how to master facebook ad shopify reddit

How I Make $27,695 Per Week WITHOUT Facebook Ads (Shopify Dropshipping) i've got some bad news to sh

Jordan Welch

Updated on Feb 25,2023

How I Make $27,695 Per Week WITHOUT Facebook Ads (Shopify Dropshipping)

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How I Make $27,695 Per Week WITHOUT Facebook Ads (Shopify Dropshipping)

i've got some bad news to share with you,guys,last week zuckerberg decided to shut,down my facebook ad account,senator but somehow in the last seven,days i still made over 27 thousand,without running a single facebook ad,here's how i did it,quick shout out to all my new and long,term subscribers i appreciate every,single one of you guys thank you so much,for the support on my channel,and if you're new here this year i'm on,a mission to document the,entire process of growing my ecommerce,brand,with as much transparency as possible so,i can lead by example and help as many,people as possible start their own,online store in the process so if you're,interested in starting your own,online business and want to support me,and follow my journey make sure to give,this video a thumbs up and subscribe,down below,for more content just like this alright,now let's get started,nowadays there are a ton of people,faking their results on shopify,and that's why i feel like it's my,obligation to be as transparent as,possible with you whenever i share,information so this right here is my,shopify dashboard,and i'll do a quick refresh just so you,know i'm not faking anything,i'm going to show you the last seven,days of sales so you know that this is a,hundred percent legit,if we go from the 20th to the 27th,you'll see that this business has,generated over 28 000 in orders,and we did have a couple returns because,i want to keep my customers happy,and i want to make sure everybody's good,so we can grow this for the long term,but still around 27 000 in sales,and i'm gonna show you the profits now,too just so you know that i'm not,capping with only revenue,so today i've done over thirteen hundred,dollars in profit which is a forty five,percent profit margin,and if we look at the last seven days,i've done,around eighty five hundred dollars in,profit i believe,and that is again with barely running,any facebook ads,my account got shut down last week and,as you can see i've only spent 300 on,facebook ads,but still made 8 700 back in profit so,i'm not running ads each day my account,is fully shut down but still doing over,a thousand dollars in profit each day,and i'm gonna share right now the three,methods i'm using to generate that,the first method of traffic is organic,search traffic,this is simply people that are looking,up and searching for my brand,second method is youtube influencers,this is something that is extremely,undervalued and i don't see many small,brands doing it,i really only see the big guys doing it,and i saw a massive opportunity with,this and jumped on it and the last,method is,youtube ads same story with this one,many brands aren't using it,and i'm really starting to pave my own,way with this traffic source,it is super cheap and i'm really,starting to see good results with it,every single day,now if i did a full tutorial on every,little thing i know about these,platforms,this would be an hour long video so i'm,going to give you the cliff notes on how,i'm using these to make money every,single day,and the first thing we're going to talk,about is organic search traffic,i'm no expert when it comes to ranking,products on google but this source of,traffic accounts for around 10 to 15,percent of my sales every single day,and it's a hundred percent free so a,real simple breakdown on how it works is,that anytime you search for something on,google google is going to recommend,the items and the websites that are most,likely relevant to what you're searching,for,now typically the first couple things,that they're gonna show are gonna be,sponsored ads that people are paying to,run but once you get past those,sponsored ads,you're gonna see a bunch of websites,that are getting free traffic,and free customers every single day,because they're ranking for these,keywords,and google has an algorithm that is,automatically ranking these websites and,deciding which ones should show up first,like i said i'm no expert on this and i,know you guys don't want to listen to a,30 minute video about how google ranks,these websites,if you do you can search it up and you,can find it elsewhere but i'm going to,share with you the three things that i,did to get my website to rank number one,for my brand name and for my keyword the,first tip i can give,is make sure that your brand name is 100,unique and not similar to your,competitors at all if it's too similar,to your competitors,you're going to be competing with them,directly every time somebody searches,for your product name,and it's just going to make it much,harder to rank where you want to the,second tip i could give,is using google's keyword planner to,type in your niche,and look at the top 30 to 50 keywords,that are being searched for your product,and include those clearly in your home,homepage,and your product page what this does is,it makes it easier for google to,recommend,your product to people that are,searching for things that,might not be directly affiliated with,your brand name and the last tip i'm,going to give,is probably the best hit by the three i,just hired somebody to manage my seo,it really wasn't that expensive and it's,really paid off in so many ways,so if you're making a little bit of,money or you have a budget just hire,somebody to do this part for you and you,don't,have to think about it and you're going,to see the growth in time,and real quick i want to give a shout,out to today's video sponsor,raid shadow legends no i'm just kidding,but that is the second method that i'm,using to get customers,and that is paying youtubers to promote,my product as an,influencer now if you watch any type of,youtube you're gonna see this,every single day people promoting raycon,hello fresh,raid shadow legends all of these brands,and what i found is that,not many dropship companies or small,ecommerce brands,are leveraging this traffic source and,it is so powerful,not only do you get direct sales from,the videos that these influencers post,when people consistently hear your brand,name from somebody that they follow and,they love,your brand becomes the primary seller,that comes to mind,when they think of this type of product,let's play a quick game,when you think of a razor that a guy,uses to trim his area,what is the first brand you think of i'm,going to take a bet that 95,of you said manscaped because this is,the brand that is being promoted by,all these celebrities all these,influencers and even though there's a,hundred other brands that sell the same,product,the law of association makes you think,of this one right away so to get in,touch with these influencers it's really,not that difficult,you just have to be extremely persistent,and not give up when you don't hear back,the first time a lot of these,influencers have a manager,as well so if you can figure out who,their manager is it's super easy to,communicate and work with them,but i actually created a script that my,team uses to reach out to these,influencers,and if you guys want that script i'll be,willing to share it with you if we can,get this video to 500 likes but drop a,like down below and once we hit 500 i'll,share the entire script in the,description down below but basically i,reach out to these influencers on email,and instagram dm once i hear back that,they're interested,we send them our product they make a,usually 15 to 30 second pre-roll out of,our product,we give them a commission on the sales,that they generate and,an up-front payment to promote the,product the pricing of these influencers,can range,pretty drastically but we see pricing,anywhere from 1 000 to,even 10 000 being the highest that i,paid for an influencer now i'm sure you,could find,cheaper influencers with smaller youtube,channels,but i'm telling you try to find somebody,with at least 100 000 subscribers,it's a much higher roi and it's really,not that expensive when you compare it,to other sources of traffic,so in the last 30 days you can actually,see that this source of traffic,generated me over four thousand dollars,in revenue,and i only have a couple affiliates on,board promoting my product,so i highly suggest doing this i just,have one disclaimer to share,and then we'll move on to the last,method i only advise sending a product,to a youtube,influencer if you really believe in the,quality of your product and have tried,and tested it out yourself,do not send a youtube influencer a,direct sample from,aliexpress with no branding without you,testing the product,because i'm telling you it's not going,to work they're going to get that,package with the epacket smell,they're going to look twice at it and,never make a video about your product,and they're probably going to leave you,on scene the next time you reach out to,them but if you have tested your product,if you really believe in the quality of,what you're selling,this is an extremely valuable marketing,channel,but it's not the biggest one that i'm,using this next marketing channel that,i'm using,accounts for over 90 percent of my sales,every single day,and i know a lot of e-commerce guys but,i know next to nobody that's utilizing,this,so the source of traffic that has kept,my business chugging along with high,margins,every single day without facebook ads is,youtube ads these ads are so powerful,for e-commerce and drop shipping,and nobody is utilizing them right now,right now i want to show you,three examples of brands that are,running youtube ads and doing,crazy numbers alright so these three,brands are some of the biggest in the,e-commerce space,and if we look at how their traffic is,broken down it is absolutely,mind-blowing so,the first one is manscape we were just,talking about them they're getting four,million visitors a month,and if you look at their social,breakdown,youtube is over 88 of how they acquire,all their traffic,and their customers another example,would be raycon,raycon is an earbuds company that does a,lot of youtube ads and a lot of youtube,influencers,these guys right now are doing 97,of their traffic from youtube you can,see the power just from these two brands,alone,and then another brand that you might be,familiar with is blend yet blend yet,just started hitting youtube ads hard,because i keep getting their ads,but you can see 1.3 million visitors a,month,and that is with six percent youtube ads,so if we go like,point six zero six times one three,they're still getting 78 000 visitors a,month,from youtube as alone so you guys need,to understand that this,traffic source is so powerful and you,need to understand how to use it now if,you want a dedicated full-on youtube ass,tutorial,let me know in the comments down below,but for now i'll share some numbers that,i'm generating,and a really basic strategy for you to,go out there and follow,alright so this is my youtube ads,dashboard you can see i've spent around,eight thousand dollars in the last seven,days,to bring back a reported 18.7 k,but you saw my shopify dashboard we're,making a little bit more than that,and that's why i'm able to run these,every day they're very profitable,my margins each day are around 30,percent and mainly my traffic,is coming from youtube ads now i found,on youtube that the main thing that,matters is the creative it's not so,important about the strategy itself,when it comes to the creative the thing,that matters the most is the first five,seconds when the customer decides if,they want to skip the ad or not,it's just like facebook in the sense,that you have to grab their attention,right away and i highly advise that in,your youtube ads,you include a voice over as this doubled,my ctr compared to not having a,voiceover,this is the number one gift this holiday,season,the all-new blendjet 2 portable blender,packs so much power and innovation,it's five times more powerful than the,original and can blast through almost,anything when it comes to targeting on,youtube ads i go extremely broad,just like i do on facebook and it's,working quite well,but like i said to avoid this video,being 40 minutes long i'm not going to,share,everything i know about youtube ads but,if you want to see that,let me know down below alright so that's,exactly how i'm generating over a,thousand dollars a day in profit,without running facebook ads i hope you,guys enjoyed this video,if you did give me a thumbs up and hit,that subscribe button for more,i'm gonna be uploading new videos every,single friday so stay tuned for that,in my last video i did a giveaway for a,free lifetime access account to my,software,viralvault and we got a ton of comments,we got over 200 comments i,read every single one of them and was so,inspired by you guys and your goals that,you have for 2021,but right now it's time to pick the,winner of the giveaway the winner of the,giveaway for this contest is going to be,juvenile i think i said his name right i,love this guy's comment he said he's 15,years old and his goal is to retire his,parents as soon as possible,i started this journey when i was around,14 so i really connected with his,comment,and whatever i can do to help you out my,boy i got you so go ahead and send me an,email,my email is in the description of this,video and i'll make sure to set you up,with a lifetime access account to,viralball all right guys that's all for,this video,thank you so much for watching i hope,you have a great weekend and i'll see,you,next friday in the next video peace

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