how to optimize shopify plus

5 tips for better site speed optimization | Shopify Plus - Site speed matters.,Not only does a slow

Shopify Plus

Updated on Mar 10,2023

5 tips for better site speed optimization | Shopify Plus

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5 tips for better site speed optimization | Shopify Plus

- Site speed matters.,Not only does a slow site frustrate customers,,it repels them.,Slow websites have been linked,to higher bounce rates and lower conversions.,- I think a really good way,of putting it is, if it's not fast, it's broken.,- Milliseconds could mean millions,in missed sales for today's businesses,,and even negatively impact organic search ranking.,So here are five ways you can help increase your site speed,and ultimately improve your customer experience.,(upbeat music),One of the most important things you can do,to help your overall performance,,is to understand what happens to your website,when it loads.,An easy way to do this,is through Google's PageSpeed Insights.,Analyze your product, collection, and homepage,,and it will provide you with a list of opportunities,,sorted by priority, as well as a score,,showing you where you fall in relation to other sites.,- So understanding what's actually,on your website and then using that as a stepping stone,to evaluate what's actually needed,,is honestly the best first step.,- Shopify has a tool right inside the admin,called the online store speed report.,Knowing what you get out of the box with your platform,,will allow you to focus,on what really matters.,With Shopify, there's no need,to worry about image compression,,setting up a content delivery network, or edge services,for fast, reliable hosting.,(upbeat music),Often, third-party integrations,or apps you've added to your site,create scripts to achieve desired functionality.,- If I were to stack rank the problems,that we see, third-party JavaScript would probably,be the number one problem.,- But before you dive into the code,to deal with those scripts,,simply audit the current third-party apps installed,on your site, and remove any that aren't necessary.,- Just clean those up.,That by itself will get you mileage.,Now you need to start popping the hood.,- For the third-party integrations that remain,,it's recommended to delay them,until after the most important things load first,,like images, product videos, and styles for the site.,- And understand that speed,is part of marketing, and we wanna find a balance,within that.,(upbeat music),- Before a browser can display a page to your customers,,it has to go through a process called parsing the HTML.,But there's a particular kind of script,that interrupts this process called parser blocking scripts.,Fortunately, there's an easy fix,and all it takes is the async or defer attribute.,- You've got access to the code,,and you're gonna do one thing,,just make all your scripts to defer.,If you can't do that, make them async.,But they basically unblock the browser,so they can do many things at the same time.,- It takes five minutes to do,,and it's the number one thing I would recommend.,- After making these changes to your code,,check to make sure that your website,is still offering the same desired experience.,If so, your site will magically become a little faster.,- And if you do that,to all your render blocking or parser blocking tags,,then your site will be significantly faster.,(upbeat music),- To help address speed problems related,to JavaScript-ridden widgets and pop-ups,that you deem necessary, there is a common solution,called the import on interaction pattern.,- What this will do,is that instead of loading the full widget,,it will load a shell that looks just like the thing,,and when you click on it, it will load it.,- By loading the slow JavaScript,only when the user chooses to interact with it,,you can prevent the page from loading slowly,for all customers that come to your site.,- Prioritize user experience,over third-party integrations.,(upbeat music),- Video is quickly becoming the language of the internet,,but depending on how they are embedded on your site,,they can cause big differences in load time.,- One of the biggest reasons websites,are slow is usually have a video in their homepage,that is loading, actually, another webpage,inside the webpage.,- Not only does the standard embed code,from YouTube make your site more bloated,,it uses the iframe tag, where the width,and height of the video player are fixed.,So your video doesn't adjust to the screen size,of different devices.,- If you're gonna use,these third-party services,,use them with the latest code snippets.,- The solution is called lite embeds,,which loads the videos directly on your webpage,making your site faster.,For more insights and advice on improving site speed,,follow us on social and sign up for our newsletter.,(upbeat music)

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