how to print dymo labels from shopify

Printing Labels with Shopify hello good morning I guess good,afternoon there I'm going to show you,h

Stephen Fitt

Updated on Feb 14,2023

Printing Labels with Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to print dymo labels from shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to print dymo labels from shopify

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how to print dymo labels from shopify catalogs

Printing Labels with Shopify

hello good morning I guess good,afternoon there I'm going to show you,how to add labels and print them,unfortunately it's a little bit more,complicated than Lightspeed but,hopefully once we get used to it it'll,be easier so here's the home screen on,Shopify on the computer so what you're,going to do is you're going to come,click here on apps and then you're going,to click here on retail barcode labels,okay so the first step is once you add,or once Amy he adds products to Shopify,a barcode has to be created and what,that just means is the computer is going,to create like the SKU number so,creating the barcode is not the actual,process of printing the label but it's,just making sure that each item has that,SKU in that barcode attached to it so,all you do is and this is something that,we can do too but just to make sure that,it's done just click create barcodes and,then create barcodes for all products,and then you keep this top one selected,and what it's going to do is it's just,going to create a barcode for anything,that's not bar coded yet so if it's all,up to date then it should be fine so,here it just says barcodes are being,created and it'll let us know when,that's done so now in the meantime what,we can do is we can go in and start,working on the labels so what I'll show,you first is as far as the label,printing templates there are two,templates so the first one right here is,the address label I title the address,label and that's the one that came with,the printer so for today you're gonna,click on this one in the print screen,when you get the new ones that I just,ordered from Amazon and they're,delivered they'll be delivered tomorrow,that's going to be this one I'm gonna,change the name to say new labels,that way there's no confusion but for,today's purposes we're going to be using,the address labels because it's an,address label sighs all right so after,so here we go it says the barcodes have,been created so now we're ready to print,so you come over here and click print,labels unfortunately there is no print,queue I chatted with Spotify this,morning this app to print labels is,actually new for them and he actually,wanted any other ideas that I had and,that they'll tell the developers so that,hopefully they can add that feature down,the road but for now this is every,single product in Joppa fine it's kind,of overwhelming but we're gonna do all,that we can to make it easy on you so,what a McKay is gonna do after she she,just left to go to the gym after she's,back she's gonna give she's gonna email,you or text you or something but she's,gonna give you a list of the item names,that came in like the names that we,created like Kelly or Allie or whatever,so I have a small list of some of the,items that we just got in that I just,want to show you for illustrative,purposes so what you'll do the first one,is Kelly smock committee dress so I'm,simply going to type Kelly and there it,is right there so what you I'm gonna do,is I'm gonna click this checkbox and,then it's gonna select all three of,these so here's the tricky part and I,learned from trial and error you're not,gonna click Add or cancel yet we want to,keep adding the products right now to,this batch and I recommend maybe doing,it in batches so here it has one product,selected so now all you're gonna do is,go up here and the next one I'm gonna,look for is a leaf floral slip dress so,I'm gonna start typing Allie and there,it is right there so I'm going to click,Allie and then if you notice it goes to,two products selected which is what we,want so there's a total of five that I'm,gonna do right now so then I'm gonna do,the Rio beaded hoop earring there it is,so I'm going to click this one and as,you see the white and the turquoise were,selected so now we have three products,selected so now I'm going to go to the,Tami,fedora hat click that one for product,select it last what I'm going to do is,the tropical kimono and then select that,and we have five products selected so,now I'm going to click Add right here,and then this screen will come up so if,I scroll down there are the five,products now if you notice for the,quantities they're all at zero so if you,wanted to print more or less of,something than what we actually have in,stock you could do that here I'm not,going to do that I'm going to leave it,at zero and then what you'll do each,time is you'll click this button here,set a number of labels to match items in,stock click that so then obviously as,you can see what happens is the quantity,that's going to print matches what we,have in stock two two two two that's all,you have to do there so then over here,it says after selecting print twenty,three labels make sure okay everybody,that's not necessary to look at so,here's the templates that I mentioned,earlier click this button and then as I,mentioned for today's purposes we're,going to use the address label that's,the size that came with the printer the,new labels that are coming tomorrow,I ordered the smaller size because the,address label size is going to fill up,the length of the whole swing tag and I,think that's going to make it kind of,tedious for you to sticker so for today,we're doing address label tomorrow we're,doing new labels so today we'll click,address and here shows a little preview,and then you will just click up here,print 23 labels I'm not going to do that,because the label I don't want the,printer setup obviously and you,obviously won't do this either until you,watch the YouTube video and get the,label able printer set up hopefully the,YouTube video will walk you through it,pretty clearly if you have any questions,definitely let us know hopefully this,helped and made some sense unfortunately,it is this is how it's gonna have to be,for the,being but in the future obviously when,orders come it's gonna be a box a day or,a couple boxes not this huge quantity,that we have right now but um like I,said a Mackay will send you which will,probably do is for probably write down,or type up the item names for each order,so that then you know exactly what to,search for and that is it thank you so,much for all your doing we really,appreciate everything have a wonderful,day,bye

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