how to make my shopify general store profitable

3 QUICK Tips For General Stores | How To Have A Successful Shopify Dropshipping Store all right in t

Braden Wuerch

Updated on Mar 18,2023

3 QUICK Tips For General Stores | How To Have A Successful Shopify Dropshipping Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to make my shopify general store profitable

Let's move on to the first section of how to make my shopify general store profitable

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3 QUICK Tips For General Stores | How To Have A Successful Shopify Dropshipping Store

all right in this video I'm gonna give,you three quick tips to have a,successful general store with Shopify,dropship again this is actually going to,be the first video of a new series I'm,launching I'll be doing this about every,week to two weeks where I come out and I,do a short video giving you really quick,tips in pretty much all aspects of,e-commerce I've got about 200 videos on,this channel 200 detail long videos on,this channel directly related to,e-commerce and drop shipping pretty much,every topic you can imagine I've got a,video going in-depth on it from Facebook,guides to niche selection to branding,pretty much everything I've got very,specific details on this channel but,these quick short videos are going to be,in response to the coaching calls I have,throughout the week and then questions,coming from members of the dropship,fortune program these short videos are,meant to essentially allow you to get,quick tips on the go and then from there,you can go ahead and seek out some more,of the longer detailed videos but these,are meant to be reminders and then quick,tips to help you be more successful with,shelf I drop shipping or e-commerce as a,whole so today's quick tip video is for,general store owners if you're thinking,about starting a general store you,already have a drop shipping general,store this video is gonna be for you and,these three tips should be reminders and,then tips on how you can be more,successful with your general store well,before you get into if you guys to,please do me a huge favor please help me,engage them on the video by smash the,like button down below hit subscribe if,you haven't ready and definitely leave,any comments or questions down below I,love going ahead and connecting with you,answering any questions you guys have,all right so the first tip I have for,you for successful general store is you,need to focus on organization the thing,that specific niches have and mid,low-level niche stores and even one,product stores the thing they have going,for them that really works for them is,they have just an arrant inherent level,of branding that general stores don't,have general stores seem just more like,a generic store that has very little,branding and with that comes a lot of,times a lack of consumer trust and you,need that consumer trust to be able to,make sales a lot of people think it's,just if you get the right product you're,gonna have a ton of sales and while,product is extremely important if you,don't have the right store set up and,play,and the right consumer trust in place it,doesn't matter how good your product is,you're going to be either one never,finding success or two you will be,missing out on a ton of sales,so this is where organization comes in,this is the biggest mistake I see with,general store owners as general store,owners essentially don't have good,organization in place you need to go,ahead you need to look up other general,stores that are pulling in huge numbers,even look at stores like Walmart look at,the big general stores out there even,the inventory held general stores and,see how they're doing things this really,comes down to you know you need to go,ahead and put your collections together,in a very organized way you need to have,clear niches in place the thing with a,general store is yet you you can have,pretty much every type of product on,there but you need it organized in a,specific way most general stores I go on,to of beginners essentially I'll go on,there and their homepage is just random,products all over the place they'll have,kitchen products right next to gadgets,right next to apparel you need these,separated one you want the the customers,to be able to find what they're looking,for in a very quick and easy manner but,then - you don't want a customer landing,on your store and having no clue what,you truly offered that's where a,customer is going to view you as a scam,and we've talked about other videos on,this channel about how with Facebook,marketing in particular a lot of,Facebook users are getting tired with,the general store approach because,they're coming off big time as scans now,this is where you need to have that,organization in place you'll have that,consumer trust and you'll have the,branding so the biggest tip I can give,you with this is put products in certain,collections in very very very clear,niches and then really have a powerful,homepage you need a powerful homepage,you don't want just you know a good logo,with a good header photo but then you've,got just all your products just random,products down on that homepage you want,to go ahead and exactly show the,customer right off the bat what you,offer what type of store you are who you,are and then you have your certain,collections in place there's certain,niches in place that then the customers,can go to and on there obviously you'll,have your best sellers if you get decent,or winning product,you want to highlight those but you also,want to have you know all your niches in,place that way customers can easily find,what they're looking for the second tip,I have for you for successful general,stories you need to add more products,almost every general store I go to they,don't have enough products you know a,lot of general store owners I go to the,general stores will have around 50,products you know maybe a hundred,products if you have a general store,what you're signing up for is that you,are having a lot of products look at,Walmart do they just have 50 products or,a hundred products they've got thousands,of products and this is where you can,capitalize on compared to a specific,niche brand store or mid-level nice,brand story but one product brand store,you can't have a lot of products in make,it work and that's what you need to do,you need to have a lot more products,than what you think one you need to have,several niches on your general store and,you need to have them filled out don't,go ahead and have you know gadgets and,have that completely filled out a great,product line in there and then have home,goods and have three products in there,you need every niche and collection,really really filled out that's one for,consumer trust and then branding in,itself but then too you want to go ahead,and capitalize on cross sales and,upsells I can't tell you how many times,myself,members of the dropship fortune program,and then many successful people I know,in this space I can't tell you how many,times they found decent or winning,products by the customer data,essentially by driving traffic to their,store and then customers going off the,product page from whatever product they,were advertising in buying another,product or through a cross-sell and,upsell you'll find so many decent and,winning products from the traffic just,going throughout your store and this,goes back to point number one if you,don't have that organization you're not,gonna have that you're gonna have your,traffic going to your product page and,then they'll go to your homepage and,drop off and you can see this with your,Google Analytics and I highly suggest,you be really really diving deep into,your Google Analytics knowing exactly,what pages people are dropping off but,you want people to essentially go from,your product page if they don't buy,right there you want them to go to a,home page go to all other products and,then buy other products on there and,they're going to tip you off on products,you should,then test on facebook ads or with Google,ads or whatever you're gonna have cross,sells and upsells and then other,products just sell and those are decent,and wedding products that you should,test tip number three I have four,successful general stores is actually a,little bit more of an advanced strategy,this is once you actually start getting,sales you start you you find a decent or,winning product you need to go ahead and,think about whether you should go ahead,and niche down to a mid-level niche to,specific niche or one product one,product store not every time I know so,many owners that they only do general,stores and that's great that can work,out great but there's so many products,out there that if you go ahead and you,build a specific new store or brand,store even one product store around that,product that decent product will now be,one of those golden winners and I've had,this before way back in the day I had a,mid-level in each store that had many,different types of specific niches on,there and I found a product in one,specific niche that started work and my,whole plan was just to you know keep,selling on this mid-level news store,really tried to expand it out and I,started finding that other products,related to that product in that specific,niche also started selling with cross,sells in up sales and I kept really,trying to sell notes I was having a,decent profit margin but then I decided,to go ahead and make a specific niche,store around that very specific niche,once I did this this decent winning,product it was a good product it was,profitable working on this mid-level new,store became a golden winner on this,specific niche store and then from there,I got way more cross sells upsells all,of that if you're a general store owner,and you find out you've got a decent,product and it's not one of these just,kind of like trending you know viral,products that then die out it's not just,one of those you know kind of trending,random products like a gadget or,something like that if it's it a product,that seems like it's in a very specific,niche say you know for example like a,sunglasses me say you find a product,like that that you can build a brand,store around a specific niche store,around you might want to go ahead and,test doing that and it's not hard to,then build up a specific new store,around that niche and then start,marketing this products you already are,going to know,exactly who did targeted to and all of,that but many times when you do that you,move over from a general store to the,specific in each store your sales will,go through the roof and then you still,have your general store in place to,still be testing other products and not,every time you'll want to do this this,only is only when it makes sense for,that product in particular to actually,make a specific new store around that,but don't be blinded from that and don't,essentially cancel that option out,because I've seen so many general store,owners they get so obsessed with the,general store idea that they want,nothing to do with a brand store but,many times if you you take the right,product to a brain store you can,absolutely dominate but only do this,once you've actually found out that the,the product is really really working on,your general store and if it makes sense,go ahead and make it a brand store but,these were three quick tips for you if,you're a general store owner or you're,thinking about starting a general store,definitely take heed of these three tips,these are three things that I see that,are very very common with general store,owners with shop buy drop shipping I,hope you enjoyed this if you enjoyed,this series definitely leave a like down,below and definitely leave any comments,if you want me to do you know three,quick tips for whatever type of store,you have or Facebook ads or whatever it,is definitely leave a comment down below,and I can definitely add that to list,for this series I definitely enjoy doing,these for you guys but definitely smash,the like button down below hit subscribe,if you haven't read and definitely leave,any comments or questions I love going,in connecting with all of you be happy,be positive be powerful and have a great,rest of your day

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