how to integrate oberlo to shopify

How to Set Up Shopify – Dropshipping with Oberlo hey everyone it's David from Oberlo and today I'm g


Updated on Mar 07,2023

How to Set Up Shopify – Dropshipping with Oberlo

The above is a brief introduction to how to integrate oberlo to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to integrate oberlo to shopify

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how to integrate oberlo to shopify catalogs

How to Set Up Shopify – Dropshipping with Oberlo

hey everyone it's David from Oberlo and today I'm gonna walk you through how to,build a Shopify store that's integrated with over lo from top to bottom we're,gonna cover everything you need to know to launch your own drop shipping,business at the end of this video we're going to have a fully fledged store,ready to take to customers all great drop shipping stores start with great,products so let's find ours we're gonna jump over to my screen now so if you,want to follow along at home fire up a new tab or a new browser and head over,to overload calm okay here we are at overload calm and all we need to do to,get our overload account is click on the get overload now button you're gonna,have to punch in your email and a password but that is it there's no,credit card required you're not gonna get a link in your email that you need,to confirm by clicking on it later on just email and password and you are,ready to go the first thing you see when you get inside of over low are a bunch,of different product categories men's clothing women's clothing toys beauty,and health products these are among the most popular categories for overload,merchants below that you'll see product recommendations that could be seasonal,like these Halloween items they could be best-selling products which are products,that our merchants have had a lot of success with fast shipping items are,ones that have really quick shipping times etc so there's some,recommendations that you're gonna see from the moment you log in if you,already know what you want to sell you can go up here to the search field now,we do know what you want to sell our store is going to specialize in,athleisure athleisure is stuff like leggings and other athletic wear that,people can wear either around the house or when they're out and about as you can,see when you punch in leggings there are a lot of different options that pop up,in the product search results if you want to hone in on specific types of,leggings for example with certain prices or with certain shipping methods that's,no problem we have a bunch of filters here on the left side of the screen that,will enable you to refine your original search so here I'm gonna say that I want,products that cost under $10 and which feature a packet delivery a packet is a,really quick shipping method for products that are coming out of China,and it is what we recommend if you are sourcing your products from China so now,we have products under 10 bucks that have a packet now that we have our,search filters in place there's one more tweak that we can do to our search,results to make sure that we get exactly what we're looking for and that is,change the sort bot filter two orders count with this orders count sorting,filter in place we now know that all the products that appear in our results are,products that have been proven to generate orders so we're not having to,guess at what will be popular over low has done that work for you and is,showing you only products that have generated orders so now that we know,that these are popular products that these are products that people want to,buy we can add them to our import list simply clicking on add to import list,will save the product and let give you a chance to edit it before you bring it,over to your store so let's add a second one here to our import list and we'll,add a third item that'll help us get started and then we can go into our,import lists and edit them and make sure they look exactly like we want before we,send them over to our store okay so we have three bestsellers added to our,import list and we're going to go and check out how they look in the import,list section real quick before we get into changing these product names and,product descriptions I want to point out that the products that we just sent to,our import list are from over low verified suppliers over low verified,suppliers are our most trustworthy suppliers and they meet rigid criteria,that drop shippers are going to be looking for to run their businesses for,example they fulfilled at least 1,000 orders for over lo merchants,Oh below verified suppliers also have very low error rates and quicker,delivery times there are two other types of suppliers that you'll find inside of,over though one set is over those suppliers they're,also part of our network we like working with them they just haven't hit the,thousand order threshold that the over low verified suppliers have and then the,third set is Aliexpress suppliers Aliexpress is an independent platform,with independent suppliers and so we can't say for sure if they're gonna meet,these same criteria that the over those verified suppliers are you,find a lot of good stuff on Aliexpress it's just you have to do some homework,to make sure that the suppliers you're using are the ones that you want to be,using all right this is what your products are gonna look like when,they're inside of your import list there's four main sections there's the,product overview where you can change the title there's the product,description product variants and product images first off let's change the,products title some of the titles you'll notice that you import into your import,list are a little bit wordy and so we're gonna consolidate this one and just call,it women's sports and yoga leggings that's straightforward and to the point,we can optimize it later if need be now here's the product description that came,with this product and as you can see it's a little bit goofy so for example,here at the top it says were the yoga pants move up that's not the sort of,thing that you want to appear on your product pages so almost every time that,you import a product you're gonna edit the product description here we're gonna,drop in some text that we've already wrote we're not gonna make you watch us,write a product description but basically if you've worked with any text,editing software any content management system the over load product description,editor works in much the same way so now we have some text there's different,approaches to product descriptions this one will work for now the variants tab,is where you can see different sizes and different colors of the products that,you import it so we have the base product which here is offered in four,different sizes small medium large and extra-large you can also tweak your,prices here if you want to increase your margins or offer a better price and,finally the images products are gonna come with different images attached to,them and by checking any of these additional images you can make sure that,they end up in your store along with your product it's really important to,have product images ideally at some point you're gonna be taking your own,images but for now we'll use these ones that came with the product we're going,to go ahead and update the titles on these other products as well and while,we do that let's just touch real quickly on some of the basics that you want to,include in your titles and product descriptions so search engine,optimization is one that you can really implement on your,titles and descriptions put in any keywords any phrases that you think,people interested in your product will be searching for this is a great place,to do that you also want to be sure to answer any questions that people might,have in your product descriptions look at what your competitors do look at what,the product descriptions say on other websites and see if there's common,themes common specifics about the products that are always talked about,maybe there's weight or length or color details that appear all the time those,are things that you can go ahead and make sure are in your descriptions as,well and then finally you want to make sure that the writing here has some life,make sure it's punchy and that somebody not only is finding that information,they're looking for but would be engaged by what they find on these pages the,product pages where these descriptions and titles appear those might be the,first pages somebody gets to when they get to your store and so when they get,to your store you want to make sure not only that they get the info they're,looking for but that they like what they see and that they are interested in what,they find there let's go ahead and finish up selecting these images and,remember the images that you import here into your store it doesn't mean you have,to show them you just give yourself the option to show them so we're gonna go,ahead and bring over these six here and now it's time to connect overload to a,store now to connect our over though account to a store we're going to go up,here and click on the connect a store button there are two things you can do,here the first is enter your Shopify store URL if you have one we don't so,we're gonna click create new one this will take us to Shopify Shopify as you,might know is the leading e-commerce platform in the world they power some,six hundred thousand stores and it is the platform that integrates with,overload it is just as easy to sign up for Shopify as it is for over lo you're,just gonna give your email address a password and your store name we're gonna,go ahead and punch in our details including our store name Shopify is,gonna check automatically to make sure that nobody,else has taken this name yet in our case life of athleisure is still available,and now we're just moments away from having a store there's gonna be a couple,basic questions that we need to answer here the first one are you already,selling we are not we are just launching our athleisure store so i'm not selling,products yet and then the second one is about revenue we don't have revenue yet,so we'll put in zero there click Next and now there's gonna be some basic,address information real quick about this form if you're like me then you,might not always take forms like this totally seriously you might fill it out,less than 100 percent accurately but we're not signing up for a newsletter,here we're starting a business and so with all these details about your,address and your postcode and your phone number go ahead and fill them out,accurately because if things go well we're gonna start making money and when,we do we want to have a legit business behind it after we get this form filled,out we're going to land for the first time inside of our Shopify store this is,the Shopify dashboard where you can find information about sales and orders and,visitors of course we don't have sales orders and visitors just yet because we,don't have any products so to get products we'll make sure that everything,that we put in our import list gets to our store and to make that happen we'll,head back over to over lo and put in our Shopify store URL for us that is life of,athleisure dot my Shopify com and after you punch this in and click connect and,click connect a store Shopify and over lo are going to be integrated the next,screen you see will have details about how exactly this integration works and,after you review this you're going to want to click on install app and you're,going to be ready to go with an integrated Shopify and overload account,the next step is going to be to set up some default behaviors for how over,though and Shopify interact so there's a lot of different options here and you,can change these after the fact but it's a good idea to go ahead and set them up,as best you can now so here the first checkbox you see set new products as,published that means any time we push something from overload in,to Shopify it'll automatically be available at our store you can also,change your tax settings change your weight settings notify customers about,order fulfillment and then these Auto updates at the bottom are important so,when a product is no longer available in over lo you get to say what you want to,happen in Shopify so here we'll say we want the product to unpublish that means,not be available and we want to receive a notification when a variance is no,longer available a variant remember is the size or the,color of a product we can say that we want the variant to be removed and to be,notified and if the cost of the product changes we can say do we want Shopify to,update it or do we want it to just remain as is again these can be changed,later but it's a good idea to set them up as best you can now while we are,inside of overload changing some settings let's check out the global,pricing rules the global pricing rules gives you a chance to set default,pricing rules for how much products will cost inside of your Shopify store,there's two different options here the first is multiplier which lets you,multiply whatever you paid for the product by a certain number and the,other one is fixed markup which gives you a chance to have a designated dollar,amount over the original cost that you will charge your consumers so here if we,have fixed if we have a multiplier of 1.5 the product will be 1.5 times more,expensive in our store than what we paid for it there's also an advanced pricing,rules section that you can use if you have a wide range of prices that your,products are going to cost there are of course lots of different things to,consider when you make your global pricing rules you need to think about,how much you're spending on marketing need to think about the other costs that,you're incurring such as apps that you have in your store different things that,are costing you money that you need to incorporate into your prices in your,store but the good news is that you can have,fault regular rules that you can assign to products automatically and you create,those here inside of global pricing rules now that we understand the global,pricing rules it's time to get some products into our store so to do that,we're gonna go back to our import list we see here we have those three items,from before and here they are with their updated,titles and descriptions and images just as we edited earlier and we're gonna get,these all into our store with just a couple clicks so we'll select all three,products then do import all two store confirm that and all of a sudden our,import list is empty but that's just because they have now been moved over to,our store and you can find them in your Shopify products and voila now that the,products are in our Shopify back-end we are getting closer and closer to having,a store but before we launch we want to make sure make sure that the store looks,and feels exactly how we want it to and to do that we're gonna check out the,different Shopify themes the theme is like the backbone of your store it's,gonna dictate how your store looks and how it functions and how the navigation,acts when people come there to shop and to look around Shopify has tons of,different themes that you can explore here so we're gonna click on explore,themes where we see a lot of beautiful different styles of websites now a lot,of these are paid they're gonna cost 180 or 160 bucks,these are super powerful and they're customizable and this is what hopefully,one day we need as our store blows up to start though we're gonna use a free,theme and these free themes are mobile ready they are perfectly functional and,as we're just getting started they're gonna be powerful enough for us,this Brooklyn theme as you can see is tailor-made for apparel stores and it,looks like it has everything that we want there's also a couple of different,styles the classic and be playful because we're having an athleisure store,maybe the playful will be better for us we can check out how this looks and how,it when you click around Shopify gives you,a demo and I think that our athleisure wear will look beautiful on these pages,here's even how you would check out and add something to your cart so you get,the full scale test inside of the theme store and this one looks good so let's,go ahead and add the theme to our Shopify store this takes all a few,seconds and bam we now have access to the Brooklyn theme in life of athleisure,now that we have added the Brooklyn theme to our store we can make it our,official theme by clicking on actions and then publish it's gonna ask you if,you're sure that you want Brooklyn to replace the default theme which is,called debut we are sure Brooklyn is a winning theme so as soon as we click on,publish it has all of a sudden become our stores theme clicking on customize,will give us a little preview of how our store looks at this point so there's,lots of placeholder text and placeholder images here we'll make sure all that,looks pretty in just a moment but at least you can see our store is starting,to take shape we now have different sections there's,some default items like this newsletter a field and places where we're invited,to put images and text so our store is not there yet but as you can see we are,well on our way ok let's give some life to this store and we'll start at the top,in the header so we click on header we are invited to upload a logo now I got,logos for life of athleisure from hatch full hatch full is a Shopify service,that generates logos for you automatically so you just tell hatch,full what industry you're in you tell them what you're selling and give them,kind of some broad parameters for how you want your logo to look and they're,gonna give you lots of different options so here we have the black background,option that doesn't quite work for the header the backgrounds a little bit,distracting but that's no problem because hatch full also has,a transparent background option so this one is cool but it doesn't have any text,so let's go ahead and upload the one with text so now we have the icon as,well as the name of our store life of leisure so that will look cool at the,top of this page now it's super easy to change how this image looks you can make,it smaller you can make it bigger and you're gonna have automatic previews of,how that looks the default setting was two hundred and sixty s so we'll stick,with that and now we are ready to go with our logo at the top of the page now,that we have this logo in place with the transparent background and the name of,the business we can go ahead and save that and lock it into place but there's,still some work to do here on our home page this is after all where a lot of,our visitors will land as soon as they come to our store so we really want it,to pop so we'll click on slideshow and then edit the content of the different,slides that the Brooklyn theme offers you so we'll follow the same process,where we upload an image we are going to use a fun image of somebody in leggings,on the beach this kind of fits the attitude of the store we want people to,feel like they're having fun and to see all the cool stuff that you can do in,the leggings we're selling so we will go ahead and select that but one of the,cool things about Brooklyn is that you can have multiple pictures here that,rotate automatically so the second part of our slideshow again same steps go to,upload we'll put in yet another fun leggings picture here's someone who is,getting ready to play around on a skateboard wearing leggings I'm having a,ball I'm sure you are too so this will work for our second element of the,slideshow with these images uploaded and now in place we can customize exactly,how the slideshow behaves when people get to our site so we can determine,whether or not the images auto-rotate or if we want people to click to see the,second image and we can also determine exactly how long we want each image to,display before it changes if they are rotating automatically so we're gonna,keep it at five seconds to try to increase the chances that somebody will,see multiple cool images when they get here so we see the beach then we see the,skateboard and as this is preview mode you can check out how your theme will,look on different devices so now we'll click on the smartphone and this is what,it will look like when people arrive via mobile so you could update this and,tweak this forever this is good enough for now to get started so we'll go ahead,and save and continue making our page look our homepage look exactly how we,want it the Brooklyn theme suggests a certain order or a certain layout of how,your home page should look but it's really easy to rearrange or even delete,some of these elements so for example this custom HTML option this is really,cool it gives you a lot of flexibility and options but we are not there yet,with our store so instead of playing around with code we're just going to,delete it and then we're also going to rearrange how these things appear so,right now the featured collection is the first item that somebody sees after the,slider but we would rather have them see something else so we'll put the,newsletter at the bottom we'll get rid of this custom HTML form and then move,the image with text options as the first things after the slider image so as you,can see it's really simple to rearrange or to get rid of these different,elements of course you can put them back in if later on you for example want the,custom HTML option that's no problem but this looks like a good layout for,our store to begin with now we have this placeholder text in this empty image,spots on our home page and let's go ahead and put something in there that's,gonna pop and resonate with our visitors so nothing like a good leggings picture,so here's somebody working out in leggings and then the the text that we,put here should just kind of reflect the way you want people to feel about your,store so you know we have pictures of people on the beach and,skateboarding in our slider so we clearly have kind of a playful easygoing,theme and the text that you put here should reflect that so we don't want,anything too serious we have people smiling and having a good,time and our text should also make people smile and have a good time I'm,just gonna dump in some random stuff here we could optimize this all day but,for now this will work just to get us moving along with our store build so,athleisure time is your time do you that'll work for now we're also gonna,add a button to make sure that if somebody wants to shop and not just hang,out on the homepage they are never more than a click away,shop now is not the most clever button text but it should be clear enough for,any visitors so we'll put that there and we'll link to our products and now we,have a call to action and some text and a beautiful image that people will see,and then we'll go through again the same process with this second image with text,section of course you do not need the image with text section or if you want,you could have even more but again we'll try to choose a pic that is somewhat,playful so here's somebody messing around outside on some train tracks and,again that the texts are just in some way reflect the the feeling or mo of,your store and athleisure least role this is playful get some text in here,and we will be on our way as we fill out this text let's just think about some of,the things that we want to do with our home page again it's the first,impression that your store will have on your visitors so we want it to be a good,representation of what you're about what your stores about and there's no perfect,way to do this you could rearrange things in any format you want the colors,the text the size of everything it's all highly customizable and there's not some,magic bullet you want your store to stand out and there's a lot of different,ways to do that and it's also important to remember that you can test,different formats different calls to action different pictures and see what,works the best because you're not locked into anything permanently you can make,adjustments and then look later on at your analytics at your orders at your,sales and see if something that you did on the homepage the way that you,arranged things the way that you presented things had a good impact on,your store you can see here at the bottom of the homepage the Brooklyn,theme lets you insert a featured collection so let's talk about what,collections are and how you would create a featured collection to put there so,here Shopify is making sure that I save my changes before I leave,Shopify has a great user experience and so you won't ever lose changes that,you've made without them asking you first to save it okay now collection is,inside of your product section will click on collections and then create,collection the collections are a really great way to make your site easier to,navigate so think about your favorite ecommerce shops and I'm sure they have,different collections of men's clothing or women's or seasonal items things that,are on sale things that are new it's just a way to kind of break down your,store into different elements that people can easily look at so here we're,going to create a newest items collection and this is just going to be,as the title suggests a collection of the newest products that we have in our,store and it's really easy to create a collection we're gonna name it we,plugged in a description and now we simply need to save it and then,determine which items we want in there for us this is going to be pretty simple,we only have three products and they are all brand spanking new so after we save,the collection name and description we go here to the products field and choose,the ones we want once our store is built out a little bit,this drop-down will be bigger but for now this will work we want to sort them,by not best-selling but instead something like newest that makes sense,for our newest items collection and now we have a set of three products that are,self contained inside of this collection so this is,saved automatically and now we can go back here it is if we want to update it,later or edit it but that will be saved for us and now we can play with that,collection and create new ones in the same way alright now that we have this,collection let's quickly hop back in to overload so you can see how the Shopify,collection integrates with your overload products so now we have recommended,items for us and as you can see the recommendations are leggings so over lo,even after just a few minutes it's already getting to know us and get to,know what we're looking for in our store so let's import another set of leggings,and then look at how we add them to a collection so everything is just as it,was before but if we go here to collections we're gonna be recommended,this newest items collection that we just built over in Shopify so as you can,see it's super easy to import an item directly to a collection once you have,it in your over load import list okay let's hop back into the Shopify back-end,and see where our store stands at the moment so you can click on this preview,button and go navigate around and kind of get a feel for what a customer might,might see if they were to land there right now so these images and text this,all looks familiar this is what we were just building our featured collection is,there when we click on a button the behavior is just as we would expect we,see our products and we can click on any of those if we want but we're not ready,to start shopping yet instead we're gonna add a few more things that every,ecommerce store should have namely an about Us page and a contact page so to,do that under online store we click on pages and then up here in the top right,we'll click on add page the first page we're gonna build here is an about Us,page and the about Us page is a great chance for you to relate to your,customers to tell them what you're all about to tell them why you're into the,product you're selling it's really a wonderful opportunity to be personable,with your visitors and with your potential customers we're not going to,devote a ton of time to this text here we're just gonna drop in what,but a text add an image and then call it a day for now but again this is a,potentially really impactful way to to turn visitors into customers and there's,a lot of content on the overload blog about how to create the perfect about Us,page and I encourage you to check that out because there really is a science to,this when it comes to what you want to include what you want to leave out and,the sort of details that customers are going to be looking for when they get to,your store the second page we're going to create is contact us now we need to,make sure that our customers have a way to get in touch with us if they have,questions if they aren't familiar with how the shipping is going to work,there's any number of things that somebody might want to ask you before,they pull the trigger on a purchase or even after they make a purchase they,might have a follow-up question or want to inquire about something else so it's,really important that we give people the chance to get in touch with us no matter,where they are in the the buyer cycle and this is especially important if,people aren't familiar with your store just yet we had this awesome information,available and now we need to make sure that our customers and visitors can find,them so we're going to add them to our top navigation menu to do that you go to,the navigation section and we're going to click here on main menu main menu is,the stuff that's sitting at the top of your store so right now as you can see,we have a home link in the navigation menu and a catalog link we're gonna add,another one and as you might guess it's gonna be the about Us page this way if,anybody has any questions about who you are what your store is about they're,gonna be able to find it right there at the top of the page we'll go ahead and,put in the contact details as well the contact information is a really good way,to kind of put people at ease and to let them know that hey it's a real person on,the other end of this store and you know they're so real I can go ahead and get,in touch with them via this contact page we're gonna take off the home link we,don't need that there necessarily and then we're gonna rename the catalog link,something else that little catch here the catalog for now we'll put it as shop,okay so now we have a three item navigation bar and when we,click on save menu these items are gonna automatically be added to the site we'll,again hit the preview button and there we go,shop about us in contact it's all there on the top navigation this is the sort,of stuff that people are going to want to see when they get to your store so,it's a good idea to put it front and center there's a couple of things I can,see that we're gonna need to change with the layout just a couple quick things so,let's get back into the design mindset and go into the customized theme section,we're gonna first off swap out the logo that we just saw when we previewed our,site this dark black background isn't quite working it doesn't look as sharp,as this transparent background so we've already uploaded the transparent one so,all we need to do is swap those out and hit save and now we have a pretty,transparent background logo no matter what page we navigate to the second,little design tweak that we're gonna make is adding a favicon now the favicon,is this little tiny icon that you see up here in the tab Shopify has a green one,over though it has a blue one and we need to put something there for hours,because right now we don't have anything so you find the favicon section and then,just upload the image that you think is gonna work best I'm not gonna use the,logo with the tagline because there's not a lot of space to have these words,so instead I'm just gonna use this red emblem this red icon and that should be,enough to let people know which page they're on if they're just looking at,their tabs so now if we go to the front-end and refresh we have a favicon,up in the tab and here is our cool new transparent background logo before,we go on I want to make sure that you know about all the cool stuff that we,have at the overload blog the over though ebooks library in the overload,YouTube channel these are awesome resources to help you with any of your,questions about drop shipping ecommerce marketing social media you name it we,will have a video a blog post or an e-book that will answer your questions,so be sure to check out those places if you get stuck now that our store is,looking more and more beautiful we are sure to make some sales and that means,that we're gonna have to iron out our shipping details now here,is the Shopify shipping overview page and you can see here that our domestic,shipping zone is Germany which is where we are located right now and we're gonna,add shipping zones to make sure that our products get where they need to go so,the big zone for us is gonna be we're gonna call it the big four plus Europe,and the big four are the United States the UK Canada and Australia and these,are huge markets for over little merchants we've written about this over,at the blog these are markets that you will want to target when you get your,ads up and running so we're gonna add them to our primary shipping group and,then we're gonna go ahead and put Europe in there as well instead of tracking,down each and every European country we can just scroll to the Europe section,pick one check box and now we have all of Europe covered so now our shipping,zone big for plus Europe has all the countries we want and because these are,our focused countries we are going to have free shipping there so we will,throw a name on here which customers will see at checkout we'll call it free,international shipping and we'll set a free shipping rate so this will apply no,matter how much money somebody spends at our store they will get the product for,free so we'll go ahead and save that and now we have a free shipping group for,our big target markets of course the US UK Australia Canada and Europe only,covers so much of the world so we need to account for the rest of the countries,out there that might also be placing orders so to do that we'll go to this,rest of the world section and create a group of countries that we don't,necessarily want to ship to so if we go down here to the bottom and click delete,zone you can see that locations in these countries will not be able to place,orders and as we start our store this is what we want we want to simplify things,and we don't want to be worried about shipping rates for South America or,Africa or different parts of Asia we're gonna keep it simple we're gonna focus,on the big four markets and Europe and just make sure that we reduce complexity,here at the beginning so now we have our free ship,country's we have our no shipping countries and we need to go ahead and,customize the shipping details for our domestic shipping which again for us is,in Germany we want to include Germany in our free shipping offers so we're going,to set the price to free for Germany regardless of how much money they spend,per order it's gonna be free shipping and so now this is a way to make sure,that not only our domestic market but also our international markets,have free shipping options all right shipping zones are all set the next step,will be to customize our checkout process so in our settings page we'll,click on checkout and actually here the default settings are gonna work great,for us we don't want our customers to have to create accounts we don't want,them to have to put in their first and last name we don't want them to have to,put in their company name so Shopify does a really good job with their,default settings of course you should go through these and make sure that it,matches what you want your experience to be at your store but for now we are just,gonna keep these default checkout settings this is gonna work just fine to,make sure that our customers have a nice clean checkout process of course a big,part of the checkout process perhaps the most important part for us is the,payment so let's go into our settings and into payment providers to make sure,that everything is as we want it so by default we have Shopify payments enabled,we have to recommend Shopify payments it's really good they accept all major,credit cards the fees and rates are as good as any,competitor so this is enabled by default and we recommend that you you keep it,there so there's gonna be some information already filled in here as,you register this is from your original sign up with Shopify there's a few more,additional details you have to put in your date of birth there's also going to,be a section to put in your tax identification number this will be a,little bit different perhaps depending on what country what which country,you're in but basically it's it's essential information to make sure that,you get paid and that you know there's a real person linked to your bank account,just kind of security measures that Shopify takes to ensure,that everything is on the up-and-up now that our Shopify payments is set up we,can take a look at the other payment options that are available you can see,by default PayPal is enabled the only trick here is to make sure that it is,linked to an email address that has a PayPal account that's important and then,there's other options as well you can activate Amazon pay or if you have a,specific preference for other alternative payment methods there's a,laundry list that you can choose from here inside of Shopify you should be,just fine if you use Shopify payments and PayPal but again there is an,extensive list of options if you're looking for something additional one,more little technical detail that we need to iron out so let's go back to,settings we're almost there just stick with me click on this legal section and,here is where we're gonna fill out our different policies the refund policy,privacy policy Terms of Service etc now this stuff can be kind of scary but,luckily Shopify has gone ahead and created templates that we can copy and,use for our store so when you click on the create from template button,Shopify will pre-populate this section and you're gonna want to go ahead and,look through it there are some details in here that you might want to update,there will be an address and an email address in here so you want to make sure,that all that stuff is exactly how you want it for the refund policy there's,also dollar amounts that stipulate how much somebody might expect to get back,if they do ask for a refund so you need to make sure to look at these details,but thankfully most of the hard work has been done for us this is all written in,the proper legalese and it will remind you of the sort of documents that you,would see from any major e-commerce shop so after you go ahead and do the create,from template buttons if you don't want to write it yourself which I clearly,don't we're gonna click Save and then now these will be saved as part of our,website of course having these different policies sitting in our Shopify back-end,isn't going to be enough we need to make them available to our shoppers to our,customers and so we're gonna go back to the navigation section and put them into,our footer these steps are going to remind you a lot of how we built the,main navigation bar on the homepage the difference of course,is that the footer will be at the bottom of the website not at the top and so,it'll be a little bit out of the way and the reason that we're gonna put them in,the footer and not at the at the top of the website is that these are very much,technical details and they should be available for people who really seek,them out but it's not something that we want people to find the moment they,arrive at this site the top navigation bar should be about generating trust it,should be about generating conversions and making sure that people know about,all the cool offers you have these policies on the other hand are vital but,they are far from cool and so there's something there the sort of thing that,we're gonna want to stick at the bottom of the page to make sure that again,they're there but they're out of the way so here we're,going to add our fourth and final policy the legal notice and then we click on,save menu now the next time we go check out the front-end which we'll do here in,a second these should be there in the footer navigation section so as you can,see our top is still just shop about us and contacts our images and texts and,collection email subscription as we left it and here we go the policies so,anybody who wants them can find them but they are not gonna be front and center,on the website nice okay so our footer contains all this vital info now let's,go to all mine store and get rid of the password page which is currently,blocking people from visiting our site when we click on disable password we're,going to be invited to pick a plan now pick a plan is the part of this process,where you need to pull out your credit card and you know choose some things,that have dollar signs next to them but as you can see here there's no risk,it says if Shopify isn't right for you we won't charge you you still have,however many days are left in your trial to make sure that Shopify is the service,you want to use and so don't worry after you fill out your credit card,information there will be no charges until your free trial period is over,after we pick our plane we're gonna be navigated back to our main Shopify,dashboard and be asked if we want to add a domain,we do want to add a domain to make it easier for people to find us at the,moment the URL of this store is life - of - athleisure da Shopify com we cannot,expect people to be putting that URL in every time they want to come to our,store so we need something a little snappier like life of leisure com,Shopify is gonna scan the web make sure that's available and if it is you just,click buy and this is gonna cost $14 per year you can have this Auto renew if you,want I'm gonna go ahead and uncheck this box it's super simple to reactivate the,auto renew feature either way we'll click buy domain and then we will be,charged fourteen bucks for one year's worth of our very own web domain now we,have our domain and we can see here that Shopify has gone ahead and created a few,vital email addresses for us so info at life of athleisure comm as well as sales,at life of athleisure comm are automatically going to be synced to the,email address that we use to sign up for Shopify in the first place so of course,info at your website comm is going to be a lot simpler for people and it's also,going to be a way for you to have a very legitimate looking contact page so you,can direct people to an info at address okay we are almost there we have our,policies in place we have our domain bought our shipping zones our checkout,everything is in place now we're gonna go ahead and officially disable this,password by clicking here this is in the Preferences section we'll save that and,now our store is live there's a view store button here I think it's more,exciting to go ahead and type in the actual domain that we just bought so,we'll punch life of athleisure into Google Chrome and there we have it this,is the first time anybody has officially navigated to our store it's a work in,progress I forgot to change the text here where,it says hero banner that clearly could be optimized but the point is we have a,store so let's go ahead and make a purchase to see how the,customer journey will look for somebody who wants to buy themselves some,athleisure wear here's one of the buttons that we created a little while,ago says shop now we are directed to our product catalog these women's mesh,pattern print leggings are looking pretty good so I'm gonna go ahead and,pick a color I like the black ones more than the,light gray will make this size large and then add that to the cart,now this theme this Brooklyn theme has a cool feature here where when you add,something to the cart it pops in from the side of the screen at least on a,desktop you can go ahead and click on checkout and then we're going to go,through the steps of the chalk checkout process that we just customized the,information that gets inserted here during your checkout process is going to,be automatically integrated with overload so the information is being,inputted into Shopify but the integration that we set up earlier,between Shopify and overload will ensure that all these details get passed over,to overload which will enable you to get this order placed with your supplier and,get it shipped to the customers door the next step for the customer is gonna be,to select a shipping method they're in the free shipping zone so that's gonna,be the default choice when they click on continue to payment method this is where,they're gonna put in their credit card or PayPal details and then we are on our,way after those details are input you,remember that we set up one final confirmation page to let customers check,out exactly what they're ordering here they take one more look at their address,and the cost after they agree to that there's going to be a confirmation page,which lets the customer know hey here's what you ordered here's where we're,gonna ship it and here's how much you paid everything is very much out in the,open and transparent so that's how it's gonna look for your customers when they,place an order and then here is how it's going to look for you as the merchants,in overload so we're going to go back into overload and here is the overload,dashboard now as you can see here we have sales and we have earnings and we,have a top item there's also in order to fulfill so let's check out this order,which is this orange icon here and go see what has,been placed there we go there are our women's mesh pattern print leggings this,is exactly what we were just looking at at our store and because this is an,overload verified supplier all we need to do to fulfill this order is click on,order products we don't need to navigate to a third party website and then place,the order there everything is gonna happen inside of over lo we just punch,in our credit card details and so this is the money that's going to go from us,to the supplier and then the supplier is going to ship the product directly to,the customer so there's a few different transactions taking place here one is,customer to you and then this one that we're looking at right now is you to the,supplier we're gonna choose a packet as our delivery method you can see there,it's gonna be one dollar and fifty cents if we select a different method like DHL,it's much more expensive so a packet is what we want this is going to be a total,cost of $8.99 $8.99 as you'll remember the cost to the customer was 11 euros,and 99 cents so a tidy little profit for us so to recap we selected products in,over lo we set up a store in Shopify and then we push those products from over,load to Shopify and then we made our store look and feel more like a store,and it all took about an hour sure there's plenty of work to be done we,have to update our text in our descriptions we need to order more,products and nail down exactly who our best suppliers are it's not like what we,did today is some money tree that will let you quit your 9 to 5 but hey at the,same time it's not bad right is there any part of the store build process,you'd like to know more about do you need help with any particular step if so,let me know in the comments I checked them all the time and we'll get back to,you with an answer until next time learn often market better and sell more

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