how to receive cash payments from shopify in nigeria

Get Shopify Payment Next Business Day | Get Stripe Payment Fast | | Chinyere Ibelegbu hey buzz babe

Chinyere Ibelegbu

Updated on Mar 05,2023

Get Shopify Payment Next Business Day | Get Stripe Payment Fast | | Chinyere Ibelegbu

The above is a brief introduction to how to receive cash payments from shopify in nigeria

Let's move on to the first section of how to receive cash payments from shopify in nigeria

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Get Shopify Payment Next Business Day | Get Stripe Payment Fast | | Chinyere Ibelegbu

hey buzz babes check out to achieve back,again with another entrepreneur life,video so in today's video evidence we're,talking about striped payout versus,Shopify payouts earlier on I made a,video about stripe versus PayPal and I,think I wasn't clear about some things,and I've been getting lots of questions,like how do you get instant payouts on,Shopify or how do you get instant,payouts on my stripe like I don't get,paid till 7 business days but I don't,get my money to two weeks like what is,going on how can i get instant payoff,and babes I'm here to give you all the T,I'm here to tell you how you can get,your coins fast like I know when you,make yourselves you want the money in,your accounts because you need the money,for things so I'm just going to be,telling you how to quicken your payout,process and Shopify and also because L,when you're using stripe,before we get into the video don't,forget to hit that subscribe button on,this side of your screen to join my,family and keep up with me,you guys already know that when you come,into my videos you're not going to leave,the same you're going to live with more,knowledge and our appreciate if you hit,that subscribe button on this side of,your screen you guys one of the roots of,5k help me get to 5,000 subscribers by,the end of July July 2020 and manifest,in it we are going to get to 5,000,subscribers with you guys help so please,just subscribe if you haven't subscribed,already also if I'm not clear about,anything in this entire video then,please feel free to drop your questions,in the comment section down below and,I'll definitely get to it and if it's a,reoccurring question I would actually,make a video about it and yeah let's,just get into this video on how to get,instant payout on Shopify and Big Cartel,all right so we're going to start off,with Shopify first of all I'm just going,to tell you how you can go into your,settings and change its to next business,day so you can get your payments every,next business day so say you get an,order on Monday the order will get,processed on Tuesday and they're going,to get the money in your bank on,Wednesday depending on your bank you,might take like 2 or 3 days for the,money to get there but Shopify is going,to send out that money to you a day,after and then the speed of getting the,money to your bank,honestly just depends on your bank,itself so Frey has done their own part,by paying you out fast and then it's,left for your bank to allow that money,coming to your account is up so you're,going to open up your shop fire up and,then in the bottom right you're going to,click on store and then you're going to,go into settings and then you're going,to go into payments now when you get,into payments you're going to see,Shopify payments you're going to click,manage there's a blue tiny thing that,says manage on the side so just click on,manage and scroll all the way down and,then you're going to see your payout,schedule so it's every business day,every week or every month so like I said,it can be every business day or you can,do like every week maybe Mondays or,Tuesdays every week you just want the,sale from the previous week puts all,together in one,or you can do every month if you're,balling if you got the money like that,if you got the money like that you can,do every month and just hold all your,payments see all the specific dates that,you put so say put first of the month,then everything from June would be paid,out to drivers,everything from July I would paid on,August first I'm not sure why we want to,do this ball to each their own,so yes it's pretty simple on how to,change your payout schedule in Shopify,its next business day I feel like a lot,of you don't notice this because it's,hidden because you have to go to,payments and then go into manage and,then you scroll all the way down and,then you find that payment option so,yeah just go ahead going to your Shopify,store and change this so that you can,get your money as your money comes so,before you get super excited let me just,tell you this big thing Shopify pays out,everything including your shipping,amount so the way shop five does is that,each month you ship out your orders but,then they don't charge you till the end,of the month so your billing cycle,whenever you open your suffice to say,was July 27 every 27th of the month,they're going to charge you and they're,going to charge you for everything that,you shifts in that month so when you get,your money into your accounts please,don't get so excited and think that,everything is profits everything is not,profits your shipping cost is in there,and then by time you take out your,shipping costs maybe your advertising,costs or whatever else is is that,between you and your company then you,would have your profits but just keep in,mind I just want you to know that when,you're shipping with Shopify you don't,pay your shipping upfront you pay your,shipping at the end of the month so,whenever I get these payouts make sure,you're just keeping track and keeping,these shipping amounts outside so that,you must stock when it's time for you to,pay your monthly dues okay all right so,before we get into the Big Cartel stripe,payout information please give me a big,thumbs up don't forget to subscribe,you're going to give you one moment hit,that subscribe button join my family and,Java comments and comment section down,below like I said if you're not clear,about anything just let me know in,comment section down below and let's get,into your stripe instance,yeah so honestly I haven't used stripe,for probably like two years now,but you guys just keep asking me this,and honestly what I'm going to be,telling you I'm reading this off Google,but since you guys are sports I've made,you guys that way I just I like to feed,you guys all the information your spa,babies,oh my babes are sports which is fine I'm,not complaining I'm very happy to be,your resource center so I'm just going,to be telling you everything about,stripe payouts from the stripe website,itself pretty much so when you first,open your stripe account you don't get,paid out still I believe it's two weeks,and the reason why they do this is,because they are trying to verify your,account make sure you're legit so yes,that's not your business on Big Cartel,make sure I just have some money you,know saved up on the side so that,yourselves you're not relying on your,sales money to keep things running at,least initially because it's going to,take three weeks before you get your,money into your accounts from your very,first payouts with stripe okay so keep,that in mind,so after you've gotten your first,payouts then there are a bunch of,schedules that you can set so the,process pay of the stripe of us is two,business days and this is only available,so Australia and the United States okay,and then the next is seven days seven,calendar days not business days seven,calendar days and this is their standard,payouts basically so if you get an order,on Monday you get paid off Tuesday,Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday,Sunday,you get paid out the following Monday,basically so if your business is in,India then you're actually only seven,business days pay off schedule so every,other person is seven calendar days,India is seven business days and then,where else Malaysia is five business,days New Zealand is four business days,and if you're in Brazil it's 30 calendar,days I think if you're in Brazil just go,what Shopify there's no points so it's,literally 30 calendar days for Brazil,the most common is the seven calendar,days your business is in the States you,have the option of seven calendar days,or two business days,if your business is everywhere except,from Japan Malaysia and New Zealand you,have the option of,seven calendar days and if your business,is high risk risks if your business is a,high risk business then you're actually,on if what's in business deep pay off,schedule so job confirm that your,business is not high risk and then go,ahead and based on your location,adjust your payouts all right you guys I,hope you found this video helpful on how,to receive instant payout on Shopify on,strike honestly long gunshot it's only,Shopify that pays in next business day,but that stripe also has an option,closed which is two business days for,the states and Australia,if you found this video helpful please,give me a big thumbs up don't forget to,hit the subscribe button on this side of,your screen thank you guys so much for,tuning in with me today and I'll see you,guys in my next and rapini real life,video

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