how to make product active on shopify

Shopify| Draft Products into Active Products| Small Business hi guys i hope you guys are doing reall


Updated on Jan 25,2023

Shopify| Draft Products into Active Products| Small Business

The above is a brief introduction to how to make product active on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to make product active on shopify

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how to make product active on shopify catalogs

Shopify| Draft Products into Active Products| Small Business

hi guys i hope you guys are doing really,good tonight,um if you're having a little bit trouble,in your shopify,account trying to figure out you know,why is my products not really showing,um i feel like i've done everything i,was supposed to do and i still,understand why is it not showing up,where other people can see it hope i,really hope that this video helps you,we're gonna go through tonight and maybe,give you some tips and tricks,tips and tricks that could probably help,you out,all right with the main screen i'm just,going to go ahead and log,in real fast,all right so we're just going to focus,on um one particular item tonight,we're going to uh focus on my pink edgy,pullover,um so say for instance you know of,course you know you want to make sure,you fill out your title,your description you don't get very much,great detail,on your items and you can also add media,or drop,files and upload you can add your meter,from your url,for instance like if you have instagram,or if you have,a youtube account and you have a uh,which of course you will have a url and,you can actually take that,and i'm gonna show you where you can,take it i don't wanna get off subject,but i'm going to show you real quick,you can go to your setting all right if,you want to place your url from your,instagram or your youtube,excuse me you can go to your themes go,to customize,look what's mine and then you just want,to,stroll down,all the way down and go to your theme,actions you see how this gonna pop up,excuse me,let me see that's your thing that you,can go to your theme settings,and then like you change your codes or,whatever but we're gonna go to the,social media,and you can share on facebook twitter,tweet on twitter pin on pinterest,and like i said you will put that link,like for instance youtube,right here so you know you want to put,your url,this right here is just one of my videos,from youtube that i place on on here so,you know but you know if you got your,url,it might be a little bit better okay now,we're just going to go back to um,our products,and we're just going to go to i'm just,going to click on like a shirt,and for instance with the shirt you want,to make sure like i said you want your,title,your description filled out which is i,gotta go back and do that,so you want to make sure your media and,everything is on point your,sizes prices whatever okay,so you're wondering like okay but i,don't understand,you know i know i'm still new i'm still,you know trying to build and but i'm,putting my products,in i'm putting my sizes in um,i'm even you know tagging my videos so i,don't understand,okay if you're new and you haven't,uh really got your,site to the point where you're ready to,run,and you're just at that stage where,you're still in the draft mode so,when you're in that draft mode and your,product status,haven't been set to active then you're,going to have some issues,so of course your stuff is not going to,come up it's not going to pop up,you're going to have some problems so i,mean once you get everything,uh the way you want it then that's when,you,you know you just go over here and like,i say you know you on you can say,even schedule uh your availability,so whenever you're ready to like fully,pull out,you can just set for instance i may say,i'm just going to say march the 30th you,can schedule your availability date,but you know take note scheduling won't,apply until product status is set to,active,so you got to remember that you got to,make sure your stuff is set to active,for it to,you know do everything the proper way,but anyways you just make sure you got,all your products you know,first uh your inventory if you want to,go ahead and,yummy i'm gonna leave uh if you want to,go ahead and get your collections you,know set your stuff up however you want,it,even if you want to put into certain,categories you know i can say if you,know if you got more than one,pair of sweatpants t-shirts jewelry,whatever the case is and,however you want to do that um just make,sure you have that set up,um we're gonna go back to,the t-shirt and you just make sure you,come over here,to active and notice,um when i hit active it said this,product will be,available um on this channel so i'm just,going to hit,save right here at the top,so now it's saved but it's loading and,it's about to save,okay so we did save it so now we're,going to go over,to the left and click on home,go to right here where you see my left,hand,where it's showing online store,go to your theme,go to customize right here,using my hand by the actions click on,customize,and once you're back on your home screen,all you do is go to,your catalog you should show your,products,and there it's going to pop up so,then you will see that now it's showing,active,and that's showing that okay i'm ready,to start selling,i'm ready to get this you know thing,going and then,even in the excuse me,the right corner is gonna say live,so it's gonna say live excuse me i'm a,little hoarse it's late,but um it's gonna stay live so just let,you know you're good and you're ready to,go,but just keep that in mind you know and,i'm gonna show you a quick example,i'm gonna go back as you saw it said,live,i'm gonna go back,and then i'm gonna go back to products,just to show you a quick example,go back to the short sleeve shirt notice,it says,active i'm gonna turn it to draft then,i'm hit save,okay go to your store,go to your themes i'm kind of speeding,up a little bit please forgive me,go to your catalog no products,you see so it's important that you,realize that you know,you need to make sure your stuff is,saying active,that way it'll start you know presenting,on your product page,and it's going to come into your catalog,it's going to go into,your collections the way you set it up,so it's only going to go,you know in the area that you set up you,may have set it up on,maybe your home page and you didn't,you know probably put in a certain,category but just wherever you place it,that's where it's going to go,but it only can go there if you hit,active,so products is active or if it's in,uh draft or arch mode you can always,like i said,this is another way you can go to your,products,go to all products which is over here in,the left,and then go over as you can see it's,showing nothing,no products no nothing so you just go to,your,draft okay or these in draft okay,go to active and as you can see,it it's this well i'll let you know as,well,okay yes you have your stuff active no,you don't,so if you get kind of confused or not,really understanding okay,well i don't i think i said it right but,i'm not quite sure,that's another way you will know if your,product is in,draft mode or if it's in active mode,all right guys so say for instance that,you,feel like you left out a size that you,would like to add,a another size and like i said this,right here,is for it you know just kind of like,examples like i'm already kind of,filling it in,but say um i want to add like a 2x,you know to my sizes just go to um add,variant,then um like you can upload your image,but notice right here,small is already you know filled in,medium,it's filled in but okay i want to add,the extra large,so all i'm gonna do is go to,go right here to size option put in,two x and then,i'm just gonna go down uh make sure,i was to put how many i have available i,may say i have uh,four you know just to start off small,you know i'm saying you don't you don't,want to get yourself around,make sure you weigh it,and then we're we're just going to say,that away,we're just going to say we'll say 2.5,ounce we're just,you know just throwing something in,there,so then i would hiss,yeah then i would hit save but of course,fill all this out guys you know as far,as price and we're not getting getting,into that we're just really talking,about,sizing tonight and uh making sure,that your draft turns into active so,that's what we're covering tonight but,you know there are,other videos pertaining to pricing and,everything like that so let's get back,to size,and then for size if you want to have a,certain inventory to keep,up with your sizes keep up with certain,products or whatever case you can put,that in like i want to say um,101 or whatever the case is that i'm,trying to keep up,with this particular item especially if,you start,growing and you want to put more items,on your website that's a good thing to,keep up with,but we're just going to hit save,okay on all products and as you can see,now we have small medium large edge,large 2x,then we have and it keeps up with the,size price,and the quantity and it also keeps up,like i said with the sku,to keep you organized organ organized,especially when you start having more,inventory that's a good thing to have,but yeah guys so like i said tonight was,dealing with more with products,and um adding sizes,to your site so i hope this video was,helpful for,you and please like i said come back,like comment,and subscribe

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