how to sort products on shopify by gender

How To Organize Products In Your Shopify Store how do you organize the products in your,shopify stor

Kerry Egeler

Updated on Mar 10,2023

How To Organize Products In Your Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to sort products on shopify by gender

Let's move on to the first section of how to sort products on shopify by gender

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How To Organize Products In Your Shopify Store

how do you organize the products in your,shopify store easily and quickly let's,find out,what's up everybody thank you for tuning,in today if you're new here and we don't,know each other my name is carrie i'm,the founder of shirt school and i,created this channel to bring you the,best strategy secrets and hacks to grow,your online t-shirt apparel or print on,demand business when potential customers,come to your shopify store you want it,to be really simple for them to find the,products that they need so today i want,to show you how to organize your,products this might be something that's,confusing to a lot of people and so i,just kind of want to show you step by,step how i approach doing this we're,inside shopify and obviously the first,thing you have to do is have all your,products created so i'm inside a store,here where we have tons of products this,is just a,test store kind of a demonstration store,and i have a ton of different products,in here so once we've got our products,created the first step to organize our,products is to hit this button over on,the left under products called,collections collections are really how,we can group our products together,inside of our store and it makes it,really simple to find you know kind of a,group of like products step number two,we want to hit create collection when we,hit create collection that's going to,bring up all these different options,here we can start by titling our,collection so we might call this like,hats just as an example and there's a,bunch of different options that we have,here inside shopify we can do automated,which is what it is set on by default it,says existing in future products that,match the conditions you set will be,automatically added to this collection,and so right down here we have a couple,different um,conditions we can set we do product tag,or all these different things and we can,set different variables and that will,automatically group products together,based on those,that stuff you put in there now i,operate a lot of apparel and t-shirt,stores so the way that i usually go is,manual i hit this manual button right,here now something that's really,confusing that a lot of people get hung,up on is when you hit the manual option,there's actually no option on the screen,to add the products and so a lot of,people are like what the heck i added,manual where's the products well the way,that shopify is set up for whatever,reason you have to actually hit the save,button before it will let you add,products to the collection so you create,the collection and then you hit the save,button and on the next page,we're actually able to add products we,can go right down here we can search our,products so we can try to find a hat and,see if that comes up and we do have some,hats here we can also just hit the,browse button we can search through our,products and then we can add products to,the collection so if i want to add this,hat right here i can just select this,hit add and now i've got a hat there in,the collection and then i can go through,here and add the rest of my hats and,i've created a hat collection and that's,kind of the first thing to really,organize your products is creating,collections for all the different,categories of your products there's a,few different strategies to doing this,and it really depends on what you're,selling in your store and,how many products you have those are,probably the most important things what,you're selling how many products you,have so a couple common strategies that,i see across e-commerce stores number,one organizing it kind of by gender,right so you could have like unisex men,women baby you know those kind of things,you when you organize it that way you,know that's a good way to organize it,keeps it pretty simple for people the,other way that you can commonly organize,your products is by product type so,let's say in an apparel store we have,t-shirts hoodies and sweatshirts,uh hats um you know mugs or whatever,whatever the case may be but you can,organize it kind of by product type both,of these are really good ways to do it,and keep it easy and simple for your,customer so either way you want to go is,a good option once we've gone through,and we've created all the collections,that we want we've done the bulk of the,work in organizing our store but the,last thing i would recommend you do is,that you create navigation for these,collections so that your customers can,actually surf around the collections are,good for organizing on the back end but,we need to actually put those,collections into a navigation bar,so our customers can actually use them,on the website to do that we're going to,click on online store then we're going,to click on navigation and i usually,recommend that you make a main menu and,a footer menu for your store i've,already done that here but i want to,show you how to do that we're going to,click on add menu we'll actually title,it right here main menu right and then,we can actually add items to the menu,and you'll see over here on the right if,we just um,click right here we can we can click on,collections and we can add the,collections that we just made so we can,click hats and we'll click add and that,will add it to,the menu just like that right and so we,could go through here and add t-shirts,and,hoodies or whatever we want to do to put,this in our menu we can click on save,and now we've created a navigation menu,the last thing that we would want to do,is actually add that menu to our theme,we would need to go in here to customize,our theme and we would actually just add,the menu up here at the top in the,header over here on the right you see it,says menu and we can just select the,menu that we just created and that will,show up right here at the top and that,will allow our customers to surf around,the website and find things easily do,you want a simple free guide to set up,and build your shopify store we'll,actually put together a free shopify,cheat sheet it's 13 steps and it will,take you through each step you need to,make sure you do before you open your,shopify store to the public it's been,really helpful for a lot of people and i,want to give it to you completely free,just go over to,cheat sheet you can put in your email,and download a pdf file completely free,hope it helps hey if you enjoyed this,video today please hit that like button,it helps us out a ton in getting this,video out to more people so we can help,more people and reach more people with,this information also consider,subscribing to the channel and hitting,the bell icon that'll make sure you get,notified every time we release a new,video see you soon,you

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