how to make your first sale on dropshipping shopify

How To Make Your First Sale Online! (Shopify Dropshipping for Beginners 2020) what's going on everyb

Tanner Planes

Updated on Feb 27,2023

How To Make Your First Sale Online! (Shopify Dropshipping for Beginners 2020)

The above is a brief introduction to how to make your first sale on dropshipping shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to make your first sale on dropshipping shopify

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how to make your first sale on dropshipping shopify catalogs

How To Make Your First Sale Online! (Shopify Dropshipping for Beginners 2020)

what's going on everybody tanner here,with another video hope you're all,having an amazing and productive day so,far,so in this video i'm gonna be showing,you how to make your first sale online,specifically with drop shipping now drop,shipping is a business that a lot of,people have tried to get into,and a lot of people have failed with and,a common message that i get from people,is saying,they haven't made their first sale,whether it's been a day,a month a year you know it can,definitely take some time now,there are people that are very impatient,with it you do have to understand that,this is a business like any other kind,of business where,it takes time and momentum you really,need to understand the fundamentals,to get you to making that first sale and,many more to come,so in this video specifically with,facebook ads i'm going to be showing you,what you need to know some little tips,and tricks,to getting you your first sale here,within the next few days,now if you do learn something from this,video and it helps you make your first,sale,make sure to update me in the comments,and let me know so others that watch,this video and see those comments are,aware that you can still succeed with,drop shipping,it definitely just takes some time and,effort so there's a lot of things that,people,miss out and don't focus on when they,first start drop shipping,and i want to cover all of those little,tips and tricks here in this video,from the product to the ads so you know,how to get your first sale,so if you haven't already make sure to,hit that big subscribe button and turn,on those notifications,because i do post videos every other day,and i have a big scaling video coming up,here on cyber monday,which is just in two days so without,further ado let's hop on my computer,choose a product and get moving so the,three main things that we are covering,today are going to be the products,the store and then the ads the most,important one is going to be the ads,you know a lot of people may think that,the product is the most important part,and it definitely is important but you,shouldn't be overthinking it and,spending way too much time,trying to find that perfect perfect,product so we're gonna go on here and,just choose a quick product i'm gonna,show you how i would do some,basic research and show you what i would,sell it for and we'll go from there,so the most simple way to do product,research on aliexpress is just going to,be going to any category any of these,main ones,and then choosing a subcategory and,sorting by order so,very very simple i'm going to show you,why you know most products you can sell,and test,and make your first sale just within a,couple of days of your ads running so,we're going to choose phones just,because pretty much everybody has a,phone,so we're not actually going to go to,phones we're going to go to mobile phone,accessories,because this is definitely a big big,market here,to sell online and then all we're gonna,do is sort by orders,so when we go here you know we're gonna,see a lot of screen protectors and i'm,sure,a lot of phone cases and these are,things that all sell you know most,people have a phone and,people need these specific items so just,looking at the order number you can see,how many have sold in total and pretty,much just scroll down here,and choose what you want to sell so i'm,seeing mostly to screen protectors so i,want to narrow it down,a little bit more so we're going to,actually go to phone,cases and as you can see there's so many,different categories and subcategories,on aliexpress,that the product options are really,unlimited so,let's go here to phone case and covers,see what they got,again we're going to sort it by orders,and now i've sold in the phone case,niche,and done pretty well the thing i like,about them is that they're perfect for,people that are new to drop shipping,and just wanting to start making their,first sales and a little bit of profit,to reinvest into a future store is what,i would definitely recommend because,you can see most of these here you know,they're only a couple bucks and you can,sell them from anywhere from,20 to 30ish dollars depending on what,kind of case it actually,is and the good thing about selling a,phone case is that you can,upsell a screen protector so let's say,you're selling a phone case here,for twenty dollars when someone adds,that to their cart you can set up an,upsell for a five dollar screen,protector that cost you only you know,25 to 50 cents so you're adding on that,extra five dollars on that order,without paying for any extra ad spend so,any kind of phone accessories can really,make you,a good amount of money and they're,really really simple to make sales with,so,we're gonna get to ads here in a second,but let's go ahead and just choose a,case and go from there so scrolling,through here you can see there's so many,different cases you know these are very,basic over 100 000 sold,and we want to make sure that we're,choosing a case for main phone brands,obviously iphones and different types of,devices that are very popular so i'm,still,here only on this first page of the,aliexpress results that we've been,looking at,and one thing that instantly caught my,eye was just this listing right here,because it's something different it's,not just like the normal one color phone,case that i've been seeing on here,and it caught my eye only 15 000 sold,and it has this little bonus sale going,on where it's only one,cent per order so one cent is obviously,pretty much nothing you just have to,find these deals and,you know this does have reviews it does,have orders so this is a legitimate,listing,and i'm sure this price isn't going to,be here forever especially with the,shipping,you know we scroll down here you can see,30 to 50 days and we can pay a little,bit extra to expedite it,which is probably a good option so you,know right here you're spending about,three dollars per order,which is still about a four week,shipping time that's pretty much the,only issue with,drop shipping lightweight items like a,phone case is the shipping times,but it's also very cheap you just need,to make sure that on your product pages,you're making your customers aware of,how long it's going to take and if you,do want better shipping the easiest way,to do it is i would go here,find a supplier send them a message and,see what kind of deal they can give me,on shipping,and how quick we can have them delivered,so you can see right here you just go up,to the name,and then contact now send them this,listing and ask about what shipping,options they have so this is perfect,because it has all the main iphones,you know it's only a cent but i'm sure,if you start selling this especially,with the different shipping options,you know you're going to be spending,around four to five dollars uh per,phone case that you're selling so you,could easily easily sell this,for 19.97 and already have a 15,or more profit margin and then you set,up two different things one,is going to be the upsell for the screen,protector and two being quantity breaks,so people could buy multiple,for a little discount so now we have a,product that we're gonna test with and,it's gonna be super easy to make sales,honestly once you understand these,fundamentals i'm gonna show you in your,ad campaigns then,it's all gonna make sense to you and the,second step to what we're talking about,is the store,so now you've chosen a product how do,you actually get it onto your store how,do you set it up,now that's an entire video in itself,being over an hour long most definitely,so that's not going to be in this video,specifically but i am going to do,something super special for you guys,right now since it,is between black friday and cyber monday,which are the biggest e-commerce times,here in the united states,what i'm going to do is give you guys 50,off my pre-built store packages that i,sell so in my description is the special,link for getting 50,off my pre-built stores where we offer,one product stores,niche stores and general stores and,obviously we are including products that,we hand select here,we set up all of the fundamentals on the,store the copywriting's taken care of,all the secret little conversion tactics,and of course a few different apps that,we like to use consistently so,you go here you press build my store and,just choose the one that you want it's,as simple as that,and this offer for 50 off is going to be,available through december 1st,so you have until midnight on cyber,monday to get your store for 50,off and take advantage of this,opportunity and since these stores are,all made separately and not just you,know copies,we do have a development team these do,take a little bit of time to make,and we put a lot of effort into them so,usually it only takes about a few days,to get them done and deliver but in,order to do that we're limiting the,quantities of how many we're selling so,we're only selling 15 of each category,so 15 one product stores,15 niche stores and 15 general stores so,if you go to the link and you're still,able to purchase,then good for you you got one of the,spots and i'm excited to see you get,your store where you're just going to,pretty much,instantly be ready to run ads so,speaking on ads let's go ahead into the,facebook ads manager and i'm going to,show you how i set up ads for a product,test,step by step for this phone case that we,just picked so here we are in a brand,new ad account on facebook and the first,thing i want to do is just set up my,columns because,if you leave your columns default and,you start running ads you're really not,going to know what you're looking at and,it's going to be pretty confusing so,i'm going to set up these columns really,quick i'm going to see you guys in just,a couple of seconds,and then explain to you why i set up,what i did,so we click apply and then we save it,obviously because we don't want to lose,it,and usually i just put you know like,something in there like ms,because i want to make millions and uh,set default,and then drag these just so they fit and,now when you're looking at your data,from your ads it's going to be a lot,easier to read what's actually going on,instead of being sort of lost in the,sauce and you know,not know what's going on because when,you don't know what's going on it's easy,to lose money,and we don't want you to lose money,we're here to make your first sale and,many more so just some basic things you,know this is going to be what you spend,and then the conversion value so if you,spent twenty dollars and made back a,thousand in revenue,which would be pretty crazy but it,definitely does happen you know that,would reflect here,on your columns and then the row as is,just your return on ad spin so,you know if you spent 20 brought back,100 it would be a five,row as and then obviously purchases and,cost per purchase,and just link clicks add cards check out,so you can see,what's going on with your funnel so,first things first we're going to create,this campaign,and i always go for conversions i know a,lot of people like to go for different,things and,optimize for like traffic but you're,really just going to burn money if you,want to make sales,and especially your first sale like,we're talking about in this video you,need to understand that you need to,optimize for conversions because,you want conversions you want to sell,you don't want a bunch of traffic that's,not going to buy anything so we're going,to title this campaign,marble phone case,cold because we're just doing cold,targeting right now,and now we're just gonna do next we're,doing ad set level budgets,so here we have our pixel name don't be,suspicious,uh purchase because we want purchases,obviously this is just a brand new pixel,i made so it's not on a store or,anything but i wanted to make sure you,guys actually know how it works so for,that case if we're selling it for 20,or 19.97 i want you guys to actually,test this one of you,follow exactly what i'm doing on here,and let me know how it works now i would,definitely recommend either a five or a,ten dollar a day budget because,if you do anything higher than that it's,most likely going to be unprofitable,right off the bat because it's going to,be spending that ad spend pretty quick,within the first day,and really isn't giving itself enough,time to optimize and find the right,people that would buy this phone case so,by putting it at let's say a five dollar,a day budget then it's going to spin for,a couple of days to find the right,people before it gets that first sale,so hopefully it gets that first sale,within you know the end of the first day,or beginning of the second day,um but yeah i think five is honestly the,perfect budget for this so if it's past,like 12 p.m your time,i'll go ahead and just schedule it for,12 a.m but since it is 3 a.m already,here then,i would just go ahead and let this go,because you're going to see the best,results throughout the day you know past,the morning but we're not going to do,anything else here on the budget and,schedule,keeping it simple usually when i'm,testing i'm just starting off in the,united states especially right now with,covet and everything going on,because shipping can be a lot more,expensive and times can be delayed,uh shipping to other countries,especially like canada the uk,any other countries you might be,targeting australia isn't too bad you,really just need to talk to your,supplier and see which countries you can,sell to and get the exact shipping times,and all that,but i'm gonna keep this super simple to,just the united states,no age breakdown no gender breakdown and,here's the,interest section and my first asset that,i make i always do is no interest so,leaving this completely blank and always,having that box checked i know a lot of,people may tell you not to,but i promise your conversions will be,cheaper if you do click this box so now,we're just going to name this ad set,here at the top,no interest scroll back down here,automatic placements no cost control,and then next so now here's the part,where you're setting up the ad,itself whether you're doing an image or,video but for a phone case like this,it's going to be an image because it's,pretty self-explanatory so we can,honestly just use a picture,from the product page here on aliexpress,now i know you can't download,the image like save directly from the,window here on aliexpress but the,easiest way to do it is just,copy the exact name go to google search,it,and they're all going to be here so,we're going to use one just super simple,like this,looks nice and clean save this image so,we just uploaded the image that we,downloaded keeping it super simple,and right here is going to be the,website url i see some people just put,the main link to their store the home,page,but if you're running ads for this,specific product unless you're running a,one product,store then i would definitely put the,specific product page,and most times i'm gonna do the call to,action for get offer which will click,right here,and now you're gonna have the primary,text which is gonna do a little bit of,the selling now obviously the image or,video that you're using,is going to be doing the main selling,and getting people to click on the link,and go to your store but having the ad,copy here,obviously helps i'll usually just have,one line of information and then another,line for call to action so for the copy,we're just going to type,our stunning,marble phone case,cases,available,for iphones,and then the link so that's just a rough,draft i'll always do that,and you know maybe here i'll go in,and uh do a little hard eyes,and do that and then you're gonna have,your link here so in the actual copy,itself it's gonna take up these first,two lines,and people aren't gonna have to click,see more and they're automatically,and they're automatically gonna be able,to click that call to action link and go,there so,a phone case is very simple you don't,need to really do a lot of persuading in,the copy itself unless you're doing a,specific sale,like right now it's between black friday,and cyber monday you can say something,about that,but there is one little trick i want to,show you can put here in the description,so just go to google type in black star,icon click here we're going to copy it,oh i clicked on an ad i'm about to get,retargeted for that over the next few,days,uh so go here get your black star icon,description paste that,five times and then we're just gonna,type in a random number,then we'll type here in the headlined,colorful,marble phone case so now we have a very,basic but effective ad setup one of you,guys should definitely,test this exact product with this,similar setup to what i've showed you,right here,and run it so now we have the ad,creative made and one ad set but we,haven't chosen any specific interest so,i want to show you what you should do,for setting up new interest because you,want to set up between 5 and 10 assets,there really isn't a specific number,but you want to keep it as general as,possible i used to try and get specific,as possible,but never saw the results that i did,nowadays testing with very general,things so,let's type in here like phone case let's,see what we got,so you know here we'll go phone,iphone is a big one for sure we'll just,use that very very big,we have the box always checked and,that's always going to give us a reach,of you know 230 million,even though this interest is actually a,lot bigger than that so we'll leave,iphone there and then i'm just going to,duplicate this you know several more,times and i would go through here,and just make very very broad,interests so when we think of the,product we're actually selling right now,you know we can somewhat relate it to,more general things like,fashion and things like that and what,you can do from there is actually just,think of like specific brands,that are related to the product you're,selling so for this you know i'm,thinking it's,you know somewhat of a more fancier,style phone case,it looks very nice and classy so a brand,maybe i would want to put in here that's,pretty broad,is you know nordstrom they sell a lot of,different brands under themselves,but the people that are interested in,nordstrom are most likely going to be,interested in this case,so i would definitely use it let's see,how big the audience size is,there we go 30 million we have the box,checked so the facebook ai is,automatically going to find people that,we know want to see this,and now we have that and publish and go,from there so we have the column set up,we have our first campaign and we're,gonna start to see some sales roll in,as the time goes on so there you have it,that's how to make your first sale,online with drop shipping,specifically using facebook ads but this,is really just the information that i,wish i had when i first started drop,shipping because,it has all the fundamentals that you,need to know and i want you guys to go,through here and,pretty much follow step by step what,i've done with your own product,the same one i did it really doesn't,matter and keep me updated in the,comments,if you've made your first sale because i,know this is something that's going to,help a lot of you guys,get to the place that you want to be and,if you really want to pick up the pace,with getting to where you want to be i,highly highly suggest you pick up one of,the pre-built stores that i have,while they are 50 off through midnight,on december 1st so that link is going to,be in the description where you can,check it out,as well as any other resources you may,need and as always my instagram dms are,open if you need any help outside of,this video,sometimes it does take a while for me to,respond but i try to get back to every,single person,if you have a legitimate question,hopefully you enjoyed this video you,learned something from it and if you did,make sure to leave a big like comment,and subscribe,peace

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