how to make a quiz on shopify

How to Make a Product Recommendation Quiz for Shopify Using Interact Quiz Builder okay in this video


Updated on Feb 02,2023

How to Make a Product Recommendation Quiz for Shopify Using Interact Quiz Builder

The above is a brief introduction to how to make a quiz on shopify

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How to Make a Product Recommendation Quiz for Shopify Using Interact Quiz Builder

okay in this video we're going to look,at how to create a product,recommendation quiz for shopify and have,it redirect to your own product,collection pages on shopify and also,collect an email address and or phone,number that integrates with clavio or,your email marketing system of choice,let's look at how this works on mount,lye they have this mount lie stone guide,which is a product recommender,you take the quiz you answer the,questions there's eight questions,once i finish those questions i will be,presented with an opt-in form at the end,of it,this integrates with clavio,and segments based on which outcome i,get i'm going to skip it so i can see my,results,and now you'll notice that the page,redirects to a different url that has my,product recommendations on it and this,is a shopify collections page,that's the setup and let's look at how,that's actually built using interact and,shopify,we will start in shopify,this is my shopify setup that i created,just for this example,there are three collections here i'm,creating a skin type quiz and my skin,type quiz has three outcomes oily skin,combination skin and dry skin,there are three collections to represent,those three results,if i click into this result i have the,title description and the products that,match it the products that match it i,have tagged with oily skin and that's,how those products are going to load in,and here's what that result collection,is going to look like and this is where,people will be redirected to be shown,their quiz result of oily skin,okay,now in order to have these products be,tagged properly you go to products,you'll select the products that you want,to tag,go to more actions,and add tags and then you'll be able to,add your tags here and that's how those,collections pages get built so i have,three collections pages in shopify for,my quiz results,now i'll go back over to interact,this is interact quiz builder the main,dashboard,i will go to my results of my quiz,and i am going to click on redirect,results,and i'm going to redirect these results,to those collection pages,so you'll notice each collection page,has its own url i'm going to copy that,and paste it in here for each of the,results click out and now my results,will redirect,for the lead generation piece there's a,separate video that i'll put in the,comments for how to connect interact to,clavio,to personalize your email follow-ups and,segment your leads,for now let's look at how this gets onto,shopify,when i'm done with my quiz i will click,publish,publish changes,now i'll go to embed code,choose the javascript option because,that's going to allow me to redirect to,those results pages in shopify,make sure to click the redirect host,page on redirect,option copy this code go over to shopify,go to my online store,go down to pages,i created a page called personal shopper,quiz,let's look at that,i have the title here and then under,the show editor option i will paste in,that code,now i'll view this page,and this is my personal shopper quiz,when i go through it i'll have the same,setup that we looked at in the beginning,where i'll answer my questions,at the end of the questions,i'm presented with the opt-in form,if i skip that or put in my information,i'll skip this step,and now i have once again redirected to,the product page collection,that is the products for this skin type,and i add the can add these products,directly to my cart from here,so that's how you create a product quiz,using interact and shopify,to get started you can go to try,,click start your free trial or get a,demo to talk with someone on our team,before you get this thing set up

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