how to setup facebook ads with guaranteed results shopify

How to Set Up Facebook Ads for Shopify (Step by Step) hey my name is cedric from vertex,marketing ag


Updated on Mar 17,2023

How to Set Up Facebook Ads for Shopify (Step by Step)

The above is a brief introduction to how to setup facebook ads with guaranteed results shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to setup facebook ads with guaranteed results shopify

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how to setup facebook ads with guaranteed results shopify catalogs

How to Set Up Facebook Ads for Shopify (Step by Step)

hey my name is cedric from vertex,marketing agency a facebook ad agency,and i'm doing this video for, now today i'll show,you how to set up your facebook ads for,your shopify store so we're gonna go and,we're gonna connect your shopify store,to facebook and make sure that we're,sending events like the purchase event,inside events manager now after that,we're actually going to go in events,manager and just confirm that we are,properly receiving those events and then,once we are confident that everything is,set up i'm gonna show you the exact,structure that i would recommend for an,e-com store so we're gonna cover all,that in this video now let me share my,screen and i'll show you exactly how,okay so i'm now inside my demo shopify,store and the first thing i'm gonna want,to do is connect it to facebook so i can,click on apps,and right here the is the facebook,channel so i can just click on that and,download it if for whatever reason you,actually can't find it here you can just,click on view more apps in this,collection and let me just log in once,more,so it brings me to, and then you can just,search it in the search bar here but i,can see it it's right here,and click on add app now you should see,something like this and if you scroll,all the way to the bottom you're going,to want to click on add sales channel so,now if we look to the left you're going,to see that you now have a new sales,channel so that's perfect and you're,going to want to click on start setup,now this is where you need to connect,your facebook account your business,manager show that you've verified your,domain connect your facebook page then,decide how much data you want to share,to facebook and facebook is also going,to prompt you to create a facebook and,instagram shop and then you just have to,agree to terms and conditions now since,this is a demo account i won't be able,to create a facebook and instagram shop,but i'm going to take you through all,these different steps here and i'm going,to stop it about here but then obviously,since you have a real store you're going,to be able to publish your feed to,facebook and instagram and wait until it,gets approved and then you're gonna be,able to use that inside your campaigns,and i'll talk a little bit more about,that later when we go inside ads manager,and i show you how to actually create,your campaigns and then just the last,step just to agree to the terms and,conditions so i'm going to start here by,clicking that button and also wanted to,say that if ever you don't really have a,business manager or a facebook page or,anything like that and you just don't,know what those things are well no,problem i actually made another video on,this channel and i really talk about all,these different things and how to create,them and how to put all your different,assets inside your business manager so,we will leave that link of that video in,the description of this video so i,clicked on the connect account button,you might not be seeing that but i just,saw it pop up and it's just asking me to,put in my password so i'm going to do,that and good so my facebook account is,now connected and it's now just asking,me to pick my business manager now i,have a lot of different business manager,and actually made one for this demo so,i'm going to pick this one,right here,now again this is a demo so my domain is,not verified but obviously you're going,to want to verify your domain and once,it's verified you should see it it,should be green and you should be able,to click the confirm button but since,against this demo i'm just going to,click skip and then you're going to want,to choose your facebook page so here i,have my demo facebook page,data sharing so this part is actually,really really important so you have,three different options as i'm recording,this video i recommend that you you,choose the maximum option and this what,allows you to do is on top of just a,regular facebook pixel you get access to,advanced matching and the conversion api,now if you're not familiar with advanced,matching what this means is that you're,sending things like your customers first,name last name email phone number to,facebook when they receive that event,they can better match that event with a,facebook profile so this can actually,allow you to see more results inside,your campaigns and your ads so really,good feature and the other one is a,facebook conversion api which is,basically instead of just sending that,information through the browser using,like the facebook pixel and that,javascript code you're actually sending,the information from server server so,it's more secure and especially post ios,14 it's definitely recommended so,maximum option here will give you access,to all these different features so i,recommend that you use that one now if,we scroll down you're going to want to,just choose your pixel so i'm going to,hit connect and i'm going to use my demo,pixel so now this is where uh like i,said i can't really connect this part,because this is a demo store so i don't,actually have real products but you're,not going to run into this problem so,you're going to be able to just hit,connect and move on to the next step and,now it's just a question of accepting,the terms and conditions clicking finish,and setup and you're gonna be good to go,now that it's connected you should go to,events manager and you can go there by,just going to business on,and click that hamburger menu here and,it's events manager and you're going to,want to click on test events put in your,website url here click on open website,and what that's going to do it's going,to actually show you which events are,being sent to facebook so go ahead and,go through the purchase process,go view a product and see if you get a,view content event add that product to,your cart see if you get an ad to cart,event and then go through the rest of,the purchase process and especially make,sure that you are getting purchases and,the reason i'm saying that you should do,that is all themes are made differently,and i've actually seen some shopify,themes that don't really work well with,the native shopify and facebook,integration and there actually needs to,be some tweaking in the theme or,sometimes we need to message the shopify,support team so that they can help out,so just want to make sure that you're,getting all your events inside events,manager before we actually go and create,a campaign if you want to have like a,video that walks you through exactly how,to test events how to really just use,advanced manager we'll actually made one,of those videos on this channel and we,can leave that link of that video in the,description of this video so go ahead,just make sure that this is all set up,and your events are commented properly,once you've done that and you've you,know verified that everything is coming,in well you can go to ads manager so the,ad account structure that i like to use,for e-com store is a prospecting and,retargeting structure so you'll have one,campaign optimizing for conversions that,is prospecting and you'll have another,one that is for retargeting so let's,create the prospecting right now,together,and i actually like to leave this off,the campaign budget optimization because,i like to set my budget on the ad set,level and for now let's just name this,interest,and i'm going to scroll down we're,selecting website the conversion event,this is where you can kind of choose,what you want but i recommend that you,start with purchase,but just keep in mind that a conversion,event could be anything and it couldn't,be a good thing if ever you're having,issues generating purchases you could,potentially optimize for something that,is a little bit higher in the funnel,like an odd to card event but when,you're starting and if you're just,getting started i recommend that you try,to optimize for purchases but if you're,having issues generating those purchases,and leaving a learning phase and you,just can't make tests because you're not,getting enough purchases to make,decisions well then you can maybe go for,something like i said that is a little,bit higher in the funnel now the reason,i'm getting a warning message here is,because this is a demo account and i did,not verify my domain and because i did,not verify my domain i could not set up,the eight events that i want to be,optimizing for so if your domain is,verified you can go to events manager,and i'm gonna show you what i mean right,now okay so i'm now in advanced manager,and if i scroll down here there's an,option that says aggregate event,measurement so i'm going to click on,that and click on the button configure,web events,now it's going to bring me to this page,and i just need to select a domain,because you do need to have a verified,domain in order to configure your web,events so i'm going to click on my,agency's domain and i'm just going to,click on manage events and hit edit now,on this page this is where i can add all,my events and just keep in mind that you,can only have up to eight events now if,we look at the right here there's,actually a priority list so the most,important events you actually want to,add them on the top and the least,important you can add them at the bottom,so here in the example i have a view,content event contact event and what's,most important to me as a service based,business is lead so for your ecommerce,store you might want to have something,like view content or maybe add to cart,and then maybe um in a state checkout,and then maybe at the top you want to,have a purchase so adding an event there,is as easy as clicking the add event,button and then you can just choose your,pixel or a custom conversion but if,you're just getting started i recommend,that you just stick with standard events,so you would just be able to select your,pixel,and then choose the event you want to,send and if we look at the top here are,all the events that facebook is saying,hey i noticed that you sent one of those,events in the last 28 days and then all,the events at the bottom those are,events that you could potentially send,but just facebook is letting you know,that they have not received any of these,events in the last 28 days so if ever,something is off here maybe you want to,check and make sure that those events,are probably being sent but i'm adding,it would be as easy as just clicking the,button so i'm going to click this one,and now i've added this strategy session,as part of my events and for me maybe,your strategy session is a little bit,more important than the view content so,i can actually,raise this one and put it right here so,once i'm happy with what i have here i,can just hit the apply button but if for,whatever reason you're not seeing the,apply button just zoom out of your,screen a little bit because it actually,happens to me sometimes whenever i'm on,different devices and computers that i,actually don't see the apply button so,all you need to do is zoom out and,you're gonna be able to see it and you,can hit the apply button make sure that,everything looks good and once you've,confirmed that it looks good you can,just hit that yes i confirm this change,and hit apply so this should take about,72 hours and then you should be good to,go and if you go back to ads manager,this message should leave,now keep scrolling down budget a,question that i get often is how much of,my budget should go in prospecting and,how much should i go in retargeting well,let's say that your total budget for,both prospecting and retargeting is 150,i recommend that you actually set 70,of your budget towards prospecting and,then what we can do is we can divide,that budget in between ad sets so let's,say in this example we only create two,ad sets and potentially i can have fifty,dollars in this ad set and fifty five,dollars in that other ad set so that it,comes down to 105 which is about seventy,percent of uh 150.,now,scroll down this is where you can add a,custom audience so the audience right,now that we are creating won't be,targeting a custom audience we're going,to be targeting interest and i'll show,you a little bit more about how i group,my interests together in just a second,but since this is prospecting we,actually want to exclude the people that,know who we are because what i'm trying,to do is i'm trying to find new people,i'm trying to find people that don't,know who the brand is so i'm actually,going to go ahead and exclude people,that have been to the website people,have purchased maybe the email list uh,people that have liked or shared our,content on both facebook and instagram,and even i'll go a step further and,sometimes i'll exclude people that have,viewed certain videos on my page so this,is actually something that you can,create here under custom audience but we,don't currently have anything here so,what you can do is you can actually open,this up and go to audience manager and,then you can kind of like create all,your different audiences there and then,you can import them here and we would,want to exclude them,now once they are all excluded which i'm,not going to do because again this is a,demo account and i don't actually have,real audiences then we can scroll down,to locations and this is where you can,tell facebook where do you want to,target now for most ecom brand i usually,just do canada and united states but,this obviously depends on your location,and where you can ship but for now i'm,just going to add canada united states,age this is where you can put in your,age a good thing that you can do is take,a look at your google analytics and see,how all their people are coming to your,site and people that are making,purchases and you can just hit edit here,and select the age group you want to,target it's not a big deal if you don't,have that data if you're like cedric,honestly like i don't know how old they,are,no problem you can actually just leave,it to 18 and 65 because we're optimizing,for purchases so facebook's actually,going to go ahead and only show the ad,to people that are more likely to,purchase so they have a pretty complex,ai that understands like all this,information about their users and they,can show the ad to like i said people,are more likely to purchase so it's okay,if you leave it to 1865. but gender i,think it's really important that if you,are selling a product that is only for,female or man then i recommend that you,actually go ahead and select a gender,unless it's like for a big holiday like,black friday or christmas or valentine's,day where demand let's say we'll buy,that as a gift for the women so that's,the only thing to keep in mind but if,you know your target market or your icp,is women then select women but i'm just,gonna leave it to all for now now this,is where you can actually add your,demographics interests and behaviors so,like i said earlier i like to group my,interests so for this example let's,pretend that we are selling a product in,the fitness industry so what i'll do is,i'll maybe start with say okay well go,on google and type what are all the,different fitness brands so i might find,like i don't know like jim shark,lululemon and blah blah and then i'll,add all these different interests inside,that ad set and then let me just add,let's say gymshark,and then i'm gonna scroll back to the,top and i would call it fitness clothing,brands,and let me go back to our interest,so that would be one of my ad set but,the reason i'm kind of grouping it this,way so that in the future i'm probably,going to create another ad set maybe,targeting gyms so i'll go again go on,google and look okay what what are the,biggest gyms in canada united states and,i'll see if i can actually find them,right here and i'll target those,interests or behaviors and then you can,kind of like keep doing that for,different ad sets and it's better when,you're trying to learn and see what kind,of audience or what kind of people are,actually purchasing and giving us the,cheaper cost per result so this is how i,personally like to structure my interest,but like i said i'll have another ad set,that is actually targeting custom,audiences when i'm starting with new,client for prospecting campaign,depending on their budget i'll always,start with two ad sets but sometimes,i'll uh start with three or four assets,again it really depends on the budget,but let's keep going down here and,placements i always like to start with,automatic placements and this is what i,do every time i work with the new client,but if ever you found that no the,majority of your purchases are actually,happening on specific placements then,you can always go and choose manual,placements but honestly this is not the,biggest thing that you could change that,would help with results i would say to,focus more on audiences and creatives,and not so much on the placements,because we're optimizing for purchases,and facebook's gonna show the ad to the,people that are more likely to purchase,so let's keep scrolling down and,optimization and delivery actually don't,really play with that too much,especially post ios 14 just because,there's not so much that you can change,anymore you used to be able to change,the attributes and setting but,unfortunately the seven day view and 28,day click is gone so we're kind of like,stuck with this attribution window here,so let's now go to the ad level so here,the ads is the reason why the,prospecting and retargeting structure,works so well because these people don't,know who you are so you want to create,ads that,takes them through the experience and,explains in like 6 to 10 seconds exactly,what you sell and some of the benefits,and why they should actually purchase,from you so ads that you can use here,are ugc so user generated content so you,can just ask maybe one of your customers,to to give you an honest review of your,product and that could be one of your ad,or you could have like other videos but,what we found is for prospecting usually,videos perform best because,you can explain more a product in a,video compared to an image so for your,prospecting campaign try to use a little,bit more videos but definitely try maybe,an image is something that's actually,going to perform better so i always like,to leave this on the ad preview and i,just select my facebook page my,instagram account and if we keep,scrolling down here we're gonna be,creating an ad but you can do a few,things you can use an existing post so,let's say you have a instagram or,facebook post that is performing really,well and i got lots of likes and,comments you can actually bring them,here and just click use the sixth and,post and select the post id like i said,it's going to bring that post here but,it's also going to bring the engagement,so it could be a good thing to actually,start your campaign with some engagement,some likes and comments so that it's you,know social proof so that could,potentially help with conversions but,the only downside is that you cannot,change the headline copy and tweak your,message so again that's the only,downside with this i honestly usually,like to just create an ad from scratch,and add my primary text and i had a few,different versions so two to three,versions and same thing with the,headlines i'll have let's say two to,three headlines and here you can add,your description,optimize text per person i actually like,to enable that so i'll leave this on and,call to action for prospecting it's,gonna depend if i'm doing a sale i like,to use a shop now button but for,prospecting i kind of like to use the,learn more button i find that like if,people don't know who you are the learn,bar button is good and if especially you,have a good landing page or a good,product page describing the benefits and,maybe some reviews and all that kind of,stuff on the page the user can kind of,like learn more but the goal of the,prospecting campaign is to get people,that are not aware of your brand educate,them show them who you are and get them,to you know know like and trust and then,usually we get more conversions um on,the retargeting campaign and some of,these people can be tracked but some of,them just come maybe organically or by,direct traffic and you know there's lots,of different ways that they can come to,the website but prospecting campaigns,more just like to educate the customers,here you just add your website url don't,forget to add your utms,and you can scroll down and in tracking,just make sure that your facebook pixel,is selected and if you've verified your,domain you're also going to be able to,select your domain here and once,everything is set up and you've reviewed,perfect you can actually maybe duplicate,this ad and let's say this was actually,a ugc video maybe your other ad could,just be like an explainer video but i,like to duplicate because it saved me,some steps especially if i'm using the,same like primary text or description,you can just you know duplicate your ad,so that you can save some time like i,said and then once you've reviewed,everything you can maybe publish that ad,set so now that this ad set is good to,go i like again to save myself some time,i'll duplicate this ad set right here,and i'm gonna name this lookalike,four percent and scroll down we're,selecting the same options here going,down we're excluding the same people but,under custom audience i'm gonna go back,to audience manager or you can also,create them right here and right by,clicking the create new button so custom,audience and i'm gonna bring a csv file,of all my customers and maybe uh my,email list and i'm gonna create a,lookalike audience and post ios,depending on the audience size i like to,go at about four percent so that's why i,have four percent there and that's just,basically saying to facebook hey here,are my customers and go ahead and find,me other people that are just like those,ones and that's something that before,ios 14 i would always do and it would be,my best performing audience but now,these days it still works but sometimes,actually an interest based audience can,perform better but if i'm you know,creating a new structure and working,with new client i always like to just,test it and see for myself so same,settings here same age right everything,stays the same it just i will remove the,interest there and the ads i like to use,the same ads that i'm using in my other,ad set and the reason for that is,because i don't want too many variables,i don't want to have different audiences,and different ads because if one ad set,is performing better i won't know if,it's actually the creative or the,audience so with one variable i will,know that it is the audience so that is,basically it for prospecting let's just,actually go back here and we said that,it was a total of 105 so i'm gonna add,that extra five dollars and this,prospecting campaign would be good to go,right so you can launch it now or you,can you would be able to wait until we,have our retargeting campaign set up so,for retargeting what i'll do is i'll,just go ahead and,duplicate my prospecting campaign and,i'm going to name it retargeting,still we're using the conversion we,actually are all good here i am going to,enable campaign budget optimization,because for retargeting i'm actually,only going to have one ad set and the,reason for that is because i'm adding,all my different warm audiences together,so it's like combining everything,especially pulse ios 14 that's what i,found performs best so going to my ad,set i'm just going to name this warm,audience,scrolling down still optimizing for,purchases that's all good all good,and again canada united states make sure,that i don't have any interest there and,sorry if you keep if you go back here,under custom audience this is where i'll,add people have been to my website,people that have added the product their,cart people that are maybe on my email,list that did not purchase people that,follow me on social media people that,have views certain videos so i really,want to stack everything because like i,said after ios and there's even a little,warning message here they're saying that,the audience size has decreased by a lot,so you want to try to add as much as,possible without obviously going,overboard but you want to have a big,enough audience so that you can get some,purchases and conversions now for the,ads what i actually like to do is use,different style of ads so this is where,let's say you're selling your shoes then,you can maybe have your shoes and have a,testimonial right on top of it i also,like to use testimonials like reviews in,the um in the primary text that's,something else that works so you can,actually use maybe more like carousels,like images ugcs are still really good,right here so user generated content but,the content can be a little bit,different because these people know who,you are so you don't need to explain the,product as much as you would do inside,your prospecting campaign so you know,create those ads here for retargeting i,like to have at least three ads for,prospecting you know two to three is,good depending on how much you're,spending but for retargeting three ad is,usually what's good and if i go back to,the campaign,and this is actually where i'm gonna set,up the budget so like i said we're doing,30 of the total budget that is 150,dollars a day so that comes down to,about 45,and that's good and you know i would,just review the same campaign and then,when it's ready to go then i can hit,publish and what i'm actually going to,do when this campaign is published is,look at the frequency right especially,that if you don't know how large the,audience is the warm audience it could,potentially be really low after ios 14,or if let's say it's a newer business,you might not have lots of followers or,lots of page views so take a look at the,frequency and if the frequency,in let's say a day or two is higher than,two or three that's when you know that,you have to lower the budget in,retargeting and put more of that budget,inside prospecting so guys that is it,for this video hopefully you found some,value in it just to recap what we've,covered so we saw how to connect your,shopify store to facebook so that we can,send all the different events like,purchase add to cart to your pixel and,that also creates you a facebook and,instagram shop we went into advanced,manager to just verify that these events,are properly coming in and now in ads,manager i showed you the account,structure that i recommend for ecom,businesses so prospecting and the,retargeting structure and some of the,options that you should be turning on,and off so again hopefully that was,valuable that is it for this video bye,for now all right thanks cedric for this,great information if you want to find,out more about facebook tracking and,analytics then check out our playlist,right over there and if you enjoyed this,video,hit that like button as well and my name,is julian from everybody here at measure,school,happy measuring

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