how to remove watermark from an image in shopify

How To REMOVE Watermarks On Photos WITHOUT Photoshop In 1 Mins - Perfect For Shopify Dropshipping wh

Fred Lam

Updated on Feb 24,2023

How To REMOVE Watermarks On Photos WITHOUT Photoshop In 1 Mins - Perfect For Shopify Dropshipping

The above is a brief introduction to how to remove watermark from an image in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to remove watermark from an image in shopify

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How To REMOVE Watermarks On Photos WITHOUT Photoshop In 1 Mins - Perfect For Shopify Dropshipping

what is up everybody fred i'm here and,in this video i would actually share,with you how you can remove your,watermarks on your products or any photo,without using photoshop or hiring,expensive graphic designers now before,we get into it make sure that you,subscribe to my youtube channel and,click that notification bellow so that,each time I release a brand new video,you're gonna get know to buy it right,away and at the same time if you want to,follow me on instagram simply search for,Fred Leib official to see me on a daily,basis posting random stuff that being,said let's dive right in into our video,today first of all never do this it just,baffles me every single time that I do a,store review and I see a product a photo,of something that they wanted to sell,that has a logo on there obviously these,are called watermarks and you absolutely,want to remove these because by having,these watermarks and these logo on these,images it really just tell your,customers that you are obviously just,arbitrage other people's product you,don't have the inventory and it's not,professional you will actually drive,customers away so if you are into shop,fly drop shipping and you are uploading,products into your store you've got to,make sure that you remove the watermark,and turn them into like this now doing,this is obviously pretty simple a lot of,people would think hey I need to,actually spend a lot of money to acquire,photoshop skills or to hire graphic,designers to do that for you well in,this video I'm actually here to tell you,you don't need to I'm going to show you,a simple tool that you can use that's a,hundred percent free that you can remove,any watermarks on your images so let me,show you how you can do this so I'm,going to go to my browser and let's say,that we want to sell this product on our,Shopify store now you can see that there,is a watermark over at the top left hand,corner which we want to actually have,that removed so to do this is obviously,super simple what I'm gonna do for,is I'm just gonna screenshot the photo,or you can download it yourself however,you want to do it next I go to this,website call online dot the in paint,comm and when you're in here all you got,to do is simply upload the image and,once you've uploaded the image you're,gonna be brought into this screen over,here now all you have to do is control,the size of this red circle that you,have and you simply just highlight all,the spots that you want the Waterbar to,be removed we're getting a faster speed,and once you're done click on this erase,icon over here voila all done now I can,actually just do some more work on just,eliminating these part again click on,the erase again and now it is totally,removed all I have to do is simply just,download the little resolution file,because we don't need it to be super big,we're not printing it and now you will,actually have this image over here that,completely removed the watermark so in,less than 15 seconds I could actually,have the entire watermark removed and,seriously it's that simple,so if you are running a Shopify drop,shipping business and you have products,that you're not able to actually remove,the watermark you no longer need to,actually get any Photoshop skill or even,having someone to do it for you we did,it less than 15 seconds and you can,simply do it by highlighting the parts,that you don't want so I hope that this,quick video tutorial really helps you,out and let me know write in the comment,box below if you enjoy this video and,make sure you subscribe to my youtube,channel click that notification bell so,that each time I release a brand new,video you're gonna get notified right,away I'll see you next time

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