how to reply to comments on shopify blog

Shopify Tutorial - How to use the blog and manage spam comments hi today I'm going to show you how t

Robert OBrien

Updated on Feb 21,2023

Shopify Tutorial - How to use the blog and manage spam comments

The above is a brief introduction to how to reply to comments on shopify blog

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how to reply to comments on shopify blog catalogs

Shopify Tutorial - How to use the blog and manage spam comments

hi today I'm going to show you how to,use the blog feature and Shopify I'm on,my home page and you click down here to,online store and pick blog posts then,you go to add a blog post or this,feature the menu button here let's pick,the menu button and we're going to,manage blogs here you go add a blog and,a familiar type screen will come up here,and type in the name blog too and hips a,blog but before you do that you want to,work this comment section here comments,are disabled comments are allowed,pending moderation and comments are,automatically published if your comments,are disabled there will be no commenting,section at the bottom of your blog,article for anybody to leave comments I,do not recommend this feature you should,hear what your customers are saying and,allow them some opportunity for feedback,comments pending moderation is the best,feature this will allow you to filter,out spam and hate comments and comments,are automatically published is the worst,this is where people will just spam you,left and right and leave hateful,comments and if you're not on top of it,every day it's going to get away from,you really quick so I would not use this,one I'm going to parse this one and then,save the block so now your comments now,your blog is created now if you want to,do blog so we're going to go back here,to the main blog page and i'm going to,show you the menu button the menu button,here allows you to manage your comments,I already have a blog and I've got some,comments here so I'm going to show you,how to manage your comments that you,approve them one by one before they're,published now I already went ahead and,approve this one but if not it says is,this spam or not and if it is fam you,just push this button the delete button,and it disappears it's as simple,okay now let's go back to blog posts and,I'm going to show you how to add a quick,blog post you hit that button there and,it gives you a screen which looks very,familiar I think to you because this is,the same kind of screen that it is for,creating a page you put your title in,your your content for your blog post and,you hid visible to make it show until,you're editing it you might want to keep,it hidden and you pick the author,there's a drop down there i'm going to,pick myself it goes to blog what's,happening as opposed to blog too which,is the one I just created which is a,fake blog and you could tag it and then,just hit the Save button also it's a,good idea to have an image here as well,so that your blog page shows an image,for each of the blog articles so there,you have it that's the way to do blog,posts manage your comments and make a,blog post thank you very much

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