how to run a rental program on shopify

Create an Online Rental Store Using Shopify | Shopify Experts hey guys my wagon here Mike Walden cal

Create an Online Rental Store Using Shopify | Shopify Experts

The above is a brief introduction to how to run a rental program on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to run a rental program on shopify

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how to run a rental program on shopify catalogs

Create an Online Rental Store Using Shopify | Shopify Experts

hey guys my wagon here Mike Walden calm,and in this video I will show you how to,create an online rental store with,Shopify the more comprehensive guide is,available at Mike Walden com,it will also be linked down below in the,description so let's jump right into it,it is no doubt that Shopify is a very,versatile becomes platform in ads and,it's been formed into sites that are not,exclusively selling physical or digital,items online some companies have used it,specifically just to showcase their,products some even use it as an,alternative to WordPress as a content,management system others have used it to,set up paid appointments to speakers and,consultants and so something that I've,recently been asked to create is a,Shopify rental store,so what are the basic functions that a,rental store should have that is not yet,default in the Shopify setup first is,picking a date,for renting the product second is asking,more information about the product,requesting a code for customized pricing,fourth is generating invoices fifth and,is customizing the shipping rates then,sixth is customized product options so,some some rental stores might need,different functions but in general these,are the main ones at a rental business,order needs on their website we'll take,a look at each function in detail and,how to implement them in to a Shopify,store through any available apps so,picking the date or date range for,renting a product,customers need a way to set a date or a,date range where they will be the item,that will be rented one of the most,recommended Shopify app for this is,booked that app so it is linked on my,article hopefully you will check it out,it lets customers reserve time on your,business calendar right on your Shopify,site so you can offer appointments,classes product rent those tickets and,more in all all in one place so,customers stay in your shop and your,third party hassles are over they also,have a demo site that you can check out,it will be linked in the article below,customers also need a way to ask more,information about any of the products,that is being offered most of the time,customers cannot tell or cannot get all,the information they need just from,looking at the website this is where we,need to implement easy customer contact,methods for the customer so here are,some of the options for this is getting,a phone number a Skype online number or,use grasshopper so this is a service for,customer support with online number,another option is facebook chat so more,and more people prefer messaging,platforms like facebook messenger over,email for phone or online chat when it,comes to communicating with brands so,you can definitely check out this a,facebook chat app there's a more,detailed explanation on it on my article,as well but let's go through the,as quickly as possible the next chat app,that I recommend is Zendesk this is a,similar to what I have on my website,contact us form right and you will be,able to send in message them directly to,customer support on the website okay,next here's a improve on tap form so,this is just a page a contact form on,your website and if you use this app you,will have an instant contact us page and,also a pop-up from your shop so you can,easily get messages from visitors and,customers without anything your theme,next requirement is requesting a code,for customized pricing some rental,companies especially those with higher,priced items may want to have the,request a code option for their,customers this will be very handy if you,are already expecting customers to,negotiate a better pricing for bundled,products and then they can directly pay,for the rented items directly on the,quotation that you have sent through,email here are some of the apps that you,need to check out first is the global,request a code I've tried this out and,here's their whole description of their,app it allows your customers to submit,codes for any product and bugging for,the best price if you agree with this,codes you can turn them into orders,would you like to receive requests for,code from your customers requesting code,app will provide you with this feature,on your Shopify store another code app,is get a code in high prices so,this will allow you to hide the product,price and also the Add to Cart button,and replace them with a get a code,button so the customer will be able to,send you the code request through the,custom built in contact form then you,will receive all the code details,immediately on your email address the,next KOAT app is quick code from the,this one is for the Shopify cart page,from the normal Shopify cart customers,can request the code this will email you,all the items requested it will also,create a editable code in the app admin,from there you can send them back a code,response with pricing discounts and they,can accept or check out if they aren't,ready to checkout they can also comment,on the code which will send you an email,so check out those code apps,I recommend the global request a code,tab so if you need to generate invoices,this one is just a quick example from,the movement watch Shopify has its own,free invoice generator that you can use,to create invoices for your clients,Shopify's online invoice generator makes,your life easier when it comes to,building and collecting money simply,fill in the required information and,create an invoice on the spot you can,save print or email it directly to your,clients and it's already linked on my,article but if you want more control or,automation with your Shopify invoicing,you may also check out these apps,the first is invoice if I it is a fully,automated,invoicing solution that creates and,sends an invoice for each order that is,placed with your store simply select or,create a template for your invoice and,invoice if I will handle the rest,another invoice app that I recommend for,printing invoices labels receipts,packing slips and more this is the app,called order printer it is free and easy,to set up so you can print documents in,bulk or one at a time depending on your,needs lastly another invoice app that I,recommend is Sophie Oh Sophie oh,Beautiful invoices it is described as,invoices that tell your story compliant,and also fully automatic so they claim,to have been professionally translated,over 30 languages and it stands out to,build a powerful brand they are,professionally crafted by top print,designers another requirement for any,rental online rental store is customized,shipping rates so sometimes rental,businesses need very specific shipping,options based on price size weight or,location Shopify's built-in shipping,options might not cut it for these,situations especially in countries where,the province province rates are not yet,available this it's best to utilize,Shopify apps to solve these kinds of,issues so here are the Shopify apps that,you can consider first is parcel if I,create powerful powerful custom,shipping rates with parcel if I next,shipping app that you cannot try out is,better shipping take control of your,shipping rates more detailed,descriptions are available on the,article another shipping app that you'd,like to check out is bespoke shipping,this is shipping supercharged another,shipping app that you can consider is,shipping rates calculator Plus this will,be able to show you the shipping rates,with a G on the geolocation on the cart,page another app is the advanced,shipping manager accurate shipping rates,for online stores all right,so now we will check out the current,renting businesses online that are using,Shopify,the first one is mannequin madness it is,a mannequin shop and rental store in San,Francisco Bay Area let's just a do a,quick view of their Shopify store they,have all types of mannequin products,they are selling it and renting it as,well,the next Shopify store that you would,like to check out is the player bike,repair they are company that mainly,repairs bikes but also rents for it also,rents them for Burning Man so if you,know the Burning Man invent then the,player bike repair is available there on,that event let's check out their bike,rentals how they are set up they have,different tiers very basic variation for,the bikes you can indicate how many,bikes you want to rent and they just,filled it up with all the information,that the customer might need for renting,the bike ok let's check out the next,website this one is pretty popular,across Shopify blogs because they have,been featured a couple of times already,they are happily ever borrowed by the,accessories rental company that is now,expanded across u.s. states as you can,see they have a very clean and classy,Shopify store very visual let's check,out how they have set up their rentals,go for a classic style,okay they have some options here right,for the rental 80 rental you can also,choose to own it so it will show the,price of the item when you want to buy,it as it is or also the rental rental,prices here you can also set up the,dates as you can see they are also using,book that app the app that I recommended,for scheduling appointments and,specifically for our purpose for renting,let's check out the last website that I,have mentioned the mobile mobile locker,company they are a portable locker,rental for races and events so you can,see coast-to-coast coverage for anthos,for events of all sizes they cater to,NBA right now right now it says on-site,rentals only since the date is already,past already but I can see how they,might have used this website they can,ask the customer on-site to go to their,online rental store Mobile mobile locker,Co calm and that's where they can choose,the size that they need for their locker,pay it online as well or maybe use the,POS system that Shopify has alright so I,hope you found this Shopify rental store,guide helpful for your business and let,me know how you are setting up your own,online rental store if you have any,questions feel free to leave them in the,comments below click the subscribe,button if this has been helpful for you,take the notification there like also,you don't miss out on any new tips and,tricks on Shopify and e-commerce thank,you and have a great day

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