how to start a tshirt business shopify with no money

How to Start a T-Shirt Business For FREE & Make BIG Profits - with Print On Demand 2023 | Tutorial i

Liam James Kay

Updated on Mar 10,2023

How to Start a T-Shirt Business For FREE & Make BIG Profits - with Print On Demand 2023 | Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to how to start a tshirt business shopify with no money

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How to Start a T-Shirt Business For FREE & Make BIG Profits - with Print On Demand 2023 | Tutorial

i'm going to show you how you can build,a wildly successful print-on-demand,t-shirt business with no money so this,is my printful account and this is some,of the stats just from the last seven,days in this video i'm going to show you,how i'm doing it i'm actually going to,show you one of my designs that is,selling like hotcakes at the moment and,i'm going to show you everything you,need to know to get started yourself in,this video i'm going to walk through the,entire process of how you can start a,fully fledged profitable ecommerce,business just using a laptop no,investment required no amazing design,skills required and no printing or,fulfillment required by you this is a,fantastic passive income business model,that you definitely need to try i,recently started doing it myself and,making some epic profits and if you,follow what i'm going to show you in,this video you could have your first,sales coming in by today now let's dive,into it first up if you don't know print,on demand is a simple but effective,business model which allows you to sell,unique products online such as printed,t-shirts mugs wall prints and so many,other types of products but the great,thing about it is you don't have to,invest in any stock up front you don't,have to do any of the printing or,fulfillment yourself because it's all,taken care of by an external printing,company such as printful who have kindly,offered to sponsor this video we're,going to be focusing on t-shirts with,this business mainly because they've got,quite a good profit margin they're very,quick to print and they're also quite,easy to ship and fairly cheap shipping,so i think it's a very good product to,get started with the only thing that we,really need to worry about is the,designs which are printed onto the,t-shirts but do not worry because i've,got you covered in this video i'm going,to show you how to find and create super,simple designs that sell like hot cakes,it's really not as difficult as it,sounds okay so let's get started so,first of all you're gonna need to create,a free printful account you can use my,referral link in the description to sign,up to printful totally for free and if,you don't already know printful is a,global printing and fulfillment company,and they've got a range of blank,products available and the way that it,works we can sell any of these products,with our own designs on online and if,someone purchases from us printful will,print that product and send it to our,customers so it's totally passive income,so all you need to do to get started is,create your printful account okay so,once you've created your printful,account the dashboard should open up,looking something like this now i am,actually going to go into the setup of,everything a little bit later on once,we've actually created our designs i'm,just going to show you some results from,my actual printful account because this,is obviously the one that i created for,this example and then i'll show you how,we're setting all of this up so this is,my printful account and as you can see,just this week so far i've managed to,make a total gross profit of,620. and let's just change it to the,last seven days just so you can see the,last seven days total profit of 1,277,now the way that i'm making these sales,is on so there are actually a,few etsy fees which come off this but,it's well over a thousand dollars profit,just this week using the print on demand,business model if you don't already know,etsy is a massive marketplace which gets,around 300 to 500 million visits every,single month and it's the best place,where people are looking for unique,gifts but t-shirts sell incredibly well,on etsy so it is the perfect free,traffic source for your t-shirt business,and the great thing about printful is it,connects directly to etsy so if someone,orders a t-shirt from your etsy store it,will be automatically sent over to,printful printful will deal with that,they'll print it and they'll send it to,your customer and you don't have to do,anything it is true passive income so,first of all you need to create an etsy,account now usually with etsy you will,need to pay 20 cents every time you,upload a listing now if you actually,click on the link in the description box,below you can actually create an etsy,store for free but you'll get 40 free,listings and in this video i'm going to,show you the best way to use your 43,listings to make the most profit now,once you sign up to exit it'll walk you,through the steps of actually setting up,your account where you can name your,shop but in order to complete this setup,we actually need some t-shirt designs so,now we need to focus on the t-shirt,designs you might think in order to sell,t-shirts online you're gonna need to be,some amazing designer or have a fashion,degree or something like that when that,is really not the case some of the best,selling t-shirt designs online and on,etsy are super super simple designs now,i'm going to show you one of my t-shirt,designs that i'm currently selling in,just a moment but i just want to show,you this one that i just found on etsy,just to show you the potential and how,simple this can be so this t-shirt here,all it says on the front is nap queen in,white writing super simple would have,took literally a minute to create and,they're currently selling it for 23 us,dollars which is probably around about,18 pounds,and just down here this is a little tool,which estimates how many sales people,are making on etsy and it says they,currently made over 5,800 sales just for this single t-shirt,which is a total revenue of 134,000,for one single t-shirt now based on my,experience you can probably buy this,t-shirt from printful for around about,11 to 15 so let's just say for instance,after some of the etsy fees and stuff,like that they're probably making say,for instance six dollars per t-shirt,which let's just add that up just to see,how much profit that is six times five,eight four nine equals thirty five,thousand dollars profit for a simple,t-shirt design that is how crazy this is,and that's just one they've probably got,lots of different t-shirt designs that,they're making constant sales from and,constant profit from totally passively,now it obviously would be amazing if you,could get a t-shirt design that sells as,crazy as this which is totally possible,it really is possible you can see that,but you don't obviously have to get,these super high selling individual,designs you can still make money by,tapping into niches or jumping on like,events and trends that are happening as,well which is what i've kind of been,doing myself so let's just have a look,at one of the t-shirt designs that i'm,currently running so this is it here as,you can see it's a fun queen themed,t-shirt mainly targeting people in the,uk but i have been getting sales all,over the world for this and the reason,why i created this is because there's a,big event happening in the uk you might,not know if you're not from the uk but,it's the queen's jubilee happens every,10 years to celebrate her being in power,people have loads of street parties and,it's a big fun event and obviously,people want to wear fun t-shirts at,these fun events so i thought it would,be a great idea to create a fun party,t-shirt for the queen's jubilee and it's,been selling fairly well currently,selling it for 23 pounds in the uk which,is probably around about 30 29,in america and i'll just show you some,results from this now this is obviously,not my best selling t-shirt but so far,i've sold 22 of these got a total,revenue 386 pounds which is probably,around about nearly hundred dollars and,i'm making probably on average between,five to ten pounds profit per t-shirt,which is around about six to twelve,dollars profit per t-shirt the reason it,varies is because i've been running,different sales and changing the price,and testing different things to see what,people will pay for it and what's going,to work out the best but let's just say,on average i'm making around about six,to seven pounds profit per t-shirt which,is absolutely amazing and that's the,thing with etsy it's more of a numbers,game so yeah you might get one of these,crazy selling t-shirts and some of these,teachers are doing well because there's,a big event coming up but if you can,list a lot of t-shirts with loads of,different designs you might get a couple,of sales here a couple of sales there,the more listings you've got on etsy,with different t-shirts targeting to,different events or different niches the,more money you're gonna make so for,example if you've got a niche t-shirt,that's only selling one per week and it,say it's making you six dollars profit,per week for example that's not going to,make you rich but if you've got 100,t-shirts that are all selling just one,per week that's going to make you a,total profit of 2 400 profit per month,so there is a lot of potential from this,and that's assuming that they're only,going to sell one per week you might get,one that sells 22 in a week like this,one or you might get one that sells 30,in a day the potential is off the scale,but it's a very good idea to kind of,spread out create lots of different,designs and try and get some sales here,some sales there and that's how you'll,start to build up your income on etsy,i'll actually show you how we're going,to design these t-shirts and set,everything up in a minute and how we can,get free images to use on our t-shirts,but i just want to show you some of the,different niches and some of the,different trends that are working on,etsy just to give you some good ideas so,the way that i actually found,um the idea of the queen's jubilee i,actually forgot it was the queen's,jubilee but i went on to etsy this is a,really good tip and i just clicked the,search button at the top you don't even,type anything you just click the search,just tick your mouse in there and click,it and it comes up with what is popular,right now and i've seen and still to,this very moment queen elizabeth,platinum jubilee jubilee hat all union,jack t-shirt these were popping up and i,was like people are searching for that,and then i had a look let's have a look,what people are currently selling and,i've seen lots of these like boring,t-shirts and i was like well i could,maybe try and change this up a little,bit and create a different t-shirt and,that is what i did and so that's one of,them you just look at different events,you can search on here see what's,trending or look on calendars and see if,there's any good events coming up like i,know your revision's coming up soon i'm,actually going to be creating some,t-shirts for eurovision parties there's,lots of different different events that,you could jump onto another way of,finding things that are trending that,you can create t-shirts around is by,heading over to google trends and if we,look here on the explore section you can,see what people are actually searching,on google for and it can give you some,great ideas for t-shirts and niches and,events that you can kind of focus on so,people are currently searching for,wordle which is that online word game,that everyone's talking about so let's,go over to to etsy and see whether,that's got any potential,so there's already people selling wordle,themed products on etsy like this print,on demand mug that'll probably be print,on demand let's see if there's any,t-shirts yeah there's a t-shirt here but,there's not that many t-shirts to be,honest so this could still have,potential and the design for that is,very simple it's just letters in boxes,kind of in the theme of wordle so it,definitely could be a great print on,demand t-shirt because i can see people,giving that to their mum who loves,playing wordle as a kind of a fun gift,so yeah there's definitely a lot of,potential by jumping on these things,that are trending you've always got to,be careful with copyright now i'm not,sure whether wordle is copyrighted but,definitely be careful of that this is,kind of just boxes on a t-shirt and,they're not actually using the word,wordle on the t-shirt so maybe they can,get away with it but yeah definitely do,your research don't just copy things,that are copyrighted or brands like that,because you can definitely get in,trouble from that but yeah jumping on,trends and things like that has got so,much potential you can make a lot of,sales very quickly if a lot of people,are talking about something and they're,searching for it is a great way of,making fast sales but i don't think that,should be your only focus you should,definitely have some of your listings,and some of your t-shirts that are more,targeted towards evergreen niches that,can be selling all year round so a good,way of finding niches and different,hobbies that you can create t-shirts for,is just head over to wikipedia and they,actually have a list of hobbies and this,will just give you some good ideas of,maybe different angles or different,niches that you create t-shirts for,these people now these might not sell,crazy amounts but you might get a few,sales here and there which is gonna have,some money coming in and there might be,easier to rank for as well if they're a,bit more obscure so let's just choose,one of these and see whether anyone's,selling anything on etsy astrology let's,go and check out astrology so obviously,people are interested in astrology and,star signs let's just do astrology,t-shirt,now yeah i thought so there's obviously,a lot of t-shirts targeting towards,astrology so you could potentially put,different star signs on t-shirts just,with text and people would buy them for,gifts you could make different designs,and stuff like that so that's definitely,a potential one there might be a lot of,competition for this niche but you still,can't make it work even in some of the,more saturated niches because,people buy t-shirts based on how they,look so even these at the top these are,advertised posts you don't have to spend,money on adverts at the start with etsy,because people scroll and scroll and,scroll until they find a t-shirt that,appeals to them so if you've got a bit,of a different design or maybe a,different color that no one else is,offering you still can get sales from it,so yeah focusing on these evergreen,niches is a great strategy as well as,adding in some of the big events or,things that are trending so what i think,you should do with your 43 listings to,make the most profit from them i think,you should choose six evergreen niches,maybe from that list i'll do a bit more,research and think maybe what is a good,niche that i could tap into that would,sell well on etsy,choose six of those and create five,individual designs quite different,designs for each individual niche that,means you can have 30 t-shirts uploaded,to etsy and like i said it's a numbers,game your t-shirt is going to be popping,up here and there you might make a few,sales here one sale here but the numbers,are gonna start to add up then what i,think you should do with your remaining,ten listings is you should focus on,events or big things that are happening,like the queen's jubilee like the,eurovision song contest like other,things that might be trending and create,some designs for those so you're,targeting a lot of evergreen niches that,are going to be searched for all year,round and you're also trying to jump on,to some of these things that are,trending as well i think that's the best,strategy to get the most results out of,your 43 listings then as time goes by,you can start to take down the listings,that aren't selling or the designs that,aren't selling and replace them with,different designs or different niches or,different events and that's probably the,best way of doing it so now it's time to,design some t-shirts now there's a few,different ways that we can design,t-shirts the first way and probably the,easiest way is using printful's inbuilt,design maker so when you're actually,creating a t-shirt inside of printful,they've got a full design maker where we,can add text i'll quickly show you that,if you just click on design maker down,here at the bottom you can choose your,items so let's just choose a t-shirt,and it opens up this here where we can,choose the colors and things like that,but we can also click on this design,section here and it's got lots of,different design tools so we can add,simple text which obviously a lot of the,t-shirts selling i see are just words,like nap queen we can do all of that,inside of this but we can also add clip,art or even quick designs they've got,some pre-made designs down here like i,love my mom it's mother's day soon so,that could be you could just quickly add,that onto a t-shirt and then import it,into your etsy store which i'm going to,show you how to set up everything a,little bit later on so that's one of the,ways that you can you can do your,designs another way of doing it if you,want a little bit more creativity is by,using the design tool canva so you can,come over to click on create,design click on t-shirt and again they,have lots of done-for-you t-shirt,designs in here which we can go in and,edit like this one here and and kind of,play around with them and make things,that kind of appeal to your niche or the,event that's happening another great way,that you can be creative with your,t-shirts and do some really cool designs,is by using royalty-free images which is,what i use on my queen t-shirt that i,showed you earlier so i use a website,called pixabay which is totally royalty,free um images and and vectors and you,can use these in your designs so for,example if you search queen and we,scroll down there's lots of different,designs down here that we might be able,to use so you might want to put this,crown on your finger this queen is the,one that i actually used for my design,then you can download that for free,import it into canva then you can,actually cut out the background and kind,of have a play around with it i was just,having fun with this t-shirt and then it,kind of,sold really well so i just got these,glasses and i added them onto her and,then i just kind of made it a bit fun i,found a traffic cone put that on my head,and kind of play around with it all the,things you can do here as well is you,can click on edit images so some of my,other t-shirts i did this and you can,add really cool effects to them as well,to kind of make them stand out so this,is another t-shirt design that i created,like this and that actually sold quite a,few with a similar design to this as,well so you can kind of have a bit of a,play around and as i said you're going,to be creating lots of t-shirts so just,do some mad designs crazy designs that,you think might not work add them into,the mix and see whether they sell and,you do find that some of these random,designs like putting a traffic cone on,the queen's head with some sunglasses,might not sell,no one else was doing that i did it and,it worked quite well so yeah there's,definitely get have a bit of fun with it,be creative um and you can make some,really cool t-shirt designs so once,you've created a design that you're,happy with you can click on share here,and then click on download and i just,make it the maximum size for the t-shirt,i make it a transparent background then,i download it like that and then we can,actually upload that to printful so,that'll be printed onto our t-shirts so,once you've downloaded your design image,then you can come over to printful and,we can head over to product templates to,actually create our first t-shirt so you,come over here and we just click on,create your first product or template,we're going to choose um a unisex,t-shirt that we can sell to both that's,what i've been selling so click on all,shirts now i've mainly been using this,one which is costing 10 pounds 95 there,is actually a cheaper t-shirt down here,but this one is available in more sizes,so it appeals more to males and females,and then we can go in here and actually,upload our design so you click on choose,file and then we can just upload our,image that we just created inside of,canva and then we can add it onto the,design like that and then we can just,obviously resize it where we need it to,be that's great it's over 300 dpi which,means it's good quality,and then that is basically it we just,click continue,and now this will save as a template so,just call this like queen multi colored,and then add,all sizes and save product template so,now that's saved as a template in our,printful account we just need to head,back over to etsy to continue this setup,over on etsy and then we can connect,etsy to our printful store and actually,start making some sales so we just go,back over to etsy and then we're going,to name our shop liam's by liam save,continue and then this is we actually,need to create a a listing inside of,etsy first of all this is not actually,going to be the listing we're going to,use but it's just the way that etsy,worked so we can just add a quick photo,we'll just add this for now we're not,actually going to make this a live,listing we're gonna connect our listing,to the printful listing a little bit,later on just put in the random,information here now just to get to the,next step,then you just set up all your payment,information and once you've inputted all,of your information your shop is now,open now we can go back over to printful,and connect it and actually upload our,t-shirt that we created on printful,earlier so we just come back here click,on stores and then we just click on,choose platform,and then choose etsy and click connect,and then all we need to do is click on,connect to etsy down here,allow access and boom we are here you,click on add products down here and then,we can go up here to product templates,to find the t-shirt design that we,already created a little bit earlier,this one here we can add any colors that,we want to add in so maybe a white,version and a red version and then we,just click continue to mock-ups and,here's where we choose the mock-ups so a,really good thing is when you're you're,doing t-shirt designs you can actually,create real lifestyle mock-ups that look,like people are wearing the t-shirt and,that will increase conversions if they,can actually see it on people the great,thing about printful is they've got lots,of inbuilt mock-ups and they've got a,full mock-up generator that you can use,to create and design your own mock-ups,and pick different people and different,scenes and that kind of thing so when,you're finishing up your design you can,choose what you want so i usually start,with a flat design as the main,photograph on the listing for the,thumbnail so like this black one here,and then i click on add additional,mock-up styles down here and this is,where we'll add more mock-ups which will,go actually in the listing of people,wearing it so we might grab this guy,here this one down here and then some,different ones for the red version and,then we just click proceed to details,and this is where you'll fill out the,listing and this will all be sent over,to etsy so when you're filling in your,listings on etsy you really want to,increase people finding it then you need,to put a lot of keywords into the title,so if we're going for like queen's,jubilee event we want to go like queen's,jubilee t-shirt and just type in,different key words that people might be,searching for for men,for women and that kind of thing and,build out and you just add as much as,you can into the title and these work,really well for seo on etsy to get,people coming in and then you can add,your description here and obviously the,longer the description the better i have,found so if you just write like a story,like this is a t-shirt that i designed i,think it's really great for the queen's,jubilee la la la la write a bit of a,story because people on etsy actually,want to buy from other people rather,than big corporations and people that,have designed things themselves so,that's why it's good to kind of put a,bit of a personal spin inside the,description as well as talk about like,the benefits 100 ring-spun cotton and,all that kind of thing add all that in,there you can also add in size guides,down here so people get the size guys,that i'll send over to etsy as well and,then tags the same fingers up here,before we want to add in as many tags as,we can,like queen's jubilee t-shirt things that,people will be searching for again this,helps with with seo,add all of those in down there and then,you just click on proceed to pricing so,this is where we can actually choose the,price that we're going to charge people,for the t-shirts and you can see how,much profit you're going to make so down,here it shows you the printful price and,it kind of varies depending on where the,t-shirt is going to be shipped from,depending on where your customers are,based but at the moment it's set to a,1.25 to 2 pounds 87 profit per t-shirt,and you can obviously play around with,that i've been selling mine for a lot,more expensive than that and that kind,of covers any fees or any taxes or,anything like that and you can kind of,add that in and sell them say for let's,say we're going to sell these for 22,great british pounds that's a profit of,around about 10 pounds per t-shirt,depending on the size and then we can,just submit that to the store,and then that will actually send that,over to etsy automatically and then we,just need to head back over to etsy just,to um make sure it's live so if you come,into etsy and click on your shop manager,up here it should have automatically,sent it over as a draft and then we can,just make it live so we click on,listings up here and we can obviously,see the the test one that we set up,earlier but if you click on draft here,you can see that the t-shirt has,actually been sent over as a draft and,we can click inside of this and then,this is the list in here so we don't,really need to change anything here some,reason that's not the thumbnail i want,the flat layer to be the thumbnail so,that's all fine um and the the title and,everything and the description should,already be done because you did that in,printful but you've got an opportunity,to edit here if you need to down here's,all the prices that's all fine and one,really good thing as well printful,actually passes on the cost of the the,shipping to your listing so you can just,charge that directly to your customer,you don't need to worry about the cost,of shipping which is great and then we,come down here and then we can just,click publish now this listing is live,we can actually go and have a look at,this on etsy let's have a little look so,great that's exactly what it looks like,people will be able to find this if they,search for it so just a few points on,seo and actually ranking when you've got,a brand new store you're not going to be,in the number one spot on page one,you've kind of gotta work towards that,you still can make sales without running,adverts because like i said earlier,people want to find specific designs of,t-shirts so they will scroll further and,further down until they find something,that they like but you can obviously do,different things to try and get yourself,ranking higher so one example if we just,go over here to etsy and you can see,that these queen's jubilee t-shirts a,lot of them are very similar they're not,really standing out the same model it's,probably the same shop that's selling a,lot of these it's actually not so,they're just copying the same images,so you can obviously make yourself stand,out by creating different mock-ups,actually printful have got a full,mock-up generator where you can change,the background and change the colors and,things like that which is great which,you can delve into once you've actually,started to create some more listings and,play around with that to make your,listings stand out and like i said,people will keep scrolling until they,find something they like a lot of these,t-shirts are white a lot of them some of,them are black we've obviously got a red,one here so maybe a good option would be,to actually make the red one that the,main one and then really go after red as,our key word because people are probably,searching for red platinum jubilee,t-shirt because red's a pretty british,color the post box is a painted red,people might want something that's red,and then you could actually get your,listing to rank up for these and if it,doesn't rank it might rank further down,but it doesn't matter because you the,actually the only one that's got a red,t-shirt on here so those are little tips,that you can do to stand out and help,yourself rank but obviously once you,start getting more sales and more,reviews you will start to rank higher up,the page now i wouldn't necessarily,recommend that you should jump onto this,queen's jubilee event now because we're,getting quite close to it but also a lot,of people are now starting to churn out,t-shirts when i created my t-shirt,designs there was a lot less people,doing t-shirts so mine stood out i've,managed to get some reviews so i do,start to rank higher but that's another,reason why i think you should be,focusing on some of these more smaller,niches and you still will be able to,rank for them because they're a bit more,obscure there might be less people,targeting them so it's definitely a good,idea to do both the niche side and,jumping on some of these big events,before everyone else jumps on them is a,great way while also changing up your,designs using different mock-ups that,stand out using printful's mock-up,generator and you should be able to make,this work and it'll start to snowball,and snowball and snowball so that is it,i hope you enjoyed this video hope you,found it valuable and i really hope it,inspires you that you can make money,with this business model i think it's a,fantastic business model and i'm so,happy that i cracked it because it's,making me a lot of profit so if you did,like this video all i ask is that you,smash the like button don't forget that,you can sign up to printful using my,referral link in the description box,below and if you've got any questions,about print on demand just comment them,below i always go through my comments,answering any questions so yeah just let,me know in the comments box below until,next time cheers guys,you

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