how to setup google adwords remarketing in shopify

Google Ads Remarketing Campaign Setup and Tracking Code Implementation for Shopify hi guys uh the th


Updated on Mar 05,2023

Google Ads Remarketing Campaign Setup and Tracking Code Implementation for Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to setup google adwords remarketing in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to setup google adwords remarketing in shopify

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how to setup google adwords remarketing in shopify catalogs

Google Ads Remarketing Campaign Setup and Tracking Code Implementation for Shopify

hi guys uh the theme of today's video is,gonna be um remarketing,tracking implementation for,shopify store i'm gonna,quickly show you as to how you can,quickly set up a remarketing campaign,and then uh you know where you need to,pull up the codes and where you need to,implement,that code within the shopify store,there's a little bit of a tweak required,before you go ahead and pick up that,standard code from within your google h,interface you just need to,change some static values into dynamic,values and then you can you know,implement it,within the settings section of your,shopify store and you will be good to go,so here we are within our google age,account and,we want to set up a,a marketing campaign,the process uh of setting up a marketing,campaign within google ads is very,simple uh,uh most of the times you,do set up a display a normal display,campaign and you go to the audience,section,change the audience from uh,you know general targeting to the ones,where you are targeting specific users,on on your website so retargeting means,you know basically,targeting the people who have previously,visited your website it could be from,paid uh campaign sources or it could be,organic traffic,but,with google stream marketing campaign,essentially you are more interested to,target people,who are coming from google age sources,and then you want to reach back out to,them and you want to remind them that,hey you came to our website didn't take,any action,on our website and now you might be,interested to,revisit the page and,maybe you know if it's an e-commerce,website,uh buy a product or in the case of other,websites maybe you know take some,meaningful action maybe submit a,uh a form or,anything you know that could be,meaningful to your business so you're,going to go to the display campaigns,and uh,in here uh i'm not going to go ahead and,set up a new campaign and it's just for,demo purposes i have a campaign here i,just want to show you,where,you are going to have to make the,changes,everything else is going to be the same,it's just the standard,display,marketing campaign,so you're clicking on the display,campaign in this case we have named it,remarketing campaigns and you're,straight going to the audience section,and,under the audience section here,you can see there's going to be this,edit audience segment uh at the very top,um section of the interface so you're,going to click on it,this is our campaign so we're going to,choose it and then when you get to,this stage,you have for the search option as well,as this browse button so you're going to,click on the browse,and in here you're going to choose the,section where it says um,how they have interacted with your,business right so you're going to click,on it and when once you click on it,there are these different options uh you,want to also include similar segments or,maybe in-market segments,you might you know if you want to,target,the people who may be,closely resembling your actual audiences,are the ones the people who have,previously visited your website you,might go with these options as well so,in the similar segments you have a lot,of these,um,options where,you know visitors who are similar to,certain people who have taken certain,actions on your website maybe the,converters maybe you know people who,have uh added product to uh to the cards,and then abandoned it,things like that you know so based on,their insight you might choose you might,check uh some of these options,and if you want to go super specific you,may just uh head on to the,website visitors section and in here,you're gonna check all the options in,here preferably all right because,all of these options are important you,don't want to miss out on any of them,because you're not sure even if someone,is just visiting your page even if that,person hasn't edit,um,you know a product to the cart or in the,case of a general business website you,know they're not,going to go to a certain section of your,website,even if that is the case you still,couldn't be sure that that person wasn't,um your potential customer right so you,want to include all the options the,general visitors people who,um who entered certain sections of your,website you're going to check them and,you're going to save it and that is it,you know,your remarketing audience is set,uh then the campaign uh,is being uh set up the normal way and,then you're going to go to the audience,section make those changes and now,you're going to go to the tools and,settings section go to audience managers,go to your,data sources,click on,google age text section the details,and in here you're gonna have to pull,the,tag setup at the very bottom,of this page when you expand it you have,a few options you can install it,manually you can,email it to your developer if you have,one or you can implement it to be a tag,manager i'm not gonna cover this part in,this video uh this is not very essential,even if you will have implemented all,your codes,with your gtm uh with your google tag,manager,you can still you know just copy this,part of the snippet and paste it uh in,the script section of your shopify store,all the rest of the codes are going to,remain the same so if you're already um,let's say i'm tracking your google age,traffic and conversions all right,implementing this same code,this global take is gonna remain the,same for all conversions it's not gonna,change right it's the one-time code,that's not gonna change so you can leave,this part because it may have already,been implemented because you are already,running advertising campaigns within,google alerts you don't have to,implement it twice you can just copy,this part of the code,and go ahead and go to your shopify,store,and implement it but before we do that,there are a few things here so the value,and,the id,um you know these these variables,uh need to have dynamic values right now,it says replace with value it says,replace with value so you can just copy,it and go,to your shopify store and implement it,right you do you have to,change the values and,i have this quote on the snippet,here um you know,you can you can maybe i will put a link,to the description so you can,open that link and copy it straight from,there,and you can go ahead and implement it uh,within your shopify so for the value you,know there's this,dynamic uh string,it's it's a code,and similarly for the id,there's this,there's this piece of code,that is going to help,google dynamically extract,the values of a specific product,variants so it's based on the variance,right within shopify we have this,variant option where whenever someone,someone opens,a page a product page,a specific variant id is being assigned,to that specific page and uh,that's where uh you know uh,this this specific um,piece of code uh it's gonna spring into,action so,copy this put go to your shopify,go to the settings and go to checkout,under the,additional snippets you might be having,a lot of other codes here but you don't,need to worry about any of them you just,have to place it somewhere at the top if,you are implementing google take manager,or you have any other global id uh,global tags here,right below the tag you can place your,remarketing code all right,make sure,uh you know if you're if you're copying,it from the link i'm providing,you are gonna have to change this thing,right,this needs to reflect uh the id the,value that you have within your account,it shouldn't,you know stay the same now this belongs,to the account that i have pulled from,here to this account but in your case,it's going to be this id is going to be,uh different,it's going to be your google its account,so changed it and the rest of it could,remain the same just copy paste it here,and press save that's it,there's one more place where you need to,install,this code and that's going to be,the head section of your website,so,let's close,the settings and go to our,online store,go to the theme,and here you have the option to edit the,code,you need to open the,theme.liquid file be very careful that,you're not messing around with the code,you're not making any changes,uh,to any part of the code otherwise,chances are that your website,could potentially break down so you want,to be very careful,and here uh you know this is the head,section that start you can just,press ctrl or command f,and type in um,head here,and you can see uh you know it,highlighted,so you need to place this snippet,somewhere under your global take or in,the case of a real tech manager it's,gonna be,under this code or above this code,doesn't make a difference,so let's say we are going to place the,same code,under the jtm code,and we are going to save it,and that's it,your marketing,uh code is active now and google is now,going to be able to uh re-target the,visitors who have previously,um,land it on your page and,everything is good to go within google,age now,thank you very much this,was a quick and simple video i hope it,was helpful if you have any question um,you can put them in the comments section,maybe if you are someone who is,interested to really implement it via,tech manager this,is also,it's not very difficult there's a little,bit of process involved here where we,are going to have to create those data,layer,variables other than that it's a very,simple thing,if you're really interested you can put,your comments in the comment section so,that i should know,that,you,want me to cover this part in some,future videos as well thank you very,much and i'll see you next one have a,nice day bye,you

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