how to reduce initial server response time in shopify

How To Optimize Your Shopify Speed i'm going to show you what it looks like,to do a correct shopify

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Updated on Mar 06,2023

How To Optimize Your Shopify Speed

The above is a brief introduction to how to reduce initial server response time in shopify

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how to reduce initial server response time in shopify catalogs

How To Optimize Your Shopify Speed

i'm going to show you what it looks like,to do a correct shopify side speed,optimization so this is what you should,be doing first of all we're going to,look at caden lane baby boutique i don't,know these guys if this is you you have,a beautiful store it looks absolutely,fantastic and why am i picking these out,is because you guys have a very typical,issue,if you go to you,know it checks shopify stores you're,going to immediately see something very,typical which is these guys have,yacht-po installed but they also have,product reviews installed so one of the,main things that eats up your shopify,style speed is having residual app code,that's just trying to load but the app,isn't there anymore and you never,cleaned up the code so this to me is,already a complete giveaway that there,is room for optimization now if we look,these guys have 203 requests that's kind,of more than usual right here you,clearly see the average number of,requests is around 119 and that's the,average so that's not fast 203 requests,that's a lot on top of it you can see,the page size which is 3.5 megabyte that,is a pretty big page that needs to be,loaded every single time now you might,tell me andrew the load time isn't that,bad okay but that's because google's on,a good server and yes it does load in a,pretty decent amount of time but you,know this 203 request and 3.5 megabytes,that could be pretty heavy for let's say,a mobile,somewhere on the new york city subway or,somewhere in the middle of our kansas i,don't know i know nothing about our,counts so what do we actually do then,how can we improve this besides removing,the residual code well the next thing,we're going to do is we're going to look,at the waterfall together a website is,nothing more than a collection of files,that come from all over the place some,files come from facebook some files come,from the shopify cdn network and your,browser when they want to visit a,website they just say hey give me the,list of all the files i need and then,your browser is going across the,internet going to get each of these,files in the case of cad and lane they,have 203 files that they need to go get,every time the home page is loaded,and we can see right here are those 203,files in a chronological order by the,order in which they get loaded so these,are all the files that get loaded when a,homepage is loaded now where does it get,really interesting is that we at e-com,experts are going to go over this,manually and are going to see what makes,sense what doesn't so right here we can,clearly see the first thing is a request,to the server that makes sense the very,next thing is going to be a javascript,file okay okay that makes sense and like,that we go down the list and we say well,okay that's a lot of javascript's file,but wait a minute,what is this,bold upsell in the seventh place,if i see that the seventh file you are,loading before tracking pixels before,your banner image is the javascript of,bold upsell app i'm imagining that bold,upsell is at the very top of your,homepage so let's go and see,and this is what happens with every,store i don't see bold upsell anywhere,here there is no reason bold upsell is,loading here,there is just none okay you might be,thinking yeah but the upsell probably,happens lower okay um still no bold,upsell,maybe on a quick view,no upsell right here,why are we loading the bold upsell app,on the home page,if you're not using it on the home page,you see you start start understanding,the picture here,all right let's let's keep going down so,we we had bold upsell around here and,then here bold upsell again and then,bold options now we're loading both,options we didn't see both options on,the home page,don't forget these apps are super useful,on the product page or wherever you,decide to have upsells or options,but they don't have to load on every,single page that's not the goal,and if you let all of these apps load on,every single page then you just clutter,up your page but let's go to the big,final thing we do beside like well not,really optimizing images but minifying,javascript and yada yada yada what is,the other big thing that we do all right,let's,you know we keep taking kaden lane as an,example and by the way if this is your,store reach out to me we'll do a,very good deal on site speed,optimization because i really used a,random store i found here um,and i owe you that one plus you're a,beautiful store a very typical thing is,i think you have reviews here somewhere,yes you do have reviews so now the,question is,you have yacht po reviews i'm assuming,so we do a little control finds we do,yagpo,yatpo is being loaded on the home page,now the question is why is it unload on,the home page you see if i visit your,store i see this,if i do it in mobile,i see,drumroll please,i see this,that's how it would look on mobile,notice that,in no cases,are there any reviews i do not see any,reviews so why am i loading the review,app if the review is all the way down on,the page i could very well tell yatpo,hey,don't load when the user sees the page,for the first time wait a second and,when the user starts interacting with,the page then start loading yatpo,because by the time i scroll down and,down and down and down and down,oh now i'm gonna now i'm gonna come to,the reviews and now it makes sense,you know it got a lot of time to load,the app and so like that we're really,going to go to the entire waterfall of,every single page that matters for the,shopify speed optimization score so that,means all the products pages all the,collection pages and the home page and,we're really going to make sure that the,things that get loaded,need to get loaded there and not just,randomly push everything unload as soon,as a user comes to your webpage if we do,it correctly the result should look,something like this a mobile of 83 a,desktop of 94 those are numbers that are,start making sense although, was a pretty complicated,website to work on because they're so,big because their products are so,amazing so if you need headphones go to, because it's,frankly they're amazing,but you know big sites get more complex,but 83 out of 100 that makes sense for,mobile and now it's optimized the same,for desktop 95 to 100 that makes sense,for a desktop version and then some,people ask okay andrew but what do you,prioritize what is important that gets,loaded on load well the things that are,important to get loaded on load is first,of all you're tracking pixels you got to,make sure you're tracking as soon as the,web page starts loading because then you,can retarget then you can you know,you're not losing out on all that,tracking data and then the number two,that you start loading is your main,image your menu,your logo your main call to actions all,of those things are of course very,important and they should be loaded but,things that shouldn't be loaded are your,instagram app that's at your very footer,wait hold on to that load make sure that,that only starts loading once the user,starts interacting with your page,instead of immediately slapping that as,soon as your visitor visits your page,hold on with the apps that are only on,the project page don't make them load on,the home page make them only load on the,product page and especially if you go to, and you realize oh,my god wait a minute i have yacht pro,that's a review app and i got product,reviews that's a review app that's no,bueno if all of this makes sense you're,like oh all right can you do this for me,absolutely follow the link down below we,just do shopify side speed optimizations,that's the only thing we do and we will,gladly help you out making your store,like this fast like a 94,like an 83 we will gladly help you do,that thanks a lot

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