how to put add to cart button on page shopify

Quick ADD TO CART Button On Collection Page! 2022 FREE Shopify TUTORIAL bonjour shopify world my nam

Andrew from EcomExperts

Updated on Mar 14,2023

Quick ADD TO CART Button On Collection Page! 2022 FREE Shopify TUTORIAL

The above is a brief introduction to how to put add to cart button on page shopify

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how to put add to cart button on page shopify catalogs

Quick ADD TO CART Button On Collection Page! 2022 FREE Shopify TUTORIAL

bonjour shopify world my name is andrew,from ecom experts dot io and in this,video,we're gonna see how you can do a quick,add,cart option in your store for free,in the code yourself so i'm gonna walk,you through it don't panic is gonna be,a great let's just go,all right so uh we are on our demo store,right here and actually let's start by,seeing how it currently looks if you,have done coding videos with me before,those are the videos where i wear the,green hoodie,you know what this looks like right here,this is the product page there is really,no uh to cart,i can go into the collection page,there's no quick add to cart here,uh in any way as you can see i can only,add it to cart this way and then,actually i'm on the cart now so um let's,change that right now and do a quick add,to cart option,okay so the first thing we're going to,do is we're going to make a duplicate of,our live,team do not work on the live team,because if you make an,error and you have no backup you are,screwed and you have to call a,professional and it's going to cost you,money and we don't want that right now,so to make a duplicate uh make sure you,click on actions right here,on the drop-down you're going to click,on duplicate there you go,and it's creating the duplicate right,here by the way if you're worried about,this speed squirting make sure to check,out,the video i made on speed reporting it,explains you exactly what you need to do,about it how to interpret it and you're,gonna be a whole lot wiser about it,hopefully,hopefully if you give it a like and a,subscribe okay,it has been duplicated we are going to,work on this version because it's not,live so it's not gonna affect any of our,clients any of our visitors,this is just a backup version afterwards,we can put it live,so we're going to jump in the code below,in the description there is a link,if you follow that link you're gonna,you're gonna,find a instruction step by step on how,to add the code the code snippets are in,that document in the link below,you're just going to copy paste them the,same way i'm going to copy paste them,right now i'm just walking you through,it so you have a visual,so to do that you're going to click on,actions right here,and you're going to do edit code,the little code editor is loading up,and we are in the code editor right now,okay,in this section you have the layout the,template section,you have the section section and then,you have the snippet section we want to,be in the snippet section so click on,that one,and then you're going to find something,called product,with grid items so let's see if we,have it here uh product,card grid that,is going to be this one the,name changes a little bit depending on,which,team you are currently using and,i have the um alternative names written,in the documentation below,so we want the product card,grid yes that is the one so the product,card grid otherwise you can also have,the product grid,item uh the product card grid like with,us the product loop maybe it's called,what you are the product uh card,straight up as long as you're in the,snippets selection that's what really,matters,some one of those are going to be for,you okay so once you're,in that product card grid or whatever,it's called you're going to go to the,very bottom of it,and you're going to paste the code that,we have provided in the documentation,um right here i added a little note here,myself to say start of the quick ad card,this is up to you of course you can do,this or you can don't,if it's not there it's not the end of,the world it's just,cleaner code so i prefer it that way,and um that's basically going to be it,so make sure it's at the very,end of it and then we can save it and if,we go into the online store,we can see the version that we have just,worked on is the one that's last,saved just now we can do actions preview,and there we go we have it took over the,uh,all the css of our little blog here we,can add it to cart and it immediately,gets added,to the cart so um if we do it like,this 10 add to cart,so there you go now we know that works,we just have to put it live,and in order to put it live we're going,to go to action,we're going to click on publish it's,going to ask us are you sure you want to,show this to your clients,even though i really don't like the,design of this,you can absolutely change that yourself,you can click,publish right here once that is done we,can just,um so once that is the copy of the debut,team is live we can just double check,that,by clicking the button right here and,this is our live site and,indeed the add to cart is right there we,can click on for example,five add to cart and it added five add,to cart,perfect all right guys a little,intermittent i don't really like how,um during the tutorial the css so how,the add to cart,visually looks now i know it's going to,depend,on your store and your preferences it's,very hard for me to give you out of the,code box,that is visually exactly what you're,looking for,although that being said i've added some,other,options to the document below where the,cart add to cart only appears on hover,where the button,appears next to the quality selector and,so that way you kind of have,the option to kind of choose on how you,want to do this,in case the following example doesn't,really appear to you visually,so it stays exactly the same instead of,copying and pasting the code that i'm,copying and pasting in,just scroll down below in the document,see which,visual aspect you prefer more and,instead of the one the code that i'm,copying pasting just,copy the code that uh fits your,visual section the most so that's it all,you have to do is copy and paste,the code that you like visually the most,in the section of the document below,that you prefer,uh instead of the code that i'm pasting,or you can just keep following,everything is exactly the same we're,just going to add some lines of code,that is it i hope you enjoyed it i hope,you got some solid value,out of it my name is andrew from ecom,experts dot io i make,tons of shopify videos about code about,app reviews about,marketing strategy and about a whole,other bunch of stuff,so if you're a shopify store owner make,sure to like and subscribe,it means the world to me because these,videos take a lot of time to make,and i'm really trying to teach,everything i know about shopify as a,shopify developer,over to my subscribers anyway i'm gonna,stop talking,thank you so much for watching and i'll,see you in another video,ciao,you

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