how to request access to a shopify store

How to Request Access to your Client's Store hey everyone i'm pete from shopify and,in this video we


Updated on Jan 31,2023

How to Request Access to your Client's Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to request access to a shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to request access to a shopify store

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how to request access to a shopify store catalogs

How to Request Access to your Client's Store

hey everyone i'm pete from shopify and,in this video we're gonna show you how,to request a collaborator account so,that you can gain access to your client,store for any links to the relevant help,guides and resources mentioned in this,video check out the description below,now without further ado let's get right,into it,let's first go over what is a,collaborator account collaborator,accounts provide you the shopify partner,access to a particular shopify admin,directly from your partner dashboard in,order to gain access to a store you must,send the request to the client and they,would need to approve it they have full,control over the permissions and will,grant you access to only the sections of,the store that they want you to see so,that being said let's go through the,steps on how to request access to a,client store as a shopify partner first,we'll need to log into your partner,account dashboard,then click on stores in the top left,corner in the menu,from there click on add store,here you'll be able to pick a store type,for collaborator access you want to,choose manage store,now you'll need to enter in the my,shopify url of the store you wish to,gain access to,at this stage we may be required to,enter in an access code,if the merchant has access restricted on,who is able to request access to the,store,they can share this code with you ahead,of time and it can be entered in here,in this next section we're going to,click on the boxes for the sections of,the store we need access or choose full,access if that is necessary it is always,best for the security and experience of,your client to only request access to,what is needed,you also have the option to include a,message in your request here this could,be an explanation of the permissions,requested or anything else you might,want to communicate to your client now,we can hit save which will send off the,request,the store owner will receive an email at,a notification within their admin,prompting them to accept or deny the,request,if there was a previous request that was,denied by the merchant a new one will,need to be sent before this could be,done you will have to reach out to our,support team to have this old request,cleared once the client accepts the,request you will have access to their,store from within your partner dashboard,you'll see the store listed under the,manage store tab where you'll be able to,gain access to simply click on the login,here so there you have it you have just,learned how to request collaborator,access to a shopify store if you have,any questions be sure to visit, as always thanks for,watching and don't forget to like and,subscribe,you

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