how to stop sidebar from repeating on every page shopify

Setting up a floating category list for all Shopify themes (no sidebar required) good evening this i


Updated on Mar 06,2023

Setting up a floating category list for all Shopify themes (no sidebar required)

The above is a brief introduction to how to stop sidebar from repeating on every page shopify

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how to stop sidebar from repeating on every page shopify catalogs

Setting up a floating category list for all Shopify themes (no sidebar required)

good evening this is a short screencast,to demonstrate how to set up a floating,category list in Java fly a lot of,Shopify themes have a left-hand sidebar,and that makes them a good candidate for,using categories uncomplicated but some,themes don't have a left-hand sidebar so,if I look at my products store here,actually at the moment there's no,left-hand sidebar showing if I scroll,down here the products go full width of,the page this is very good for,responsive design it's very common that,new themes like this one which is called,debut often don't have a left-hand,sidebar so I designed a new floating,category list to deal with that so we're,going to go through the process of,importing products if I select products,import I'm going to import them from a,CSV Sheet upload that file and it shows,me there are 53 products in the sheet,and picks out the first one and text,that's right so I start that import,process this will now take a few minutes,to complete great so now I've got a list,of products here and I got those set up,inside my store the next step is to,start grouping into collections and,making categories and arranging those,categories in a hierarchy before we get,started I'm going to go through to the,app so I go through to the floating,category list and complicated app and I,see this page this is a default starting,page I've got a storefront password set,up at the moment so if I enter that,password and click refresh it pulls from,the menu system the list of categories,we have so far now at the moment this is,a vanilla store I've just uploaded some,products to it so there are no,categories set up and so the next stage,now is to create a few collections to,put products into those collections and,then use the menu system to point up,those collections to build our and,category list so I select collections,create collection I'm throwing one,called,photography I could give it a,description but I'm not going to do that,at the moment again it could use,automatic tagging to select the products,but for now I'm going to keep it really,simple and manually select products I'm,going to edit the website SEO so I've,got a nice URL structure happy with that,collections flash photography looks good,and save collection I'll leave this as,is,but I will create another collection,this one I'll call cameras again,manually selected I'm going to edit the,search and optimization the URL path,there to show cameras as a subcategory,of photography so we're getting a dash,in there because shopper the Shopify,does not allow us to put slashes save,this collection and this time I'm going,to add some products our search for,cameras I'll select the cameras and put,them inside this collection we've got a,couple more one and two great and sorted,and next we'll we'll create another,collection called lighting equipment,again manual again on that nice vseo to,say this photography lighting equipment,here I'll add some product now these,products there we go a couple of those,and I think I have in my catalog floor,light,great and then I'm going to create,another collection the third of three,for now call this one tripods again,manual edit the SEO photography,photography tripods slave collection and,we'll add some products in there,one two three so those three products,get added and now at this point I've got,some collections set up for collections,apparent collection photography and,three sub collections so I'm going to,put inside it but at the moment,these are all just a flat structure,Shopify collections are entirely flat,what uncomplicated categories does and,and float this uncomplicated does is,actually organized this into a hierarchy,using the Shopify menu system so if I go,into online store navigation I've got,two menus at the moment but I'm going to,add a menu menu I'm going to add I'm,going to call photography inside the,photography menu I'm going to add a,couple of menu items they're going to,point to the collections I've just,created and they were cameras lighting,equipment and tripods and now I select,those collections from the list cameras,point to cameras lighting equipment,points to its lighting equipment and,tripods place the tripods I saved that,menu and at this stage I'm going to go,back to the app now by going back to the,app we see that initially nothing has,changed because we haven't refreshed it,so part of the reason we've come back to,the app and button part of the reason,we're going through this process of,refreshing the category list is to check,the work we've done so far to check that,it's starting to appear as you wanted to,appear for the categories we can display,so here I can see photography I can see,there are three sections underneath and,I can see that those products I added,are showing up there on the right-hand,side now at the moment I'm saying that,the category top level is the whole,thing it's set at top level which means,that when I look at my storefront my,category list will actually display the,entire menu system and that,not what I want what I'm going to do is,I'm going to go into navigation and I'm,going to create the master category menu,so I'm going to call it categories I'm,going to advert have a single menu item,in here photography that links to the,photography collection I could put,things in photography collection I have,them for now but I'll save that and when,I go back to the app and refresh again,very important room to refresh what I'll,see now is a categories menu that,contains photography and then the,photography menu contains cameras and,lighting equipment and tripods so we're,not going to select a top-level category,I select categories and new list renders,and now we can see our category list,beginning with the top-level categories,in this case photography and underneath,it cameras lighting equipment tripods,when we add more top-level categories,that feature underneath categories,they'll appear in this list and that's,the complete cycle what we're going to,do now is repeat the process over and,over again adding more collections,linking them together with menu items,and then coming back into the app and,doing a refresh of the list what I can,also do now is check that the menu is,being produced in the front part of the,site so if I click on one of these links,I open up a new tab and here I can see,the cameras collection I've created and,on this left-hand side this is the,floating category list menu as the page,crawls up and down the floating category,list stays on the left-hand side,if I want to collapse at any point I can,and I can expand that category list,depending on what's most convenient,whatever state I leave the category list,in I can refresh the page and it will,remember the state that that's in,another browser of the collections,they'll still be there if I expand it,again,I can move between the collections,between the categories and then minimize,as I'd like,so the next part of the process is to go,back into the app itself and now create,the remainder of my category tree so I'm,going to go through exactly the process,I did before by going to collections,creating collections of my products and,then linking them together using the,online store navigation these menu items,here,you,so now we've got a good list of,collections all the collections are,populated with products the next stage,is to go through to the navigation and,start linking them together into the,category tree that we're building here,all the time going back to the app and,frequently refreshing the list so that,we can see the very latest view of what,our current category lists look like and,check that we've actually got the menus,and the collections joined up correctly,so they're showing here as we'd like,you,so now I've refreshed my calculus and I,can see that I've got a correctly set up,set of categories here I'm seeing these,these categories have products in I,haven't put products in the parent,categories but I could I'm also noticing,that mobile phones isn't set up,correctly so it hasn't found the,subcategories in there so I'm just going,to go back into navigation and check,that I've created the mobile phones menu,correctly back into mobile phones sure,enough I have creates the mobile phones,menu and now it's a matter of just,checking that I've called it exactly the,same thing here it's referred to its,mobile phones and if I go back into the,technology menu here I've called it,mobile phones with a capital P Shopify,sees those two things differently so,it's really important that the Title I,use here is exactly the same title as,the menu that's referred to here so now,I go back into apps and refresh the list,again,now here on the right-hand side we can,see those firings correctly organized,the final check is of course to go to,the front end of the site what I've done,so far is let the settings of their,default setup separate screencast I'll,cover some of the settings and the way,you can display things if I go here and,refresh this page I can see I've got my,category list because I'm in tripods,it's expanded just tripods and the,top-level categories or the sort of,categories above them if I go into,photography takes me up to the top of,photography if I go into technology it,then expands the subcategories within,that if I go into computers then there,are just these four desktops and I can,start seeing the products and critically,these this menu is hovering over the top,of my product list there's no sidebar,there was no embed or install I didn't,have to adjust my theme at all all this,is configured automatically and it means,I can allow my customers to browse,through categories so that concludes the,screencast I hope it gives you a good,sense of how basically to set up,floating category list and I wish you,the best of luck with your store thanks,very much

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