how to scale your shopify store

The ULTIMATE Guide to Scaling Your Shopify Store hi i'm greta van riel and i have scaled,four multi-

The ULTIMATE Guide to Scaling Your Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to scale your shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to scale your shopify store

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The ULTIMATE Guide to Scaling Your Shopify Store

hi i'm greta van riel and i have scaled,four multi-million dollar e-commerce,brands and today i'm going to talk to,you about how you can scale your,e-commerce brand and take it to the next,level,so there are three key areas under both,marketing and operations that i think,about consistently when i'm scaling my,brands so under marketing we have market,expansion we have channel expansion and,we have product expansion and under,operations we have people processes and,profit so let's dive first into market,expansion so what i mean by market,expansion is expanding your brand into,new market the first step when you're,entering a new market is to look at the,costings associated with entering that,market so for example the uk so say,we're entering the uk we need to first,convert all of our costings into,british pounds then we need to do more,market research so that we understand,the local market and any kind of like,similarities or differences to the,market that you've already launched in,and i'm sure you can imagine that as you,expand each market you're expanding a,whole new area for your brand to be able,to you know generate revenue and find,new customers as well so the core,markets that we generally look at when,we're launching a brand is we do,australia first i'm located in australia,then we do the uk,then we do canada and then we look at,the us because the us,is you know a really large market and,the cost per acquisition is quite high,through paid advertising in that market,so we actually go there kind of fourth,uh and then we do europe after that,europe is a bit more fragmented as a,market and a lot of different language,barriers as well so that's sort of our,process for market expansion next up is,channel expansion and what i mean by a,channel is a marketing channel that,might be a paid acquisition channel it,might be an organic marketing channel it,might be you know email marketing for,example it depends what your kind of,core channels have been to date a lot of,brands will launch with say organic on,instagram,then uh facebook ads and email marketing,they're probably the most common three,when you're first starting out but as,you can imagine there are a lot of,different uh channels to expand into one,of the most common to move to next is,google others to test obviously are you,know more recently scaling channels like,tick tock whether that's organic tick,tock or paid tick tock,influencer marketing is another entire,channel within itself um,that obviously operates across different,social platforms so it's more about,thinking about the channels that are,going to be the right fit for your brand,like if you're a homewares brand or,you're a styling brand or you know maybe,in the mum or parenting niche you might,be looking at pinterest marketing next,if you're you know a trending tween sort,of brand it might be snapchat so it's,about assessing the channels themselves,and which are going to be most,appropriate for your brand and moving,into those and leading into what works,and finally we have product expansion so,what i mean here is creating new product,lines creating complementary product,lines uh to your existing products so,whether that's like a hero product uh,which would be a new feature product for,your store or a more complimentary,product or add-on to your offering the,reason that we want to consistently do,this is that you know customers and,people as a whole love newness so we,want to constantly be thinking about new,and different products that we can offer,and developing and testing and,validating those so it's not just when,you're starting a brand that you need to,think about product development you need,to consistently think about what your,next winning product could be or how to,increase kind of average order value or,customer lifetime value through new,product editions,so now that you've expanded your,business from a marketing perspective in,terms of revenue and in terms of units,sold you're going to need the,operational support to be able to scale,so i'll just quickly touch on some of,these areas first up we of course have,people so,of course you're going to need the,people to be able to support this growth,as well whether it's selling more,products so you need a larger customer,service team whether it's moving into,new markets so you need an operations,manager to support that as you can,imagine this is very people intensive,like when we're first starting a brand,uh until you get to a certain point yes,that brand can survive just with you as,the founder kind of wearing a lot of,hats and it is where a lot of early,stage founders do struggle uh it's hard,to delegate but one thing that i do when,i'm kind of speaking to an early stage,founder or even members within my team,leaders that now need extra support,within the team,is mapping out your day into key areas,and starting to write out every single,task that you do,because then you can work on finding the,right person to hire to delegate those,tasks too so that's a really simple,process that you can follow there so,you've got the people in place to help,you scale now you need the right,processes in place to help your people,and these are really intertwined because,systems run your business but people run,your systems so you're only really as,good as the systems or the processes,that you have in place for your team a,really good way to start to structure,these is looking at creating standard,operating procedures or sops,around all of those like key repeatable,areas of your business so that if one,team member's sick or if one team member,leaves your business for example you're,still able to run and do that kind of,hand over to another team member on a,day-to-day basis so that you're not as,reliant upon just the people within your,business if you can create the systems,and processes for people to run,then you don't become as reliant on one,single person within your team because,if you are relying to one single person,that's obviously a bit of a liability to,your business and finally we have profit,so you just have to constantly be aware,of the numbers and key metrics that are,working within your business so,it doesn't matter creating revenue if,you're creating a loss at the end of the,day i'm only interested in profit,generating businesses and so should you,be a lot of businesses in like kind of,growth mode might not necessarily care,as much about turning a profit but to be,able to have a bootstrapped business you,have to be profitable so it's being,constantly aware of you know all the key,metrics and figures around your business,and your unit economics it's just being,constantly aware of these and not just,thinking of these when you're first,starting your brand and having a,spreadsheet off somewhere else and you,know receiving your p l maybe at the end,of the month from your bookkeeper or,accountant and pushing that to the side,like you have to be accountable and,responsible for those numbers or there,is no use running or scaling your,business who wants to scale to,you know a million dollars in revenue a,month if you're not making a profit it's,just not something i'm interested in so,this has been a really top-level look,into some of the key growth levers that,you can use to grow your business,if you want to check out kind of more,deep dive versions of these you can,check out the other videos under the,founder channel that i've created with,the team so go and do that now and i'll,see you soon hey guys hope you're loving,our videos and you're getting heaps of,value from them if you are make sure to,hit the like button and make sure to,subscribe to join the founder fam if you,did enjoy this video and want to,continue to master your skills make sure,you click here to access your free,training now we will go into way more,depth with this founder

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