how to remove powered by shopify 2020

How to Remove the Powered by Shopify Link from Your Store Footer Hey what's going on guys my name is


Updated on Feb 02,2023

How to Remove the Powered by Shopify Link from Your Store Footer

The above is a brief introduction to how to remove powered by shopify 2020

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How to Remove the Powered by Shopify Link from Your Store Footer

Hey what's going on guys my name is Christian for BitBranding and today we're,gonna go over how to remove the powered by Shopify link on your stores footer,let's get into it so there are two ways that you can do this number one we're,gonna go here to online store I'm gonna wait for this to load go to actions to,drop down on the actions and you can go to edit languages once that loads you go,to the search and search for powered and this will bring up any time that that,word is mentioned on your website so right now we have it for our general,password page and our checkout and systems link so right here you can go to,just backspace whatever is written or if you don't have anything just add a space,so that it completely gets rid of it same over here on the password page you,can just delete that at a space and make sure that they're both blank once you,have that going on you can click Save I'm gonna go ahead and go to our preview,page so you can see what I'm talking about here so right here at the bottom,it says powered by Shopify and it has a link to Shopify that's what we're trying,to get rid of and it looks like this already saved so let's go ahead and,refresh the page and we see here at the bottom that the power by Shopify link,has been deleted now that's sort of the easy way to do it and a lot of Shopify,themes have the ability to for you to edit the language you may have a,different type of theme that maybe we can edit that part but it still won't go,away so I'm gonna go into the actual edit code and show you how to find that,and get rid of it alright so in order to do that the,second way you can go to actions and then edit code and then within the Edit,code is very important to try not to change anything else on any of these,files deleting a period from the code can,actually break your website in different ways so it's very important to stay,within the things that you know how to change and just change those things so,for example here this shows you all the files for the website and what we're,going to do is we're going to search for the footer and we search for the footer,you'll see under sections you have a footer dot liquid I'm gonna open that,one and in here I'm going to click on the text here and then command F or ctrl,F if you're on PC and it's going to open up the search write down the search we,can type in the same word powered and you will see here it says small all this,line of code right here and then powered by link so all you have to do is grab,that right there just grab that right there just the powered by link between,those two brackets and then backspace and save that and that should be it you,can just exit out of that and go back to your dashboard and you can check it I,mean already deleted it from the Edit languages so I didn't have to,necessarily do that step for my theme but there are other things that it,requires you to actually edit the code and that's how it's done see you next,time hey thank you for watching and if you enjoyed this video on how to get rid,of that power by Shopify link make sure to subscribe thumbs up and leave a,comment down below and let us know what do you want to know next regarding Shopify

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