how to stop shopify from recording me on my site

When Should You Stop A Failing Shopify Store? [Tutorial + Fixes To Try] hey what's going on it's dad

Dan Vas

Updated on Mar 03,2023

When Should You Stop A Failing Shopify Store? [Tutorial + Fixes To Try]

The above is a brief introduction to how to stop shopify from recording me on my site

Let's move on to the first section of how to stop shopify from recording me on my site

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how to stop shopify from recording me on my site catalogs

When Should You Stop A Failing Shopify Store? [Tutorial + Fixes To Try]

hey what's going on it's dad here and in,today's video I'm gonna talk about a,topic that honestly a lot of beginners,struggle with him that is when should I,stop a failing Shopify store and how do,I even know it's failing right let's say,that you've started a store and you,started like what the one product drop,shipping methods to the brand that drops,you remember that I've been talking,about on my channel lately which is in,my opinion in my experience the only,good way to actually build a long-term,store you have one product you've ran,some ads and something's just not,working you're not getting any sales or,your sales are not profitable and you,have no idea what to do so in this video,I talk about potential fixes that you,can actually try and fixes that I've,used myself and this is kind of a,framework that I've established,personally where if I start a new store,and I don't start stores all the time I,usually you know start a brand every,once in a while when I'm already bored,of the stores that I'm already doing,because you don't want to be doing too,many things at once but I've developed a,framework over the years of actually,doing e-commerce where I can go in and I,see exactly okay like if this is not,working this is what I'm gonna do and if,this is not working this is what I'm,gonna do,and so I'm gonna talk about that in this,video and I think you'll come out of it,with a lot better of an idea of if you,should abandon your store or if you,should you know some other things to try,to actually rescue your store and get,sales one of the feelings that I hate,the most with entrepreneurship is let's,say that you started your first store,and you know you just don't know if,that's the right product if that's the,product that's gonna make you successful,right because we all want the same thing,we all want freedom we all want,financial freedom we want personal,freedom we want the freedom to actually,be able to live life on our own terms,and so you know when you're just,starting out when you let's say have a,store you don't know if that store is,the one that's gonna be the golden,ticket the store that's actually gonna,be successful and what's actually going,to be your main online business right so,I kind of got comfortable with that,feeling over the years because I've been,doing this for a while now and it's,something that you kind of will get,comfortable with as well but I totally,understand where you where you are I,hate that feeling,and part of Shopify part of,entrepreneurship is just testing right,you have to test test test and you,really have to put an effort into this,it's not just like a get-rich-quick it's,not like you know gimmicky thing you're,building a long-term real business and,so to do that just like in any business,you'd really have to put an effort into,it because you know if it was that easy,everybody would succeed one of my,favorite quotes is success is going from,it's a failure without loss of,enthusiasm so you know if you can just,go from failure to failure right you,started the store and let's say after,this video you realize the up I should,throw that in the garbage there's just a,band on the site the unstart brand new,start fresh well that's fine as long as,every single failure actually increases,your enthusiasm to succeed so the simple,answer to the question when or if you,should stop your failing store is if,you've tested everything that you can,possibly test you've tried every single,strategy that your top competitors are,using and you still haven't made any,profit or any sales and I would say if,you spent about $500 to maximum a,thousand dollars and you still have no,sales or no profit then you definitely,should stop and you should go back to,the drawing board here if you've set up,your store you've got your product up,and running you have some ads you've,recorded some ads you really put an,effort into this and you still don't,know any sales or profit then look at,this right don't reinvent the wheel,never reinvent the wheel if you want to,find something that works and you want,to just improve on them right and that,is how I've succeeded that is how I've,reached six figure seven figures and how,I will reach eight figures but you know,the higher you go the more you really,have to innovate and improve but if,you're just getting started with like,your first online business you really,don't have to worry about innovation,that much just you know there are,millions of people out there that are,successful at online business and you,know there are people out there that,aren't selling anything crazy they don't,have any kind of crazy sales funnels,there are many crazy stores right there,just simple stores they've got strong,brands behind them and they're making,six figures per year seven figures per,year in passive income on Shopify with,drop shipping and so you know they as,well have not reinvented the wheel so my,point is that you need to find a product,that is already working and that's,already making sales for a store if you,want to maximize your chances of success,too many times I see a lot of beginners,trying to basically you know innovate,too much and they find some kind of,product and maybe emotionally deep down,inside they think yeah this thing can,definitely get sales but they don't have,any proof right the only thing that,matters is if the market wants to,purchase your product and if they don't,well then you know it doesn't matter,what your emotions are doesn't matter,what your dreams are unfortunately right,that's just the truth so focused on,finding a product that is already making,sales that is already successful for,someone or for many competitors out,there and just try to either you know,basically emulate it first and then as,soon as you're made you're actually,successful and then you,go and apply your own strategies then,you can actually improve on it so before,I really go into like my framework and,how I determine what I should do on a,failing store how I should rescue it if,I should have been in it I want to show,you the exact step-by-step process that,I do before I test a new store and also,how I test a new store with Facebook at,and I think that if you actually follow,this that will bring you to a point,where at that point if you're still,failing then you're gonna be able to,accurately assess whether you should,continue or not so this is what I do so,first always I write down detailed,strategy then like tough competitors are,using on their websites so let's say if,I'm selling a laser hair removal tool,then I'm gonna go on my top three or,four competitors websites and I can see,obviously you know based on the ads that,they're running if they're making money,or not based on their traffic rank on,Alexa which is a free Chrome extension,it shows you their traffic rank in the,world right if they have a high traffic,rank it means they're getting a lot of,visitors or probably things are getting,a lot of sales so I just go literally,with like a notebook and I write down,the strategy that they're using where,they're putting you know what they're,putting on their sales page where,they're putting their add to cart at the,Cart buttons what what colors they are,how they're getting emails things like,that and after I wrote them the,strategies of my top competitors then I,actually go and on the other side of the,page I write down which strategies I'm,gonna go and include and so it's pretty,obvious which strategies are like really,really mandatory the ones that you,should actually put in I make sure that,I don't just copy but I really like to,try to improve on it at least slightly,on the strategies right so either by you,know just making the sales page better,making the store look better making the,brand look better and I also make sure,that my website is polished the sales,page looks good in my opinion right,because I'm the only person that can,evaluate right if you're just launching,a store you're the only judge until you,actually start getting customers and I,also make sure that I have elements of,scarcity exclusivity and the perceived,value of the product matches the price,that I want to sell it at so let's say,if you know for scarcity for example I,make sure there's some kind of scarcity,but it's not like you know a stretch of,the imagination it's not something,that's unbelievable so for example I'm,putting something like we're running out,of stock very very soon make sure to,grab yours today or we're gonna be out,stuck for a month for exclusivity I make,sure that everything looks like it's,trademarked everything looks like you,know this product you can only buy along,this store and for perceived value I,make sure that okay if the product looks,like it can barely be sold above $20 and,I'm trying to ask $50 for it,well that's just not gonna work there's,not even a point in moving to actually,running Facebook yeah that's right you,have to make sure that your website your,sales page all this stuff is good,polished and it has these things before,you actually move to running ads and I,also make sure that I actually have a,strong brand you know obviously when,you're launching nobody knows who you,are,but at least you don't want to look like,it just a cheap Chinese website I make,sure that I have a minimum of five,reviews from Luke so Lucas is a review,app and it actually allows you to pre,write your own reviews so you know you,can just use Excel you can pre write,your own reviews it actually shows you,how if you download Luke's and yeah I,just make sure that I have some reviews,on the product page you know you can,have like four or five stars and then,one four star at least to make it more,believable and then most important again,is the product must already be,successful and making profit and there,must be enough room for spending money,on that so if we're selling a product,that we're sourcing between five and,fifteen dollars so that's how much we're,buying it from China for we're selling,it for fifty dollars that leaves us,about thirty five to forty five dollars,and money that we can play with for,Facebook ads if we're selling something,at $20 but we're sourcing it for ten,that only leaves us ten dollars for ads,and even less because of transaction,fees so we're already setting ourselves,up for failure from the very beginning,so these are things you have to look at,now if we talk about a minimum testing,process for a new store for Facebook ads,since Facebook ads are the best way to,actually you know take a brand new store,and get it some start making sales as,soon as possible what I do is I set a,total budget for testing ads after the,website is all polished and done as we,just discussed it's the same thing as on,Amazon if you saw in Amazon and you know,before you actually start running PPC,you want to make sure that your listing,is optimized right and you know for,those of you that do amazon it's the,same so you want to make sure that,everything looks great before you,actually start bringing traffic bringing,customers to your page so I set a,beginning ad budget so let's say I say,okay I have $500 to spend on Facebook,ads for this store and you have to,really you know make this clear so,either 300 400 500 however much you have,maybe even 200 if you're on our low,budget a thousand let's say for a 500,hour I'd budget what I do is I create,three video ads with a different ad,angle in each ad which I'll discuss in a,second and then I also make sure there's,four different scroll Stoppers,so there's actually kind of a format,that I learned from one of my mentors,and I tested myself and it works amazing,you don't want to just test you know you,don't wanna just make one video,let's say with your iPhone you know you,just record basically a model she's,holding your product she's solving the,problem and boom that's it right you,don't want to just have one ad you want,to have three different video ads and in,each of the ads you want to have a,different scroll stopper what a scroll,stopper is it's the first few seconds of,your ad where you know someone is,scrolling through Facebook and when they,see your ad let's say you're out it goes,whoa check out this you know brand new,whatever it is let's say right you know,hair laser removal device right you just,want to kind of figure out a way to,attract attention at the beginning of,your ad because obviously people on,facebook have a very short attention,span and if something doesn't look,interesting they won't hesitate to keep,scrolling so for different scroll,Stoppers and then three video ads so,basically that would create 12 different,video ads and then each of the video ads,with the difference Coast operates right,so there's one ad and then four,different scroll Stoppers for the one ad,that ad has to have a different angle,than the other one and the other once,you have three total ads for different,school Stoppers total 12 so right here,I've got some ads pulled up for an,online shop by store it's called the,troubadour goods and it's basically like,a luxury handbag store I guess for,traveling so here I'm gonna show you the,differences between ad angles like what,an angle looks like so here you go boom,so he's talking about I guess he's just,talking about the bag he's presenting it,and he's talking about how it has,Italian leather handles and a 15 inch,laptop pocket that's one angle right,there so talking about the features of,the product right that's one right there,another one right so there's a guy,walking so that the bag is actually,being used in action right how you can,you know take it to work he can take it,on the weekend,all right traveling that's another ad,angle and that's the difference then,let's try to find the third one here so,a third one here is basically you know,actually it's just the same ad that's,the same ad angle but just using a,different scroll shopper right there as,you can see what I was talking about and,yeah I actually it can only see I guess,this one is another one this might be a,different scroll store as well yeah this,is another angle right there you go so,that's the difference so once I have,those ads ready and by the way for the,guides you just literally use your,iPhone or you can go and hire someone on,Fiverr to do that but if you're gonna do,that I recommend at least recording some,elements of your ad first and then you,can send it over to a freelancer on,Fiverr or upwork to you know just make,it look better for Facebook if you want,to do that that's fine but,point you want to start your ads always,with a PPE campaign because now you have,toed 12 different videos to test and you,don't know which one of them is going to,be the best for actually getting,purchases so that's why we started PPU,campaign which basically means paper,engagement or post / engagement and it's,on Facebook it's an engagement objective,when you start a campaign and you want,to aim at USA UK Australia and Canada,with English so there's a setting for,language you can set it's English and,then you only want to put one interest,per ad set or instead of the interest,you can just try age targeting so like,18 to 65 or maybe something more,specific if your product is aimed at,let's say seniors or young people right,so just either one interest or just age,targeting and then aim that country's,English that's it and then try out three,to five ad sets ten dollars a day with,the twelve different video ads in each,ad set and run them for a few days and,then you can use the results from this,campaign to find which ads are,performing the best based on engagement,and visits your website this method is,gonna save you a ton of money instead of,you know testing or different video ads,on purchase campaigns which are,basically campaigns their conversion,campaigns on Facebook's your tongue,Facebook hey get me sales with these ads,and obviously Facebook knows that you,know if they're gonna get you sales then,they can charge them more for the ads so,you don't want to be testing video ads,they're you already want to go in that,with an ad that's ready that you know,works well and we basically see that,based on the engagement so it likes on,the ad that we tested in the PBE visits,a website so they're called view,contents or you know content views on,your website like shares things like,that you got to get an idea you know,which ad performs the best and then,after we know which ad performs the best,we switch it over to purchase campaign,so now we're talking about conversion,objective so basically we take those top,two or three ads and I like to take the,top two or three not just one and then,top two or three and then I want to,select those top two or three ads from,the engagement campaigns then I select,25 cold interests for our purchased,campaigns and here is where interests,are important because they're gonna give,us our initial sales and how I like to,do this if we're only on a $500 budget,all I could start with five ad sets of,ten dollars per day with one interest in,each just one interest one ad set and,that gives us $50 a day and then that,allows us really you know test five,different interests properly right,because if you try doing it under ten,dollars a day at the ad set level it's,just not enough money for Facebook to,really get yourselves and so now we're,testing five interests but,still have 20 more interests to test,because we selected 25 right we don't,know like if we select 25 that there's a,good enough chance that you know there's,a few of them they're gonna be,profitable right off the path so 5 at,sets $10 a day that's what y'all's a day,now we also want to run a CBO campaign,which stands for campaign budget,optimization and we want to put ten,assets in that CBO and we want to set,the campaign level of 50 dollars per day,so what that does is basically your,tongue Facebook hey here's a campaign,ten at sets ten interests one per ad set,and fifty bucks a day for the whole,campaign and this way we can use,Facebook CBO to basically test a lot of,interests for a much lower cost because,CBO's work really well in my experience,testing at much lower budgets per day,and so then we can run it for three days,through revenue are spent if we run,these to a different campaign,simultaneously and what you want to do,is this is so important I really didn't,do this at the beginning kill your bad,ad sets fast so after every day of money,spent right you want to just kill your,bad bad sets and what about ad set is,for that you need to know what your,break-even role as it is so that's your,breakeven return on adspend,very important a lot of dropshippers,have no idea what this metric is you,really don't have any grasp on your,Facebook Ads you've no idea what's,profitable what's not if you don't know,this term so how you get that is your,selling price divided by your selling,price minus your sourcing price so let's,say my son price is $100 right so $100 /,$100 minus the sourcing price so if our,sourcing price for the 100 items saves,$25 what we do first is 100 minus 25,that's 75 and then our site price is 100,so 100 divided by 75 and that gives us 1,point 3 3 so now we know that anything,below or at 1 point 3 3 is below our,breakeven row so anything above that,like 1.50 2.0 is amazing also Facebook,doesn't really track all of yourselves,accurately so that's why if you have a,campaign or ad sets that are at 1 point,3 through realized that probably means,that you know I would add on like point,1 0 or point 2 0 to that because,Facebook doesn't track all your ad sets,like I said accurately so I would just,kill all the odd sets that are below,this number in that case and then once,I've ran those purchase campaigns for at,least a day I launch retargeting,campaigns and so what retargeting is is,basically you know let's say we started,the the,run those ads that we already tested,they're good based on the engagement now,we're getting a lot of eyeballs on our,ads but not all of them are taking,action on all of them our banks so what,we want to do is we want to retarget,those people with the same exact ad but,just a different text at the top and so,this should get you sales and this,should almost always be profitable,especially you know for these audiences,here so if you go and create the,following custom audiences and then che,checked out last seven days at the car,last seven days ad payment info last,seven days so it means you know somebody,was added payment info but didn't,actually buy on your website obviously,they're so close to buying that you know,just show them one more added they'll,buy and then if you content last seven,days that one can be unprofitable,because that's just retarding people who,have been on your website but you just,want to run all of these and then as,well top 5% and top 25% visitors buy,time spent also works great ninety-five,percent viewed viewed video looks great,because you know somebody who's viewed,ninety-five percent of your ad right,there you know much closer to buying,than somebody who doesn't know about you,so now you want to launch these,returning campaigns same ad with,different text and also works well is,using a coupon so you can put like the,best laser hair removal device on the,planet use save ten to save ten percent,off your order now right so that would,be a good retargeting ad doesn't have to,be complicated just reminding them that,hey you know what the product here is,some additional incentive to go and buy,from you and this should get you sales,if your website is optimized and working,well and again your product is good so,let's talk about the most common causes,of failure with Shopify and honestly if,you're failing right now your stores,failing it probably like nine numbers,some of the time comes down to these,four things so number one bad ads okay,look at your ads and honestly look at,your ads well you want to judge them,right so imagine you're the customer and,you're on Facebook and you're seeing the,ad would you honestly go click on your,website and buy just be honest with,yourself right you can't expect to,succeed with really bad level ads,there's competition out there you have,to be above the competition if you want,to succeed so if your ads don't grab,attention and they're not high enough,quality you just can't win so you know,make sure that your ads are actually,good now that product again make sure,the pick up product is actually working,and profitable for other people and then,also having no social proof on your,website so let's say no reviews on your,website like I said you can put Luke's,reviews he just pre write the reviews or,nothing on your Facebook page make sure,that your Facebook page actually has,like videos has some,likes at least and nothing on your,Instagram you want to make sure,Instagram has at least nine photos with,engagement and I know it's kind of hard,to like grow up brand new Instagram but,you can always look into buying an,existing account changing the name you,know and just deleting all the pictures,putting new pictures right that's always,an available option there's always you,know ways to get around things you just,have to think outside the box if you,want to really really win and also,another common cause of failure is not,knowing your metrics so if you don't,know what your break-even realize or,break-even cost per purchase is which,I'll talk about in a second here then,you're just setting yourself up for,failure you don't know if the money that,you're spending is actually bring you a,return so to calculate your breakeven,CPP which stands for cost approaches,that's the cost you're paying in ads per,one purchase on your website of your,product let's say our song price is $50,let's say that our sourcing costs,including shipping is ten dollars right,so from China via e packet to the,customer it's ten dollars and then our,transaction fees typically there are,about three percent so one point five,one dollar fifty cents for the,transaction fees so fifty minus ten,minus one point five is thirty eight,fifty that's our breakeven cost per,purchase so if you go on Facebook and,you see okay,I spend $38.50 I got one sale that means,that I made zero dollars in profit but I,also lost nothing right so that's your,breakeven cost per purchase you're,breaking even and it's very easy to,calculate your breakeven rise from that,like we already calculated a you just,say $50 which is a selling price divided,by your breakeven cost per purchase and,then that gives us a one point two nine,eight in this case one point three,rounded up most wasted ads but can be,avoided by just knowing the above,numbers I know that sounds like a lot of,information but honestly it's not that,complicated if you really understand,this like a system right its inputs and,outputs it's not like just the chance,it's not just luck it's not like,gambling it's not the lottery,you're not playing like you know slots,at the casino right this is very,straightforward and you know you can,really avoid a lot of a lot of money,wasting if you just kill the bad ad sets,if you kind of go in and understand,what's not working in Y and I'm gonna,show you how to really see what's,exactly not working and how to fix it so,you know which part of your funnel or,your website isn't working right because,your website is a funnel that's all it,is right so you want to set up clear,limits for your ads from the beginning,so these are what I recommend after,spending 3 to 5 times or break human,cost per purchase across all liquor,campaigns let's say you've spent let's,say our break,cost per purchase was about $38 and,we've spent five times that so 3850,we're gonna do that right now times five,that's a hundred and ninety to fifty so,two hundred hours we spent and you,should have one sale if you don't have,one sale then there's a problem also if,you spent two times your breakeven cost,for purchase on an ad set with no sales,kill the ad set so in that case thirty,eight fifty times two if you spend,seventy seven dollars on your ad set,killer like that's not profitable you,spent way too much money and if you're,spending over your breakeven draw eyes,to get a sale even if you're getting,sales kill the ads that you're wasting,money the golden rule is paused anything,that's not profitable and eating away at,your budget don't let it keep running,and you also want to check your ads,every single day at the same time so,once every 24 hours unless you're,testing high budgets if you're testing,higher budgets like you know 50-100,dollars a day you need to check that,three times a day because the budgets,with Facebook they can really like go,sky-high very quickly and another very,helpful thing as well is let the data,talk to you let the data tell you what,to do right with Facebook guides you can,basically you know you're paying for,data you can see exactly what's not,working and your entire funnel is only,as good as its weakest link so you know,your store is a funnel right it's a,sales funnel you're basically turning,people that don't know you into paying,customers and then getting them to come,back again and again again that's what a,funnel is so what you want to do is if,your campaigns if your ads aren't,meeting the limits that we discussed in,the earlier slide here then pause them,and look at the metrics you can actually,see like you know everything in your,Facebook yet so if nobody's clicking on,your ad just you've a very low,click-through rate if you've a lot of,impressions but very little amounts of,clicks then you want to test the new ad,with a different angle different scroll,stopper obviously your ad isn't,captivating enough it's not getting,enough clicks right it's all common,sense if nobody's adding to cart you're,getting a lot of new contents on your,website make your product page better,right obviously telling you that your,page is not the greatest so you know,because nobody's actually clicking the,Add to Cart button they're seeing your,product page but they're not clicking so,make that better nobody initiating,checkout well then make your add to cart,page better because initiate checkout,and that's a card it's different on,Shopify you can actually get them to go,directly to initiate checkout but I like,to keep them separate so yeah just make,your ads apart page,better add some scarcity that's also a,good way and let's say if people are,initiating checkout but they're not,purchasing which means they're so close,to purchasing but they're just not doing,it then add last-minute scarcity work on,your initiate checkout page you know,give them something give them an offer,they can't refuse it sounds like The,Godfather but yeah give them an offer,they can't refuse,and you'll be good right so just let the,data tell you what to do it's all there,and usually either your site or your ads,are bad and need improvement and if your,store is breaking even right now so,you're getting sales but you're not,making any profit I have good news for,you you're probably gonna be able to,make profit with the next few days once,you actually apply these things so if,your ads are breaking even at the,break-even cost of purchase and realize,first of all probably making a little,bit of profit because faceplate doesn't,track every sale but the first thing you,want to do is create highly targeted,look-alike audiences and then run those,ads that ones that you're running so,right now you've already since you,already have sales you can build,look-alikes which are basically,audiences that facebook says hey if,these people have already bought from,your store we're gonna create audiences,we're gonna target people who are,similar to those people based on their,page likes you know country's behaviors,age ages genders things like that so,what I always test is 1% 1 and 2% and 2,to 5% for a USA UK Canada and Australia,so in the big four those are where most,of your cells will come from also some,go to audiences for look-alikes our top,25% visitors my time spent top 5%,visitors my time spent and then of,course these are gold always initiate,checked out last 7 days,Add to Cart last 7 days ID payment in,for the last 7 days you can also try,last 14 days and last to 30 days right,so the name of the game is testing you,know I don't have a crystal ball I can't,tell you exactly what's gonna work for,you but once you try these things you'll,see which ones are sticking which ones,are not and you always want to make sure,you're running retargeting campaigns,with these audiences that I just talked,about as well so initiate checked out,Add to Cart,and add payment info and the best thing,that you can do is if your store is,breaking even you can focus on building,out your back-end a lot of people only,focus on the front end of the Shopify,store which is basically getting people,on Facebook to come and buy your,products but the problem with that is,that it's very very hard to keep you,know spending money and keep acquiring,new customers it's always better to,build at a stronger back-end which a lot,of people completely forget about and,buy back in I mean you know what,happened,after the sale there in the background,so stronger email sequences to strong,follow-up you know if someone goes,abandons card you can hit them with an,email saying hey here's ten percent off,coupon you know you can buy right now,it's valid for two hours and then you,can also have SMS follow-up so use SMS,bump which is an amazing app that allows,you to basically automatically send an,SMS to their phone number because they,put a phone number on your website if,they're checking out and then also a,facebook Messenger with the read cart,app and so same thing basically it's an,automated chat sequence on Facebook that,goes and hits them and reminds them in,this world we're overloaded with,information all the time and so you know,you're directly competing with many,other stores for their clicks for their,you know attention so you want to keep,reminding them keep getting their,attention and you'll get the sale and,now finally if you feel like you've,tried literally everything then just,abandon ship,and try a new product in store okay,there are millions of opportunities out,there we're living in the best time,right now to start an online business,ever it's never been easier right like,10 years ago you used to have to go to,the bank to set up like a merchant,account to process payments now we have,striped PayPal like just this is these,are just some of the reasons why it's so,easy right now it's it becomes success,with online business and every failure,brings you one step closer to success,and all you need to do is to win once,that's it so if you fail ten times to,succeed on the 11th time that's all you,need in your set and once I heard that,you know when I was experiencing failure,early on about your partnership journey,I I knew like okay if I just you know,keep go and keep going and I make these,dumb mistakes but I win once that's all,I need and I'm probably gonna be set for,life so my point is never give up never,lose enthusiasm unfortunately most,people give up after one week and just,don't be that person,subscribe to the channel like the video,read the bail and let me know in the,comments below if the strategy helped,you out with your store let me know what,your plan is to either abandon your,store and try out a whole new product,new store or whether you're gonna try to,actually rescue your existing store hope,you enjoy it I'll see you soon

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