how to sell digital art on shopify

Digital Products on Shopify | The easiest way to sell them in 2020! hey there so you're tempted to s

Michelle Palacios

Updated on Feb 02,2023

Digital Products on Shopify | The easiest way to sell them in 2020!

The above is a brief introduction to how to sell digital art on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to sell digital art on shopify

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Digital Products on Shopify | The easiest way to sell them in 2020!

hey there so you're tempted to start selling digital products in your shopify,store selling digital products can be so,appealing the idea of creating a passive product,that you can sell over and over again to create a bigger impact,reach more customers all while working less and delivering automatically,what's not to love but it's important to know there's no such thing as truly,passive income any product you sell is going to take,some work somewhere along the line at this point i've sold somewhere close,to a thousand digital products from wall art to full-on,online courses and i've learned a thing or two about how to make them as passive,as possible in today's video i'm going to walk you,through my five top tips to make selling digital products easy,breezy and close to truly passive if you're as,excited for today's video as i am don't forget to subscribe to my channel,to make sure you're first on the list to find out when new videos go live every,tuesday before we deep dive into my five top,tips i want to take a second just to talk about what a digital download is,i'm assuming you're familiar but just in case a digital download is any kind of,product you create it once you attach it or give,it a home somewhere and then you send it to a customer every,time they buy it's not a product you make with your,hands it's not a product you ship to their home,it could be an ebook a pdf a fancy checklist,a full-on course a wall art print a set of wall art prints,there are so many different kinds of digital downloads you can create,and the fact that selling them is mostly passive once you're done with the,creation part makes them really appealing and a really,great way to add an extra stream of income to your shop without adding a ton,of workload to your plate all right so without further ado let's,jump into my five top tips tip number one make sure it is very,very clear in your listing your product title,in the photos you're taking that what you're selling is a digital download,as much as i would like to tell you that customers are really good at reading the,fine print they're not think about how often you,shop online do you read every single word on the page,my guess is you don't unless you're a super super informed consumer and you,are rare so make sure you're putting the fact,that it's a digital download in the product title if possible,in multiple places within the product description,if you can it's also great to add some sort of call out on at least,one of the product images to give somebody who's more visual and maybe,doesn't skim through the details on the product listing,another indicator that this is a digital download our goal is to try to avoid,people looking at your listing not realizing it's a digital download,purchasing it and then waiting and waiting and waiting to see a package,arrive in the mail that's not coming because you already shipped them,whatever it was they bought whether it was a wall art print or an ebook,and it's probably hanging out in their email right now and they just haven't,opened it yet so as you're building out your listing,as you're taking your product photos make sure to be thinking about the,different places you can include the fact that this is digital,and then maybe add one more tip number two,find a way to add sizing details this one is especially helpful if what you're,selling is wall art um so that might mean laying out a,sample picture next to something that your customer,might have in their home so they can compare the size,it might mean including a mock-up of like a grown-up,holding the book or the wall art print something to help them so they can,visualize the true scale of what it is they're getting and what they'd be able,to print if this is for example a piece of art,they could hang in their room and then print out on their computer,what does that look like what is that sizing,so make sure you're including any of those details in the listing so that,it's super clear for your customers when they're making decisions about whether,or not whether or not they're going to buy,next up it can be really tempting with digital downloads to just include like a,flat picture of whatever it is you know a couple of pages of the book or,um a flat picture of the wall art print that you're going to give them,but you need to help your customer really bring it to life it's not going,to feel very inviting or exciting to just,look at like a flat pdf style sheet of a pic a page within your book so,if you're not familiar there are these things called mock-ups they're really,amazing it's spelled m-o-c-k-u-p-s,to make it plural you can find them on etsy you can find them on creative,market but there are some awesome graphic,designers out there and photographers who have taken pictures of actual books,um actual wall art hanging on walls and you can drop your image your book cover,a couple of sample pages whatever it is same thing goes for online courses,there are mock-ups with computers ipads um,any kind of like device that you might look at a course on if you've been to,any of my pages for the launcher shopkin or for pricing for profitability you've,seen one of those where i show the different computer screens and the,different pieces of the different kits and courses,those are so helpful for your customers to be able to really understand what it,is they're getting right a flat picture a flat image of a,book page doesn't bring it to life in the same way,you know that you can't touch and feel it and somehow that's just less enticing,so i encourage you to find ways to bring,your digital product to life so that your customer really,understands that while they're buying something online that's digital that,they're going to download or read from their computer,it's really going to enhance their life and add a lot of value,and being able to see it in some sort of physical sense can really help with that,tip number four take a second as you're building out this product,think about all of the different questions your customers might ask,about how to actually use it once they buy it so if it's an ebook,can you give them tips on how to print it successfully,or can you walk them through how to open it in adobe pdf,for you and i those things might be obvious because we do it all the time,right this is part of our daily business for a customer this might be the first,time they've ever had to open a pdf it might be the first time they've ever,tried to print an ebook so really go back to the basics,what does someone need to know to be able to use whatever it is you're trying,to sell digitally really effectively there are a couple of,different ways you can share that information so depending on the,questions you think somebody's gonna ask it might make a great blog post and then,you can link up to that blog post within your product description,or make it one of the emails you include in your welcome series,try to answer those questions right up front show your customers that you,really want to make sure that they have a superior experience when they shop,with you and make sure that they're getting all,the answers they need quickly and in a timely fashion,the other place you could consider including it if it doesn't make sense to,have a blog post or maybe you're just not quite in the mood to write a blog,post to totally get it um add those frequently asked questions,to your thank you email after they purchase,right lead with that i'm so happy that you supported me thank you so much for,completing your purchase and then and here are some questions we,get often i want to make sure that you understand,all the details of your beautiful new ebook or your beautiful new waller print,and then you can list out each question individually with the answers below,link them to any resources they might need and then last but not least,you want to find a way to automate automate automate as much of the process,as possible shopify makes that super simple they,have an app that's called of all things digital downloads very clever and it's,free to add to your shop you can just add it from the app store,directly and then you'll be able to link individual listings up to the individual,items that you want your customer to be able to download so that's a super easy,way to make sure that the minute somebody makes a purchase within their,shopify store as long as their payment clears that,digital product will be immediately available for,for them just to give you a better feel for how this works i'm going to take you,behind the scenes in the graceful goose so you can see how it all connects,all right so as i mentioned before the app i like to use for digital downloads,is called digital downloads to find it you would just visit the shopify app,store type the word digital downloads and it'll show you as an option you can,then click to add to your store the app is free which is amazing and,it'll allow you to connect pdf files or any other kind,of digital download jpeg files like picture files uh to your listing so,that when somebody purchases they'll get an email that has links to,everything that they bought and they can download straight from there,so if we jump over to one of my products that includes a digital download we can,see how that works all right so we're inside one of my,sample products in my shopify store let's say this is for a bright pink and,gray um print so there's a picture down here,it's a for this channel we have prayed i have prayed print and if i wanted to,make this a digital download and i wanted to allow my customers to,view this product on my website um decide to buy it and then download it,right after their purchase clears i can click this more actions button,i'll see add digital attachment as an option if i,click it it then gives me the option to upload a,file directly to this listing the other nice thing about digital,downloads is if you have multiple variants,so let's say i'm doing an initial print and somebody could choose any letter,of the alphabet or i'm offering four different quotes in the same listing,i could create those variants on my shopify product page,and then it would show me the options here and i could attach a different file,for every variant so if somebody bought that for this,child i have prayed print once they purchase they'll get access to,the file that i linked to that print let's say i had my fearfully and,wonderfully made print as an option also if they chose that one they would only,get the file for the fearfully and wonderfully made print,not the for this child i have prayed so it gives you a lot of flexibility,um to add options inside your listing and then allow your customer to choose,the one that best fits their needs and get the download that's specific to,what they chose which is amazing and then once a customer purchases as,soon as that payment clears digital downloads the app will shoot,that customer an email um with links to the items that they,purchase so they can just download directly from there,so that makes it super easy to connect if you're selling something like a wall,art print or an ebook you could attach the final file directly,to the listing but if you're selling something like a,course or maybe they're getting access to different templates inside canva or,templates that you've saved to your dropbox somewhere,instead of attaching a finished product to the listing you might attach a pdf,file that then links them to wherever they need to go with instructions for,how to open the things in dropbox or instructions for how to open a shared,file inside canva and reminding them to make a copy that kind of stuff so,there's a couple of different ways you can go to make that user experience,really seamless and make sure your customers have all the information they,need to be successful once they download their goods,all right so now that we've talked through my five top tips for selling,digital products with shopify and we've jumped into my store so you,can see how to actually set up the digital downloads app to be,able to deliver your goodies seamlessly to your customers,i'd love to hear from you what are you hoping to sell are you planning to sell,a digital ebook wall art prints some sort of course or,education maybe you're planning to sell,photography presets to help people take more beautiful pictures,i'd love for you to share in the comments i can't wait to connect with,you don't forget to hit the like button if,you liked this video share it with all your business besties,subscribe to my channel to make sure you're first on the list when new videos,come out every tuesday and i can't wait to catch up with you in,the comments

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