how to partially fulfill an order in shopify

How to Partially Fulfill an Order in Shopify this video i'm going to show you how to,partially fulfi


Updated on Mar 08,2023

How to Partially Fulfill an Order in Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to partially fulfill an order in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to partially fulfill an order in shopify

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how to partially fulfill an order in shopify catalogs

How to Partially Fulfill an Order in Shopify

this video i'm going to show you how to,partially fulfill items in shopify so,that it doesn't mark the entire order as,fulfilled in ship hero,there's a few ways of doing this if a,product is something that we will never,fulfill from the ship lab warehouse we,can actually mark that product as a drop,ship product within ship hero so you,don't have to do this each time,but in the event that there are some,products that maybe you do fulfill out,of your own warehouse or somewhere else,and within shopify then i'm going to,show you how to basically fulfill one of,these items to make sure that it doesn't,impact the entire order so i have a test,order here i've got two packs of diapers,one is a medium one is a newborn,and then you can see this order here is,imported into ship hero so this is you,can see it in here um in this specific,case you can see ready to ship it says,no and we say why well the reason being,is that mediums are out of stock so it's,not going to release this order to ship,but let's say we had those products at,our own warehouse right or another,warehouse or our office or whatever um,what we can do is in shopify if we see,this order we can go up to more actions,and you can see all our different,options here,if we did want to cancel create a new,one print packing slips all of our,status stuff is here but you can also,just hit fulfill items,and what that's going to do is mark the,item as fulfilled so i'm going to say,that this medium one as the one we're,shipping and then the newborn is not so,we're actually going to turn that one to,zero,and,then from here if we want to put in,tracking numbers we can you can also,send the shipping details to the,customer there,so again this is going to say the medium,is going to be fulfilled the newborn is,not because we still need ship lab to,ship that item out so we're going to,click fulfill items,okay so now you'll see here it says,partially fulfilled and then that should,sync through over to ship hero so then,if we refresh this here sometimes it,takes a little bit,you can see here now it's saying that,the medium is fulfilled,and we still need to,ship out this newborn and the nice thing,about doing this if we click no so this,was probably going to get reset in a,little bit it takes a little bit to,delay you can see here this is already,showing it's fulfilled we have the same,order number so we don't have to create,new orders or anything like that um and,then when the team goes to pick this,order it's just going to say here's the,pack of newborn diapers and we will just,ship out that one item because it knows,that this has already been fulfilled,because it's marked in shopify and by,doing this you know it keeps everything,very consistent and then we don't have,to have all this communication back and,forth it's all be done one here and the,team won't know any different they'll,see that one item is fulfilled and if we,go down in the history we can see that,it was changed by shopify from the,quantity from one to zero,and that that's all set there which is,really nice so this is really makes it,much easier if you need to ship,something out from your own warehouse,from your office et cetera but we still,need to ship an item then you could,always fulfill the items it's just,really important that when you do click,fulfill you're selecting just one item,and not selecting both if you do select,both then you're going to have to,redo the order because it's going to,mark both items as fulfilled and then,we'll have to deal with that in the ship,heroes side to reship in order and that,requires a lot more back and forth so,yeah hopefully this will help make it a,little bit more automated so that you,can do this ship out items on your own,and save everyone some time thanks

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