how to runa free plus shipping on shopify

How To Do Free Plus Shipping On Shopify what's going on youtube it's jelani from,cartfield and in th


Updated on Feb 27,2023

How To Do Free Plus Shipping On Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to runa free plus shipping on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to runa free plus shipping on shopify

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How To Do Free Plus Shipping On Shopify

what's going on youtube it's jelani from,cartfield and in this video i'm going to,share with you how you can create a free,plus shipping,funnel on shopify so if you're wanting,to sell something for free and just have,them pay the shipping,i'm going to show you how to do that on,a single product funnel follow me,so the first thing is you want to go to, and you want to sign up for,a free account cartfuel is an embeddable,payment platform that allows you to,embed,payments on any type of landing page so,you can literally,connect this on any type of landing page,and then have that sale,from cartfield go into your shopify,store so that you can fulfill it,so what you're going to do is sign up,and then once you sign up you're going,to sign in,and once you're in you're going to make,sure that you connect your stripe,account to your cart fuel account and we,have videos as soon as you sign up,there's going to be some videos that,you're going to watch and it's going to,show you how to do it,um and then once you connect your uh,your stripe account you're going to want,to follow,this step so go to under product actions,click on new product sequence and then,you're going to give your product a name,so i'm not sure what you're selling on,your store,but whatever you're selling that you,want to create a free shipping funnel,for,you would want to add that to this uh,name field so,let's say in this case my example is,going to be a candle so i'm going to say,free plus shipping,candle okay i'm not gonna put a,description,and for the price i'm gonna put uh the,price of the shipping so the price of,the shipping is normally around like,eight dollars so,i'll say the candle itself is eight,dollars,to ship and the reason why you would,want to do this um let's say for example,this candle in real life without the,free plus shipping offer,is you know thirteen dollars okay why,would we wanna lose,five dollars if the candle costs 13 why,are we selling it for eight as a free,plus shipping offer the reason for that,is because what you're going to do,is you're going to upsell other products,so normally you would send,someone to the store they buy the candle,and that's it there's there's nothing,after that purchase however with cart,fuel,you're able to upsell additional,products so you kind of lose a bit of,money on the front end in the front end,meaning the first product that they buy,but you gain more money on the back end,because you're going to upsell them,additional products,so what you're going to do now is scroll,down and you can choose between,a billing frequency of once or recurring,in this case i'm going to keep it as,once just because it's just a one-time,offer but if you did want to,do a recurring type of offer like a,subscription,you would just toggle this on and then,make sure that you set the product up in,stripe,first and then once it's set up in,stripe you can select them from the drop,down here,we have documentation talking about that,so if you are interested in that,um just go to docs.cartfield okay so,let's continue on here so,if you scroll down you'll be able to see,that we can add additional features like,uh additional fees add a quantity field,charge taxes add shipping,um add a coupon at order bump add,countdown timer,the only field that i'm going to toggle,on right now is the shipping field,because we do want that information to,go inside of shopify,so i'm going to toggle that on and as,you can see on the right hand side,it adds it so let's go to the next step,i can choose,to change the font type if i want i'm,going to keep it the way it is in the,form style i can change as well i'm,going to kind of speed up a bit because,there's a lot to do and i don't want,this to be a super long video but you,kind of get the idea,and step two it's all about customizing,your your payment form so the only thing,i'm going to change here,is the button text so i'm going to say,yes i,want this candle,cool and the button color i think can,stay in the button radius i'll kind of,just even that out,cool now for the terms of service and,the privacy policy url you would want to,enter that but for,the sake of time i'm not going to enter,that but if you do enter yours,it's going to show up right here so when,someone's buying something from this,form,they can click on that and then they can,view the terms i'm gonna click on next,step,so where is this person gonna go after,they purchase okay step three page after,purchase,very simple you wanna put the url of the,page that you wanna send them to after,they make an,order so what you need to do at this,point is you need to locate,the the page that you're going to send,them so if it's going to be a thank you,page if that's it like they buy the,candle that's all you want to do then,that's great but you send them to a,thank you page,in this case i'm going to be upselling,them to make more money so,i'm going to send them to a upsell page,so what you want to do,is inside of your landing page software,i'm not sure what you're using but in,this example i'm going to use webflow,but this is really the same process for,any type of landing page builder that,you're going to use you just follow,along,so i'm going to locate my upsell page so,you can see here i have,um candle upsell and i just have a,simple page here,and i'm just going to click on publish,real quick and i'm just going to grab,the url,and then i'm going to go back into cart,fuel and just paste that url here,now once you enter that url you're going,to click on this little,toggle here that indicates that this,this url is an upsell page,and then you're going to give it a name,so you can say you know more candles,i don't know all right and then you can,you know give them another price maybe,more candles maybe we'll say two candles,for one right 20 bucks,um and then again you can charge,additional fees you can only show the,upsell button,if you don't want that information there,i'm going to leave it like this,and again you can change the billing,frequency um you can charge taxes,and so forth as you scroll i'm going to,round this out,and then actually scroll back up here,because i do want to change the upsell,button text so i'm going to say yes i,want this offer,and then for the after upsell url,and the no thank you url you want to,enter the url where you want to send,that person after they buy this two,candles for one,so in our case we are not going to,upsell again so what i'm going to do is,just go,into our thank you page here,and i'm just going to change this to say,thanks just so we know this is the thank,you page,and uh i'm gonna publish that real quick,and then i'm gonna grab this url go back,to cart fuel,and then i'm gonna paste that and then,i'm also gonna paste uh,it here as well now if you wanted to um,you could,add another upsell and in that case you,would enter the url of the,second upsell page so and then you would,toggle this on same process,but this is the end of it for us so i'm,gonna click on next step step four is,about integrations we don't have any so,i'm not gonna talk about that,and then step five is sending an email,after the purchase so uh you can send,one email after they purchase whatever,product so if it's the main product they,can,you can send an email it's mainly just,give them some more information about,what they just bought all right now what,i'm gonna do is click on save,now when you save you're gonna get these,product codes okay so this is really,simple it's nothing to do with coding,it's all about copy and pasting you,don't have to do anything else,so what you're going to do is you're,going to go back to your landing page,builder and in my case it's web flow,like i said,and i'm going to go to my home page now,on my home page i have an,embed element here now on your landing,page builder whatever you're using you,want to add a html,embed element and if you're if you're,not too sure what that is if you're not,using webflow or you're not using,something that's standard you would,reach out to their support,uh team and just say hey like do you,guys have html embeds,um and then then you can add it to your,your landing page so what i'm gonna do,now is go back to cart fuel copy this,main product code go back into webflow,and then,all i'm gonna do i'm gonna get rid of,this first you're not gonna have,anything yours will be blank like this,uh i'm just gonna paste that first code,that we just copied this one,and then i'm going to copy the second,one and then i'm going to,paste that there as well and that's it,save and close and now what you're going,to do,is go to your upsell page and you do the,same thing,you're going to do the same exact thing,by copying,make sure you have that embed element,and then paste,and then copy,and then paste okay and that's literally,it and then,you're going to pop publish the the the,url,now because this is um,a test what you want to do is first of,all,make sure that this is off of test mode,so right now it's in test mode if i were,to view this home page you'll see that,this,is in test mode but what you want to do,is actually test this in a live,transaction,um to make sure that it goes through,and uh what i'm going to do though off,camera is,actually do a live transaction so i'm,gonna turn this off to test mode save,this again,and then if you ever refresh the page,you'll see we're no longer in test mode,and off camera i'm just going to quickly,fill in this information so that we can,go on to the next step,so if i click on yes i want this candle,it's going to redirect me to the upsell,page and then if you click on this,it's going to redirect me awesome,so now that we did the live transaction,what we're going to do now,is we're going to set up the zap so that,we can send that information to,uh shopify so i'm going to click on make,a zap and i'm going to,go search for cart fuel and,in this example i already have my,account connected,um but it's really simple once you just,click on choose account,if you're new it's gonna show up a,pop-up and all you need to do is,go into cart fuel and um go,to settings and then go to api and then,just create a new api and then add that,into zapier,we have documentation talking about that,though if you get confused,i'm going to click continue and then,make sure that the,event is successful transaction,going to click on test and because we,did a live transaction it went through,and now what we're going to do is we're,going to,set up shopify so the first thing is go,to shopify,you're gonna ch choose the action event,in this case what i'm gonna do is first,find the customer and if this customer,does not exist what we're gonna do next,is,create the customer so what this allows,us to do is make the customer first and,then attach,that order from here to that customer,which is a more safe way,a safer way to do what we're about to do,so i'm going to answer the name of the,person,and then i'm going to enter the email,and uh i'm going to click on,this so create a customer if one does,not exist,and now we're going to enter the street,information,all right so then once you enter all,this information you're going to go to,accept,marketing you'll say yes and then,that's pretty much it all right oops,there's one step that you have to do,here so the first thing is you have to,add the name here,and so in addition to adding the name,here add it here the first name,and then the last name as well which is,going to be in our case there's no last,name because we kind of combined them,and this is going to be an update that,we're going to have very soon,but for now for this to pass through,just click on uh,and then it will go through but in the,future these two things will be,separated all right now that you have,all that just click on continue,and then test and review okay so now,that we made this test what we're going,to do next is create that order,by searching for shopify,and then choosing the action event which,is create order,and then you choose the shopify account,and then you want to enter the email of,the customer,and the product that you want this to,match which is in our case the amaretto,and you want to enter the,the shipping information as well so,we'll do the same thing,just grab this information,and i'll probably speed this part up,okay so then you're gonna once that's,all done just click on test and review,and you can see the order was sent to,shopify so if we log into our shopify,and we refresh,you'll see that it was authorized and it,made it through to shopify so,you're able to take the order a free,plus shipping order inside of cart fuel,and then have that information passed,directly into shopify so that you can,fulfill,that order it's seamless and it works,really well so all you need to do is,get a car fuel account get a zap your,account and then just connect the two,and then start taking free plus shipping,orders as easy as that so let me know if,you guys like this video i,personally love making these types of,videos i really love shopify and i love,cart fuel so,if you want to see more shopify more,cart field videos uh maybe,combining the two maybe doing some mini,series talking about drop shipping how,do you can do that with cart fuel with,shopify,a lot of things i have in my mind that i,would love to produce for you guys so,just let me know,leave a comment down below and if you,haven't checked out car fuel yet,check it out uh sign up for a free,account let me know what you think of it,so i can make it the best product it,could possibly be and that starts with,you guys so if you have any other,suggestions please let me know,thank you guys so much for watching and,i'll see you in the next video bye

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