how to show payment methods on shopify

How To Add Payment Icons on Shopify Footer what's up guys welcome to a new shopify,tutorial,in this

Twinkle PPC

Updated on Feb 16,2023

How To Add Payment Icons on Shopify Footer

The above is a brief introduction to how to show payment methods on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to show payment methods on shopify

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How To Add Payment Icons on Shopify Footer

what's up guys welcome to a new shopify,tutorial,in this tutorial we are going to learn,how to add payments icon to your shopify,store footer,as you can see this is a development,store which i have created,and if we scroll all the way down right,now there are no payments icon on the,footer,and we are going to add payments icon,here so it looks something similar to,this so in order to do this the first,thing we need to do is,go on your store backend right now you,can see i am on my store back end and,from here,go to online store there are basically,two methods to add payments icon one is,the easy method and other is going into,the coding,so first we are going to discuss the,easy method so once you are on theme of,your online store go to customize,and under theme customization go to,footer,if your theme allows you will see an,option under settings which says payment,icons,just enable this and the payments icon,will start showing on your footer,and if your theme is designed in a,different way you might not see this,payment icons option,under your theme settings so under those,cases you will have to add payments icon,manually,let's try to add the icons manually now,just gonna disable this let's go back,and from actions go to edit code,once you are under theme files search,for footer,and open footer.liquid now you will see,a big line of code opening scroll all,the way down,and you will see the footer tag ending,here we are going to paste,a line of code just before this footer,tag in order,to show the payments icon so to do that,let's scroll a bit up and you will see,there is if an unless statement here,so again scroll a bit up and here,we are seeing division class grid and,division class grid item text,center and then there is a paragraph,class which says,site footer links so by site footer,links it means,this link powered by shopify copyright,etc,so we are going to add the code just,below this,let's create some space so it is better,to understand,now once you are below the line of code,of paragraph site footer links,copy and paste the line of codes which,is shown on the screen,you can find this line of code from the,description i have added a downloadable,notepad file and you can also copy it,from the comment section,i have pinned down the comment with all,these lines of codes,so copy this paste it here,and once it's done click save,once everything is saved now let's check,our store preview,just gonna close this close this too,let's scroll all the way down and you,can see payments icon now showing on our,footer,if you would like to make changes to the,colors of these icons feel free to add,in comments and i'll follow back with,you as soon as i can,one last thing is if you'd like to,change size of this icon,you can again go back to your file where,you just pasted your code,and you can change this from 48 to,36 so it will be 36 pixels,let's try to do that,and click save now let's check the,preview,as you can see the icons are now in,smaller size,so i hope guys you have found this video,helpful if yes do give thumbs up,and subscribe for more updates and if,you are still facing issue feel free to,add in comments,or you can also email me my email is in,the description feel free to get in,touch with your specific questions,related shopify,themes or your store appearance or,anything you would like to fix on your,store,bye bye take care and see you in the,next video,you

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