how to integrate braintree and shopify

Stripe vs Paypal vs Braintree vs Shopify Payments (Best Payment Processor?) what's up guys today we'

Zain Merchant

Updated on Mar 09,2023

Stripe vs Paypal vs Braintree vs Shopify Payments (Best Payment Processor?)

The above is a brief introduction to how to integrate braintree and shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to integrate braintree and shopify

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Stripe vs Paypal vs Braintree vs Shopify Payments (Best Payment Processor?)

what's up guys today we're going to be,talking about the best payment processor,I'm going to be talking about stripe,PayPal Braintree and Shopify payments so,before we get started it's important to,understand the relationship between all,of these different companies Shopify,payments is actually powered by stripe,so if you're gonna be using Shopify,payments you're kind of already using,stripe and PayPal actually owns,Braintree which is interesting so,there's a lot of other functionality,there like venmo which we'll talk about,a little later so first one of the most,important things transaction fees the,company's transaction fees all across,the board are pretty similar here's a,screen shot of stripe 2.9% plus $0.30,Braintree very similar deal PayPal very,similar and Shopify payment is the same,so these are all the same they do differ,a little bit if you want to have like a,custom plan for enterprises if you're,scaling and you need a different plan,then that's there but for a majority of,you you're just looking at that base,transaction fee so there you have it so,if you're watching this and you're using,Shopify I want to first address you,because that's kind of the easiest if,you're using Shopify you're just gonna,want to use Shopify payments it's the,easiest thing it's like it's integrated,with Shopify so like there's no extra,work you have to do it's kind of already,there and it's as simple as to kind of,get started and running if you're using,Shopify,I also recommend integrating PayPal with,Shopify I had PayPal because sometimes,people just want to enter their PayPal,username and password and then instantly,pay that way so it provides another way,for people to pay when I started my,first Shopify store I allowed Shopify,payments and PayPal just however people,wanted to paid and I think that that did,increase the conversion rate so think,about having PayPal but yeah if using,Shopify just use Shopify payments which,is stripe basically now if you are an,independent contractor and you want to,set invoices have people pay you money,the easiest for that is PayPal I've done,a lot of contract work a lot of,freelance work a lot of work like that,and the easiest thing to do is just send,invoices via PayPal a lot of people have,PayPal email addresses a lot of people,of PayPal accounts so there's a very,easy way to set up set this up with,PayPal business they have a great suite,for invoicing you can really easily,create an invoice send it off to whoever,you want and then they can pay with,their paypal email or even with their,credit card,I know stripe also has invoicing but,what I like what PayPal is if people,already have a PayPal account that's it,just makes it a lot easier,so I'd say use PayPal for invoicing if,you're just you know a simple contractor,and you wanted to set up that invoicing,system that's probably the best option,for you if you want a more complex,solution where you can programmatically,change things stripe has a great API,that you can use I've never used it but,it's there it's for people who are,really advanced or probably you need a,higher developer for that and it kind of,brings me to my next point to really get,everything you can out of these,platforms you need to developer need,access to these api's and so let's,briefly talk about stripe first,Braintree because I know that's also why,a lot of you are here they're both,fantastic platforms and you can only go,wrong with either one they're pretty,similar across the board and it's,difficult to compare them but I'm gonna,be doing the best I can the first thing,is check out they're available in your,country,they each have different countries,here's a screen shot for stripe very,briefly and then here is it here's,another screenshot for Braintree go to,our website and see if it's available,under country I know most of you,probably in the US or the UK or,something so you're probably fine but,just make sure that it is in your,country next is ease of use I don't,really care that much about ease of use,as long as it's fairly simple and they,both are some people really care about,ease of use and that's why some people,recommend stripe because it's just very,easy to use when I see when I've setup,stripe accounts it's been incredibly,simple like you just go to the forum and,instantly it's there you just have to do,a little bit of verification and then,you're good to go very easy to use very,simple so if you care about that then I,recommend checking out strike but I,don't know I consider myself fairly,technologically savvy so I can generally,figure things out and ease-of-use isn't,that much of a big consideration for me,so if it is a big deal for you then,consider checking out stripe because,it's so easy to use alright next let's,talk about international transactions,stripe accepts all IPE which is pretty,interesting as well as WeChat pay so if,you're going after that Chinese market,that's there for you and then Braintree,Braintree actually accepts venmo which i,think is pretty cool because I believe,PayPal wants Braintree and then pay pal,also owns venmo so they kind of have,some integration going on there then Mel,is a pretty interesting way to accept,payments I think so think about that if,you're interested in that something else,I wanted to mention if you want to,accept Bitcoin then think about,Braintree stripe actually discontinued,Bitcoin a lot of people don't use,Bitcoin but if that's of interest to you,then check that out,main differences that I wanted to,highlight there are a lot of other,subtle differences but those are the,main ones that are important that I,wanted to present to you guys now look,all of these platforms are fantastic and,it's really hard to compare them so it,did my best but ultimately look at what,platform you're using and what,integrates with that if using Shopify,then you would just be using Shopify,payments and maybe PayPal if you're,using WooCommerce PayPal payment,standard would probably be the easiest,integration for you or stripe stripe,works great as well if you're using,something more complex and you need you,know API calls and you're hiring a,developer for all that stuff then you,got to use stripe or Braintree maybe,brain for you for that matter or you,know something like that so just think,about what you want think about the,complexity of what you need to do if,it's very simple then you know PayPal,would be great maybe stripe but if you,need something more complex then,consider what I was saying about stripe,and Braintree and the differences,between them okay so I hope that helps,clarify the situation between all these,different payment processors as I said,you can't go wrong and even if you look,online and on the documentation you try,to compare these it's all over the place,and it's really hard to pick a winner so,I'd say just pick one all right thank,you for watching I hope you enjoyed this,video and I'll see you guys in the next,one

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