how to remove powr map from shopify site

How To Embed Google Maps To Shopify - Step By Step Tutorial all right what's up guys this is jake,an

Casual Ecommerce

Updated on Feb 24,2023

How To Embed Google Maps To Shopify - Step By Step Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to how to remove powr map from shopify site

Let's move on to the first section of how to remove powr map from shopify site

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How To Embed Google Maps To Shopify - Step By Step Tutorial

all right what's up guys this is jake,and in this video i'm going to be,showing you how you can go ahead and,embed a google map,inside of your shopify store so it's,really quick and easy and if you have a,local business with a physical location,then this is something you can do to go,ahead and give customers a visual,representation,of where your store is,so there's a lot of different places,that you can put this map,but in this specific example i'm gonna,be showing you how to put it on,the contact page so if we come down here,to online store,and click on pages i'm gonna go ahead,and just open up the contact page,now you could also put this on like the,about page or,a few other places in your store but in,this case we're going to put it on the,contact page,so we can see right here this is the,contact page we have currently,and what i'm going to do is i'm going to,just go ahead and put the map,right below this text and right above,this contact form,so in order to set this up all we have,to do is,head over to google and we're just gonna,go ahead,and search for maps and we're gonna open,up uh google maps here,and then we're just going to go ahead,and put in a random area so in this case,i'm going to just,pick a city real quick and of course,what you would want to do,is go ahead and put in your business,address,but i'm going to just go ahead and,search a city real quick,and let's say that you owned,um this specific whole foods right here,so this was your address,so once you have went ahead and put in,your address and you've selected,the exact address all you have to do is,come over here,and click the share button and then,we're going to,come in here and select embed a map and,then right here,on the left we can see that it's going,to go ahead and show a preview,of what the map's going to look like and,we can see that we can change its size,we can make it small we can make it,medium,or we can make it large or if we don't,like any of these sizes,we can go ahead and make a custom size,so if you want to go ahead and have a,custom size you can go ahead and edit,the dimensions right here,and then you can preview it so let's say,i went ahead and previewed,um this size right here this is what it,would look like,i could go ahead and shrink this custom,size down,to something like this and it would go,ahead and,preview this different size right here,so what i recommend doing,is if you don't like any of these,default sizes you can go ahead and mess,around,by customizing different sizes and try,and figure out what would look best over,your store so in this case,let's say i did something like this,and i could preview it and i'm going to,drag this,off screen just for a second and i'm,going to come over here and then,drag it back on and what this is going,to do is this is going to,kind of give us a visual of what it,would look like,on the page that we are installing it on,so let's say maybe i wanted,um the map to be just as wide,as the contact form so i'd have to come,back over here,and make it a little bit wider so we,could try,900 and if you don't have a second,screen,then you can just minimize this and then,bring the window back up and then we can,come look at it right here,and we can see that 900 pixels fits,perfectly with the width of the contact,form,so i'm gonna go ahead and use this so,all we have to do now is once we've,selected our size we can just click copy,html,so this is going to be copied to our,clipboard and we're going to come back,over here,to our admin and once we're on the page,that we want to add in,the map to we're going to select right,here,to show the html and then i'm going to,come down here,at the bottom and you just want to paste,the,embed code where you want the map to,show up so like i said before i want the,map to show up below,um all this text right here so i'm going,to come in and click save,and now we're going to view this page,again and we can see that now the map,that we just embedded in here is now,loaded up right here and it has full,functionality,just like a typical google map would so,with that said that's how you can go,ahead and embed,google maps to your shopify store and,how you can customize the size and make,it look good,depending on the page you are putting it,into,if you found this video helpful go ahead,and leave it a thumbs up subscribe to,this channel for more content and i'll,see you guys in another video

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