how to reduce abandoned carts shopify

Shopify Basics: tips for reducing abandoned carts on your store (2020) hi everybody my name is Ian L

Lean Media

Updated on Jan 29,2023

Shopify Basics: tips for reducing abandoned carts on your store (2020)

The above is a brief introduction to how to reduce abandoned carts shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to reduce abandoned carts shopify

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Shopify Basics: tips for reducing abandoned carts on your store (2020)

hi everybody my name is Ian Lamont and,today we be talking about Shopify and,abandoned carts and what this means is,somebody may be on your store your,Shopify store like they've been here,they've added something to the cart,maybe they start browsing around again,and then for whatever reason they leave,the website maybe they're get distracted,by something else online or maybe the,phone rings someone rings the doorbell,whatever and then that cart is basically,abandoned they don't return to it for,whatever reason and this is a problem,because if it happens a lot you're,actually losing out on sales sometimes,it may be from distractions sometimes it,may be by happening because of things,that are on your website,maybe they decide the prices are too,high or they start doing stuff like,comparing the price of this item or this,item as it appears on your website,versus Amazon or some or eBay or,whatever and they decide well I'm just,gonna I'm just going to purchase it on,one of those other websites you don't,want that to happen because if they,purchase it on your website,you're able to maintain a better,relationship with that customer you can,give them discount codes later on maybe,you can send them updates you can,provide better service so you want them,to purchase things on your website and,you don't want them to leave abandoned,carts now I'm gonna talk about how to,potentially reduce some of those people,leaving the carts and Shopify provide,some tools that will help you manage,those abandoned carts and let's talk,about that a little bit right now,unfortunately in the current version of,Shopify and I have a you know I think a,mid-level plan for small business,Shopify doesn't make it easy to find,first of all data about abandoned carts,and then also it doesn't make it easy to,kind of make changes that might help you,so on this particular this is the,analytics area of Shopify and if you,scroll around here you know you will not,see an abandoned cart report at least,for the plan that the Shopify plan that,I have if you go to reports behavior and,then click show all you'll see,website card analysis but for my plan,that's not available I have to upgrade,and frankly I'm already paying enough,for Shopify I don't want to upgrade,right now you can also do things like go,back to the analytics dashboard and go,to online storage online store sessions,and then do something like stinking a,long time you can edit the columns and,then you can at you can do added to cart,and then reach checkout and then let's,scroll down and take a look at that it,basically breaks it down by day so,January the first this many visitors one,person added to cart one person reads,and then 0 people reached checkout so,right right away this is a problem,somebody added to their cart but they,were never able to check it out so one,thing I should actually add before you,go on to this test your website to make,sure that it works sometimes there may,be some obscure setting on Shopify that,prevents you prevents people from,actually completing a sale I had some,problem with the my shipping locations,and it actually prevented most people,from purchasing stuff on my website for,a month and this was during the busiest,time of the year during the holiday,holiday period so I actually I didn't,figure that out until I saw my the,number of basically lots of people were,adding stuff to carts but nobody was,reaching checkout so you have to,basically check your site to make sure,it works then the other thing that you,can do is you can go to the Shopify,settings - let's see where is it,checkout and then you're able to make,some customizations and one thing that,Shopify does is they send emails to,abandon checkouts,so first of all you should automatically,send a band and check-out emails so if,they've already entered their email,address while they're doing the shipping,process make sure that's checked off so,the people if they decide for some,reason they abandon it Shopify will,automatically send them an email saying,hey we noticed you added something your,car but you didn't complete your sale,you no want to keep on going so there's,some basic settings right here and then,sometimes they've noticed on the Shopify,frontpage the home page you'll see this,this thing pop up it's like a little,message reduced abandoned checkouts if,you see this and I'm not sure why it why,it shows up at certain times but it did,today definitely use it you lost one,hundred forty eight dollars to abandon,checkouts in the last thirty days,gee that sounds that sounds terrible,view suggestions okay there's a couple,things that they do review shipping,rates there are two two changes you can,make so actually let's see what they are,offer free shipping to more customers I,mean you I'm gonna I'm gonna make a,little comment about this you only offer,free shipping in one shipping zone I'm,offering free shipping to anybody who,orders something more than ten dollars,in the United States that's a lot if,they want me to offer free shipping to,people in other countries I'll bankrupt,my company because my products don't,cost a lot and free shipping to anywhere,including Canada or Mexico that's a lot,of money so I'm not gonna do that,there's also a shipping rates calculator,I don't even think that's necessary,because Shopify already does a pretty,good job of handling shipping stuff okay,so let's click out of that,edit recovery emails now this is,something I can actually change you can,add an app so you can make the email,that goes out a lot nicer you can use,language that creates urgency phrases,like if you don't have act fast the,items in your cart could sell out could,motivate more people to buy so I could I,could click that in and make changes,there but perhaps the easiest thing to,do is to add a discount code so click on,that let's see if it lets me do it,actually it explains this is it explains,how did how to do it I was hoping that,would just take me straight over there,but anyways there's customizations that,you can do to make these types of,changes take advantage of them Shopify,actually has quite a bit of data on how,customers behave that is people that are,purchasing stuff behave so some of these,are pretty good suggestions to use and,maybe you've already implemented some of,the steps like free shipping or discount,codes or whatever maybe you have it but,if you do see if you see this if you see,this box reduce a bin and checkouts you,suggestions take advantage of them and,hopefully that will reduce the situation,that many people have where they put,something in the cart and then they,forget about it or they leave or they,compare shopping or do whatever my name,is Ian Lamont for more information on,how to get the most other Shopify Amazon,seller central other Amazon programs and,other types of shopping platforms check,out my website Lea media org the blog,has lots of tips as well as the video,area in my youtube channel

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