and also sync your etsy orders to,shopify,you guys know i love to do tutorials so,i'm going to show you step by step how,to set up the app and get your inventory,under control,let's hop over to my laptop,let's start by finding the app in the,app store i'm in my shopify backend and,i clicked on the apps tab in the menu,now i'm going to click on the button,that says customize your store so it,will take me to the shopify app store,now that i'm in the shopify app store,i'm going to search for the shopups app,and i get five results and the result,that i'm looking for is the first one in,the list and it says etsy inventory,integration so i am going to click on,that,then we'll be taken to the main page for,the etsy inventory integration app and,all you have to do at this point is,select add app,once you get the app added the first,step is to connect your etsy shop,and you do that by selecting the button,that says connect to your etsy store,in the following pop-up select the,authenticate button,you'll then be taken over to etsy where,you'll have to allow the app to have,access to your account,you'll be presented with a,congratulations message and a click to,continue button,once you've installed the app and you're,logged in you'll start off on the,inventory tab so let's briefly walk,through the different tabs inside of the,app you have the inventory tab which is,going to show you your listings your,skus and your link sales channels and,you can see here i have,listings on etsy and if i scroll down,you'll see where i have a listing that,is on etsy and on shopify and this is,one of my listings where i have my,inventory synced,so i'm going to scroll back up,and then we're going to go to the orders,tab,and this is where you will sync your,orders between etsy and shopify,and you'll see here that i have this tab,disabled because i do not want my etsy,and my shopify orders sync i only use,this app to sync my inventory,next we have the export listings tab and,this is where you will export your,shopify listings over to etsy and this,is a really great time saver feature if,you're managing two shopping channels,this means that you only have to create,your listings one time and you will,start on shopify and then you will,export your shopify listings over to,etsy it's going to save you tons of time,the next tab is your advanced settings,and we'll click on this and i won't dive,deep into these settings but here you'll,see where you can,enable or disable batch updates,enable or disable duplicates handling,you can say if you want to include,selected skus for quantity sync,and then you can,enable or disable your order sync so,this is where you turn on the order sync,for this orders tab here,and then you can enable or disable,duplicates handling,and then finally you can update etsy,orders as fulfilled so you can say,whether you want to update orders that,originated from etsy with shopify data,again i do not use this so i have this,set to do not update etsy orders as for,field,and all of these settings here are if,you are syncing your orders between,shopify and etsy,and then finally you have the,connections tab and it just shows you,what channels you have connected to this,shopify app and you can see here the one,channel that i have connected is etsy,and i have a green connected status and,if you ever want to pause or disconnect,your connection between the shopups,inventory app and your etsy shop you can,do that here this would be the pause,button or disable and this would be the,remove button,so now let's walk through the inventory,sync feature,so i'm going to scroll down here and you,can see my different listing you can see,the listing the sku and the link sales,channel,one thing you'll notice here for my,valentine's day shirt you can see i have,a sku here but i only have one sales,channel this means that there is no sync,between etsy and shopify,this is because i do not have this same,sku on shopify i only have it on etsy,in order to sync your inventory you have,to have the sku both on etsy and on,shopify,so same here for,my hamilton hoodie i do not have this,skew on shopify and that's just because,i don't need to sync my inventory for my,t-shirts because i press each t-shirt as,it's ordered meaning that i will hold a,collection of black medium,t-shirts but they do not necessarily,have anything printed on them so i do,not keep an inventory for completed,t-shirts,so i'm just gonna minimize that and i'm,gonna go down to a listing where i do,manage my inventory,and the listing that this app actually,completely helps me out with so these,are my relax fit sweatpants these i do,not make i order them from a wholesaler,so i really need to keep up with what i,have in stock for these joggers and i,have different sizes and i have,different colors so you can see here,here are my skus and i have the same,skews in both etsy and in shopify,and you can see here where my inventory,is synced so for this ash mocha pair of,joggers in small,i have zero in quantity in etsy and zero,in quantity in shopify,and you can see here all of my different,colors and for this dark burgundy i have,two in quantity and etsy and two in,quantity in shopify,so let's move back in time to before my,inventory sync was completed i'm in my,etsy shop manager and i'm going to go to,the listing for my joggers and prep the,listing with the right skus so see i'm,clicking on the listing i am going to,scroll down to the section of the,listing where you can enter in your skus,when i initially set up this listing i,did not have skus set so i'm going to go,in and make that change now,so now i'm in the variation section,and i'm going to go in and make the,change so skus can be added to each one,of the variations,so i'm going to select the edit,variations button,and then i'm going to go in for my sizes,and my colors and select skews very for,each size and skews vary for each color,i'm going to scroll down and select,update,and now you can see that in my,variations section i have a place for me,to enter in the sku for each one of my,sizes and each one of my colors,but now i need to go in and add in the,skus and these need to be the same skus,that are on shopify so at this point i'm,going to hop back over to my shopify,site so i can grab the skus,now i'm on shopify i'm gonna go and,select products from the main menu and,then i am going to do a sort so i can,find my listing easily,and then i'm going to scroll down and,find my,joggers or my sweatpants,and here they are in the listing and i'm,going to click on the title to go in and,edit the listing,okay we're now in my jogger listing i'm,going to scroll down to where i have the,skus for the joggers and then i am going,to go into the bulk editor just to make,it a little easier for me to copy and,paste my skus,so now i am going to the bulk editor and,you can see here all of my skus for the,different sizes and colors of my joggers,so now i'm just going to start a copy,and paste exercise where i copy the skew,from shopify and then paste it into etsy,this can be time consuming depending on,how many colors and size variations you,have so what i'm gonna do here is speed,up the video so you don't have to watch,me go through doing this process in real,time,and that was the last queue that i,needed to copy over so now let's hop,back over to the shopups app and start,our sync,we're back in the shopups app and all,we're going to do is hit the start,syncing button,and then you can see that the inventory,is syncing you have a message that says,syncing your inventory quantities this,will take a few minutes so be patient,here depending on how many items you,need to have synced,and just watch the magic happen,and once it runs for a few minutes you,will get a sync complete message and now,you're at a point where the app will,manage your inventory,and once you set up your inventory,inside of shopify this app will,automatically keep your inventory in,sync and if i were to get more joggers,in stock i would simply go into the,inventory section of shopify update my,quantities and then this app will,automatically update the quantities for,me on etsy,so i'll quickly pop over and show you,where i would update the quantities in,shopify,i will go over here to products,and then i will click on inventory,and i know that i am going to manage the,inventory for my thrive sweatpants so,i've created a filter for those so i can,get to them quickly,and you see here i see all of my,different sweatpants and what i normally,do is do a sort,based on skew,ascending,and then you see now i have all of my,ash mocha sweatpants together,i can,manage my inventory here,so this says i have three available and,if i needed to change that i would just,go ahead and say i have four or i got 10,pair of my 1x size ash smoker joggers in,i would update this number here and then,the app will automatically update my,quantities on etsy so you can see how,now if somebody orders a pair of joggers,on shopify,that quantity is going to correct itself,on etsy and i will not over sell,so now we're just going to pop back over,to the app,okay we are back over in the inventory,app,i also want to point out here that you,can export all of your quantities you,would just click on this export,quantities button click export all and,then it will email you all of your data,to the email address that you have on,file in shopify,let's walk through the process of,exporting a listing from shopify to etsy,we're going to click on export listings,from the menu,and will be taken to the export shopify,listings to etsy screen,here i want to note a message that's on,the screen that's very important and it,says we export only listings that their,sku doesn't exist on etsy if etsy,listing such variations q exist the,listing will not be created on etsy and,this is to eliminate duplicates so,basically this is saying if the same sku,already exists on etsy that you're,trying to export from shopify then the,export process will not create that,listing you will get an error message,so let's walk through the process,we're going to start with the etsy,category and for me i am going to export,a t-shirt,so i am going to choose the category of,clothing,next we're going to move to the shipping,profile,and something important to note here is,that you can only choose shipping,profiles that have fixed shipping prices,so any of your shipping profiles that,have calculated prices will not show in,this drop down,what i've done is create a special,shipping profile for listings that i'm,going to export from shopify to etsy and,i have called that my,shopify export shipping profile,if you need help with creating your etsy,shipping profiles i have a full video,named etsy shipping for beginners that,you can check out and i will walk you,step by step through how to create your,shipping profiles,so moving forward we'll go ahead and,just select my shopify export shipping,profile,next we're gonna move down to where you,select the listing that you want to,export,and you'll notice here that you can,select anywhere from one to 100 shopify,listings and that is going to be very,helpful if you have a lot of listings,that you need to move over from your,shopify store,but for this video we're only going to,select one so i'm going to select the,click to choose listings button here,and i know the listing that i would like,to send over so i'm going to go ahead,and search for it,and it is my passport ready t-shirt so,i'm going to check this box next to that,listing,and then i'm going to hit the add button,and now you can see here that the total,selected listings is one,i'm going to move down to the etsy,fields mapping section and this is where,you determine if you want to export,certain fields from shopify,the first one is if you want to include,tags and for me i do not want to include,my tags because i use special tags on,etsy that i do not use on shopify so i'm,going to tweak those settings when i get,over into etsy so i'm going to uncheck,this box,and then you have the fixed quantity and,it says all of your listings such,variations will be set with a fixed,quantity and i am not going to check,that box but you can if you'd like to do,that,so then i'm going to scroll down and,then we're going to export the listing,and to do that you just click the export,listings now button,you'll get a pop-up that shows your,export details and a note that says you,cannot undo this action listings will be,created on etsy in the draft status and,then you get a summary and this says,that i am exporting one listing the,category i am exporting to is clothing,and the shipping profile that i'll be,using is my shopify export shipping,profile so i'm just going to click the,export now button,and here you see that my listing sync,process is executing,and once it finishes you'll get a,congratulations message that lets you,know that the sync is complete and that,your new listing on etsy is in the draft,status,and there's also a link here where you,can go and view your export results,and here you'll see that my export was,successful,and i get a check mark for the status it,tells me my etsy listing and it gives me,my sync date,i also want to show you here that if you,try to process a listing and it is not,successful you will see that in this,status listing as well and you see here,i get a symbol that lets me know that,the status was not successful and i will,get an error message so let's look at,one of the error messages that i've,received and here it says that my,listing requires a quantity greater than,zero,and what this means is my shopify,listing did not have a quantity set for,my shirts so my shirt quantities and,stock were set to zero so it would not,export that listing i had to go in,give my shirts a quantity for each size,and then my export was successful but i,just wanted to show you what it would,look like if you were to get an error,message and where you can find the,details about your error messages so now,we're going to hop over to etsy and,check out our listing,so we are now on etsy i'm gonna go to my,shop manager,i'm going to go to my listings,and then i'm going to go to my drafts,here,and ta-da here is my passport ready,t-shirt i'm gonna go in and make some,tweaks to this listing i'll just click,on the gear icon,and then go to edit,and you can see here i have all of my,listing photos that came over from,shopify,if i scroll down you can see i have the,same title that was on shopify and i,will probably adjust this to be,optimized for etsy,you can see that my category is clothing,and i'm going to scroll down more if i,look at the renewal options it is set to,manual and normally i have mine on,automatic so i'm just going to go ahead,and change that it is a physical product,you can see that my description has come,over from shopify,i did not export my tags from shopify so,i'll have to put in my tags here,and just to continue to scroll down and,you can see that i have all of my shirt,sizes the colors my skews that i had,over in shopify and my prices and the,quantities for each shirt size,if i scroll down more you can see that,i'm using my shopify export shipping,profile,and what i would probably do is once i'm,over here change it to my shirt orders,shipping profiles so it can be done in,one to three days and i can use my,calculated shipping,and i'll scroll down,and i'll need to put in this item size,information so i know that's going to be,13,10,and 1.,and i'm using my free shipping profile,and then it's going to ask me if i want,to do marketing and i'm going to set,that to yes because i usually turn on,marketing for most of my new listings,just to give them a little boost and,then once i was ready to publish this i,would go ahead and hit the publish,button but i am going to save it as a,draft for now because i'd like to go in,and put in my different tags and,optimize my title and if you'd like to,know more about how to optimize your,title and your tags i recommend that you,check out my etsy listings that sell,video and i will leave that video linked,in the description as well but for now,i'm just going to go ahead and save as,draft,so there you have it you now know how to,keep your shopify sc inventory,completely in sync in real time,and how to create your listing on,shopify and have it automatically,created in etsy so all you have to do is,tweak a few settings and hit publish,i've added a link in the description to,the etsy inventory integration app by,shopups all you have to do is click on,that link and start your 14 day free,trial,but before you do that i'd love for you,to watch these two videos right here,because i've got some more cool stuff to,share with you

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