how to sell shopify products in facebook groups

How I Used Facebook Groups To Grow A Six Figure Shopify Store what's up guys it's your boy Jordan ba

Jordan Welch

Updated on Mar 30,2023

How I Used Facebook Groups To Grow A Six Figure Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to sell shopify products in facebook groups

Let's move on to the first section of how to sell shopify products in facebook groups

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How I Used Facebook Groups To Grow A Six Figure Shopify Store

what's up guys it's your boy Jordan back,with another ecommerce video and I'm,sorry I haven't posted in a while it,feels like I've completely fallen off,but no need to worry I'm gonna be back,on my schedule consistent with three,incredibly valuable videos for you guys,every single week this past week I've,just been focusing on my next move also,been traveling you saw my vlog of me,going to LA and I've really just been,grinding trying to get things to the,level that I want them to be at but in,this video I want to talk about,something very important I want to tell,you guys a story and I want to talk to,you about one of the most valuable,assets to me as an e-commerce,entrepreneur as I was coming up trying,to find my way and ultimately the thing,that truly allowed me to take my,business from zero to the level that it,is that today so the thing we're going,to be talking about is Facebook groups,and I'm gonna teach you guys how to,leverage them to the highest level if,you like the quality of my content give,me a thumbs up and hit that subscribe,button I would really appreciate if you,could join the family our subscriber,base is growing incredibly we're up to,twenty five hundred subscribers and I,really really appreciate every single,one of you also if you're looking for an,easy way to grow your e-commerce,business click the link in the,description below to join my free,Facebook group there are over 3000,entrepreneurs in there who are all,collaborating bouncing ideas off of each,other and trying to grow to the next,level but without further ado let's get,right into the video,Facebook groups are something that is,incredibly powerful and I feel that a,lot of people are not utilizing them to,their highest level you see for me when,I was just getting started out in July,of last year I had no strategy and I had,no real path to follow as to where I,wanted to go growing this online,business and really the only resources,that I had available to me since I,couldn't afford a course or one-on-one,mentorship was free videos on YouTube,now don't get me wrong I picked up a lot,of value from the free videos that I,watched and if you guys are curious or,interested in knowing who I learned from,when I was just getting started I was,really a big fan of Sebastien Gomez,videos,Franklin hatchets videos and also,another person which we're gonna talk,about a little bit down the line but his,videos are not on YouTube they're on,Facebook anyways having those free,YouTube videos at my disposal was,incredibly valuable but none of the,videos were giving me really tangible,information that I could take and apply,to develop a strategy to grow my,business a lot of the videos were just,giving me pieces to the puzzle and it,was really up to me to take those pieces,and form them into the strategy that I,use and follow today but it wasn't that,simple,you see for me in my position while,starting out with not that much of a,budget to really test and figure things,out I had to be sure that the strategy,that I was going with was valuable and,ultimately something that was working in,the current point of time and when I'm,the one creating and developing the,strategy with no ecommerce experience,it's really hard to validate that idea,without some sort of external form of,validation thankfully I found a resource,for this external form of validation,that I'm talking about and that resource,was Facebook groups,so the value that I picked up from,Facebook groups really ranges from a lot,of things and I'm gonna break them down,now the first and most valuable asset,that Facebook groups provided me was a,platform to network and connect with,other entrepreneurs that are on the,exact same journey that I am on you see,if you're an entrepreneur you already,understand the value of networking and,connection but just so you can get a,little bit of a better understanding for,in my situation without having the,people that I connected with through,Facebook I can 100% tell you that I,wouldn't be successful or in the,position that I'm at today having a,platform to meet other individuals get,to hear their stories bounce ideas off,of them hear their success and,ultimately tweak your strategy based off,of what they're telling you is,incredibly powerful and I can't stress,that enough now every e-commerce,entrepreneur that I have met face to,face sat down with and talked has,attested to this theory that I'm saying,right now which isn't really a theory,it's simply effect if you are in various,Facebook groups and you're not providing,value to these groups or seeking out to,network with other individuals by,providing value to them it is going to,be a significantly longer journey for,you whilst trying to build and grow your,business so for some advice on how to,network and connect with people who are,getting better success than you it,really all comes down to providing value,now me personally and a lot of people,that I connect with I love to help,people I love to give people advice and,give them knowledge but unfortunately as,my personal brand and my reach grows I'm,getting a lot more requests and a lot,more people reaching out to me for,direct one-on-one advice for quick,questions looking at their ass checking,out their websites and unfortunately I,can't do that for everybody and the same,story Falls with successful,entrepreneurs the people that are out,there,crushing it working 10 plus hours a day,whatever it may be growing successful,businesses they don't necessarily have,time to answer questions from random,people about little things so how is it,possible for you to get into their,circle connect with them and be able to,pick their brain and gain value from,them all you have to do is show them,that you can provide them value in some,sort of way so in my case I reached out,to people and I offered that I would,edit videos for them or I would share,something that I learned and tell them,that basically I would present them a,situation in which they would benefit if,they helped me out and that has worked,extremely well I've been able to connect,with some of the top names in this,industry just off of presenting a,valuable proposition to them and you,guys can do the exact same thing so,connecting with these people hearing,what is working for them really allowed,me to tailor my strategy and figure out,exactly what's working for other people,so I could twist it and make it work for,myself networking is number one first,most important reason why Facebook,groups are crucial and one thing that if,you're not doing you need to start doing,today because it will literally,transform your business I'm probably,gonna get like 100 messages of people,trying to network with me but I'm going,to try to reply to everybody and help,you out on whatever way I can but,there's people who are doing better than,me there's people who are doing less,than me so find somebody who's just,doing a little bit better than you and,network with them that's what I did I,wasn't reaching out to people doing 100k,a day when I was doing $100 a day,find somebody if you're making zero,dollars a day find somebody who's making,$500 a day ask them how they did it ask,them what is working for them in terms,of AD strategies maybe ask them how they,found their product you probably,shouldn't ask them for their website or,product obviously but you get what I'm,saying so kind of climb up like a ladder,but if you're making literally no sales,whatsoever find somebody who's making a,hundred dollars a day find two ways,making 500 dollars a day,and keep climbing up that ladder a big,transitional point for me and my,business was I met a good friend of mine,named soham and he was making $100 a day,on his chef a fight story and at the,time I was very broke I was making zero,sales a day and seeing somebody making,$100 a day was absolutely mind-blowing,to me so I reached out to him and he,shared a video of his with me I watched,that video and it was a huge turning,point in regards to the success of my,business so to wrap it up you have to be,networking it doesn't have to be,face-to-face do it through Facebook and,Facebook groups are an incredible,platform to network with other,entrepreneurs the second form of value,that you can pick up from Facebook,groups is simply reading the post and,seeing what is working for other people,so on these bigger Facebook groups,you're going to see people posting large,screenshots of success and usually in,these posts it's not somebody making the,post saying I'm rich or we made it or,it's something crazy not it's people,posting and saying okay guys I'm gonna,drop some value on you because this,community was valuable to me whatever,their headline maybe some people are,doing it promote their YouTube channel I,did that at one point in time but even,before I did that I constantly provide,value and I still provide value today so,whatever but a lot of people use it to,provide value and give back to the,community and in those posts you can,pick up some golden nuggets of,information so some of the best groups,that you can join in terms of amount of,quality posts there is econ empire's,which is ran by nick brownie he's an,awesome guy his mission is incredible,and I look up to him greatly hopefully,we will get to meet and connect within,the next year another great group to,join is the e-commerce elites mastermind,hosted by Steve and Evan tan they are at,the top of the game they are absolutely,crushing it and I look up to them,heavily once again I hope to meet them,in the next year or two I want to go to,their mastermind and Thailand and bounce,ideas off of them and another good group,to join will be mine I pitched it in the,beginning but it's really growing at a,good rate and there are lots of people,who post Incred,value in there so those three groups,alone will give you a good platform to,find valuable posts network with other,entrepreneurs and ultimately grow your,business,the last real benefit of Facebook groups,for me personally is that it provides,you a sort of sense of tunnel vision so,what do I mean by this when I was first,getting started my I spend a lot of time,on Facebook obviously you know III it's,social media a lot of my friends are on,there whatever it may be,and I'm trying to grow a business from,there but before I was joining all these,Facebook groups the majority the post I,was seeing with just got a new dog or,we're getting married or having a baby,soon you know the highlights of people's,life so on and so forth that,doesn't really matter in the grand,scheme of my life I think it's good for,my friends whatever but that's it that,stuff doesn't really matter,so how was I able to leverage wasting,tons of time on Facebook to actually,being something that's valuable simply,by joining a lot of groups and what this,did was made my newsfeed majority post,about e-commerce entrepreneurship,affiliate marketing whatever it may be,so that means every time I log into,Facebook I'm seeing what's going on in,the e-commerce world I'm seeing success,stories I'm seeing failures I'm seeing,results whatever it may be and this kind,of puts you in this tunnel vision zone,of e-commerce it became the only thing,that I thought about 24 hours a day and,even now I don't want to say it's the,only thing that I think about but it's,on my mind the majority of the time,whining because it's on Facebook and -,because you know it's my business my,personal brand it's what I'm growing you,know in this next couple of years but,having that element of tunnel vision,surrounding yourself with only other,entrepreneurs that are on your mission,in terms of the digital space is,incredibly valuable and and this topic,that I'm talking about is something that,I really don't see a lot of people,talking about when I was in LA this,weekend I was masterminding with some of,my close friends and we were sitting,outside talking and we all came to,agreeance that the Facebook groups are,really one of the,things that were able to propel us to,the level of success that we're at today,and I really think that you guys will,see the same if you start to get value,out of them and use them to their,fullest potential anyways guys that was,my recap of how I was able to use,Facebook groups to grow my business to,well over six figures a month it is been,an incredible journey and I am just at,the bottom ladder of where I want to be,within the next two to three years but,if it wasn't for the Facebook groups and,the networking opportunities that was,presented through them I simply would,not be where I'm at today one last note,being in these Facebook groups and,networking with these people over the,Internet has also provided me a platform,to have real friends that I even can,hang out with and talk to and get to,know in person and this isn't just some,fairy tale like this is actually,happening I'm travelling to these,various places and I'm meeting up with,my friends from the internet and when we,hang out when we connect it's like we're,already boys like we already talk all,the time we already go back and forth,it's like we've already been acquainted,so to be honest I have nothing negative,to say about Facebook groups they're,incredibly powerful and you guys need to,be using them more if you're not already,that's about all I have for you guys in,this video I hope you got some value for,it this is one of the favorite topics,that I've actually gone through and,talked about so I really think you guys,should be applying this stuff if you,liked this video and got some value from,it please give me a thumbs up I really,appreciate it and it helps me more than,you know also feel free to hit that,subscribe button and take the,notification bill and speaking of,Facebook groups the link to join mine is,in the description down below so I will,see you guys there but as for this video,that's all I have for you guys so I will,see you in the next video peace

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