how to restrict only one product sale in shopify

Content restriction in Shopify | Restrict Access to Products in Shopify hello and welcome to mini or


Updated on Mar 16,2023

Content restriction in Shopify | Restrict Access to Products in Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to restrict only one product sale in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to restrict only one product sale in shopify

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how to restrict only one product sale in shopify catalogs

Content restriction in Shopify | Restrict Access to Products in Shopify

hello and welcome to mini orange today,we are going to see about mini orange,content restriction application for,shopify store the mini orange content,restriction is an application that,allows you to have complete control of,your shopify store content you can,restrict access to pages blogs products,collections and many more,based on customer criteria like allowing,access to only logged in users or to,customers with specific customer tags or,from a specific location or allowing,access to customers having passcode also,you can define your own custom criteria,if you want to restrict not logged in,users from accessing any content in the,store then you can simply create a lock,in our application by selecting the,content,the guest visitors browsing the,restricted pages,will be prompted for login,or can also display any custom html you,can group users based on tags their,behavior and order history and create,different sections in the shopify store,for different customers,for example when users buy a membership,on your site you can allocate them a tag,and give them access to specific,sections based on that tag,you can also restrict access to certain,sections based on customer i p and,customer location,let's see the working of the application,in action first let's try to access all,the pages in the store,you will be able to access all the pages,now navigate to the content restriction,application and click on the start,locking button now select the type of,content on which you want to create a,lock,entire store selecting this will create,a lock on the entire store selected,content selecting this will allow you to,create a lock on content from templates,like products collections blogs pages,etc,price select this if you want to hide,prices for customers who fail the define,lock criteria purchase form select this,if you want to hide the purchase form,from customers who fail to define lock,criteria let's select the entire store,option to see how the application works,click on the create lock button you will,be able to see the schedule lock option,you can choose the immediately option to,make the lock active immediately after,creating the lock if you want the lock,to be active on specific days of a week,or a month then you can schedule the,lock,for now let's select the immediate,option,now click on the add key button and set,the lock criteria,users will be restricted to access the,locked content if they fail this lock,criteria,select the logged in option to create a,lock based on logged in users and non,logged in users based on the lock,criteria let's say logged in you can,either allow or restrict users from,accessing the content,you can find the lock criteria,description on the top,click on the save key button you can,define the behavior of the locked page,for the users who fail the lock criteria,defined previously in this video,click on save,you can see the list of all locks that,you have created on the dashboard,you can enable disable edit lock and,delete lock for any lock from the,dashboard now try to access the pages,once again,you will be asked to log in first thank,you for watching this video for more,information drop us a query at shopify,support at the

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