how to start using hubspot shopify

How HubSpot’s Shopify Integration Empowers eCommerce redefining what it means to be a,one-stop shop


Updated on Apr 01,2023

How HubSpot’s Shopify Integration Empowers eCommerce

The above is a brief introduction to how to start using hubspot shopify

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How HubSpot’s Shopify Integration Empowers eCommerce

redefining what it means to be a,one-stop shop HubSpot has taken things,up a notch with the highly anticipated,Shopify integration for those who need a,bit of a refresher Shopify is a leading,multi-channel e-commerce platform,designed for small and medium-sized,businesses allowing merchants to design,set up and manage their stores across,multiple sales channels howdy it's,traffic from neighborhood where we help,brands find sell and keep their people,with its purpose deeply rooted in,inbound merchants with an e-commerce,store on the Shopify platform can now,store all of their sales data within,HubSpot database generating more traffic,a brand their market will love and,revenue from their existing customer,base so why exactly integrate the two,platforms well it's never been easy to,start an e-commerce business it's still,extremely difficult to scale one inbound,is a secret weapon in the fight against,the e-commerce Giants with the,integration everything's at your,fingertips not only does it allow you to,analyze your Shopify data in HubSpot it,also automatically syncs products,contacts and orders from Shopify into,HubSpot its segments contacts based on,products and automates ecommerce,campaigns increasing customer,satisfaction rates and revenue as a,result let's break it down to help you,understand just exactly this thing that,is taking the digital world by storm,so the integration can firstly sync your,customers products and deals between,both platforms the sync turns your store,data into powerful sales and marketing,signals inside HubSpot to create a,single view of all of your customers for,your team's to look at at this point you,can begin to use both smart lists and,reporting tools to reveal a deeper more,meaningful level of insight into your,audience than ever before,you can then segment users however you,like be it by products that they buy the,deals that they like their customers,lifetime value and more then you can use,those super specific lists to inspire,the emails you're writing and sending,the ads that you're creating and even,the workflows that you're executing,secondly the integration has upgraded,personalization and automation,capabilities to better stimulate growth,with new tactics like abandoned cart,email,during smart CTAs and product-specific,reengagement ads automated tracking of,abandoned carts is a particularly useful,feature for the platform as reminding,customers of their purchase intention,not only saves you time and energy it,also increases your business revenue by,generating more conversions and fewer,abandoned carts with personalized,automation you can also create unlimited,number of triggered emails based on,predetermine events fall to the brim,with info you've collected to improve,your relevancy just a few of the emails,that you can set up include welcome,email so when someone signs up to a new,account follow-up emails to be sent,after a purchase has been made or even,product review requests for satisfied,customers lastly with hub spots Shopify,integration you can enjoy out-of-the-box,reporting such as sales process that,months versus your goal abandoned cart,recovery and more giving you the option,to redirect your e-commerce strategy,expand to a new markets or make data,informed decisions you can also get the,lowdown on purchase frequency an average,ticket so you can analyze the value,customers bring to your ecommerce store,and therefore devote more of your time,and effort to the most valuable,customers so there you have it injecting,inbound in to your e-commerce strategy,is a foolproof way to conveniently store,product and lead data to nurture leads,in the most human way possible from,awareness to advocacy so if you found,this video helpful then feel free to,share it with someone that you know that,needs a hand with integrating their,Shopify to hub spots you can also,subscribe to our blog where you find a,bunch more tools tips and templates to,help you find sell and keep your people,just like neighborhood does and that's,it for me happy selling

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