how to select shopify payment gateway

Shopify Payment Gateways to Get Paid FAST | Quick Shopify Tips 2021 in this video we are going to ta

Curious Themes - Shopify Experts

Updated on Jan 29,2023

Shopify Payment Gateways to Get Paid FAST | Quick Shopify Tips 2021

The above is a brief introduction to how to select shopify payment gateway

Let's move on to the first section of how to select shopify payment gateway

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Shopify Payment Gateways to Get Paid FAST | Quick Shopify Tips 2021

in this video we are going to talk about,different payment methods so that your,customers can pay you,very quickly super important right,there are a lot of different payment,methods that you can do for your shopify,store,so that customers can easily check out,on your store and pay you for their,orders,and a lot of this will depend on your,location as well as your industry,so it's really hard to say specifically,what's going to be right for you,however in this video i want to cover,the different payment options,so you know what options are out there,so first off there's a lot of different,third party providers you can go into,the shopify back-end and see the huge,list of different,third-party providers there and they all,have their own different transaction,fees and rates,so again you may want to go with a,specific third party provider,based on your location or your industry,like if you were in,cbd oils or skin care things like that,they're a little bit more regulated,in terms of industries and not allowed,on the shopify payments plan,so you may want it to go with a,different third party provider just,based on the industry alone or again,based off your location the downside of,using a third party provider though,is that there are additional transaction,fees through shopify so you're gonna,have to pay transaction fees for the,third party provider as well as shopify,transaction fees,so that one does sting a little bit,there however if you're able to,negotiate some,lower rates with the third party,provider then it may actually even out,so talking about shopify payments that,is the default payment provider for a,lot of shopify stores,and it makes it really easy to get set,up and linked to your bank account,so there are different transaction fees,that you have to pay,based on which shopify plan that you,choose obviously the higher end plans as,you go up,have better rates there so it really,depends on your sales volume,and how many orders you're getting based,on what plan you want to choose,because then that really comes into play,when it comes to those transaction fees,there are also express checkout options,like,paypal express and amazon pay these can,be really helpful because people already,have their,credit card information shipping,information things like that,set up with these providers so it makes,it a faster checkout process for your,customers which,faster checkout is always better so,you can easily set up these options for,your shopify store,so that customers can easily pay you on,your site,and pull in all of that information,automatically,there are also alternative payment,options and,this one i really love to use quad pay,for,so i've done another video all about,quad pay as well as listed it into our,top,seven trends for e-commerce for 2021 but,what quadpay does is it actually lets,you set up,financing so your customer can take this,big,bulk order it has to be over 35 and they,can divide it into,four different installment payments over,a six week period of,time so you get paid all up front but,your customer,gets to split up the payments so it's a,little bit more manageable for them,this is really helpful to kind of get,customers to spend a little bit more on,your site,so that you know it doesn't feel as,intense of having to pay this huge lump,sum payment,but instead they can then divide that up,and again,you get paid all up front so it's really,just a nice benefit to offer your,customers,and it's really easy to set up on your,site so i'm not going to go over,how to set up quad pay in this video,because we already have another video,tutorial showing that,so if you're interested in setting up,quad pay,and doing financing on your site if you,just want to learn more or see the,step-by-step tutorial,i'll actually put a link to it in the,description below and in the info cards,above as well,so you want to keep in mind that if you,add too many options it may be too many,to clutter up your site as well as it,may,give too many options just for your,customer overall and they end up,choosing,none of the options however you want to,make sure that your customers are able,to check out really fast,because you don't want them to end up,abandoning their order,on your site and just leaving your site,so making it really easy for customers,to check out really fast and seamlessly,should definitely be a huge priority for,you for your shopify store,i hope you found this quick tips video,helpful all about shopify,we've got a whole playlist here of other,shopify quick tips videos,so make sure to check that out and if,you haven't yet also make sure to,subscribe,we post new videos every week all about,shopify and how to grow your online,store

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