how to import duoplane carriers into shopify

Duoplane Full Demo Video hi and welcome to do a plane this video,will go over the main functionality


Updated on Feb 26,2023

Duoplane Full Demo Video

The above is a brief introduction to how to import duoplane carriers into shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to import duoplane carriers into shopify

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how to import duoplane carriers into shopify catalogs

Duoplane Full Demo Video

hi and welcome to do a plane this video,will go over the main functionality and,features of dual plane and different,ways that it can help streamline and,improve your order management and,fulfillment process dual plane works by,integrating directly with your ecommerce,store front we then pull purchase order,information sync up product details and,send shipment and inventory information,back as specified in the settings here,in dual plane we currently support,integrations with shopify bigcommerce,Magento Amazon and Zoe we also have,several pre-built integrations with,things like shipping software accounting,software and others that can help you,effectively run your business for,questions on these please contact us or,visit our support page this is the,duoplane dashboard that you see when you,log in you could jump straight to your,purchase orders view at a glance,statistics get notified of different,order alerts and navigate to different,panels that you can use to manage your,duoplane account i'm going to start by,heading to the orders tab the orders tab,contains the main functionality of,duoplane,and it's probably where you would spend,most of your time many of the settings,that you configure into a plane will,take effect here we have two different,types of orders into a plane we have,sales orders and purchase orders the,sales order is what your customer sees,on your website when they place an order,a purchase order is what is sent to the,vendor off of that order here on the,orders overview tab you can also view,different at-a-glance statistics for,your orders see different alerts action,items and also jump took preset insights,that can help you quickly take action on,your open orders this is the sales order,list and do a plane here you can view a,list of open sales orders that you need,to take action on and ensure are shipped,you can also get notifications and view,the status of orders here I'm going to,scroll down and select an order here,this is a sales order in duoplane here,you can view information that is,necessary to fulfill the order take,actions on the order and more you can,also send the POS to vendors this can be,done manually or that entire process can,be automated we can see that this sales,order was split into two purchase orders,based on the settings we have configured,into a plane we know that these two,items are fulfilled by the furniture,vendor and this item is fulfilled by the,clothing vendor once the order is,received into a plane it is then,automatically processed to the vendor,based on the settings that we have here,into a plane we can send orders to,vendors in a variety of manners on the,order you can also do things like,communicate with your vendor or add,notes internally this is an order that,has not yet been sent to a vendor I'm,going to go ahead and send the order to,the vendor so they can receive it and,fulfill it this is the purchase order,that was sent to the vendor we can also,take actions here in the retailer portal,these are things that can be done by the,vendor as well they can use the dual,plane portal to do this or we can input,information in a variety of manners such,as CSV uploads Excel uploads API and,more I'm going to go ahead and mark this,order as confirmed I'm also going to,change the promised date here,the promised date is something that you,can use to communicate with your vendors,to ensure that orders are going out in a,timely manner and that any late orders,are acted on immediately now I'm going,to go ahead and create a shipment this,can be done manually in the portal or it,can be automated in a variety of ways,you can select a carrier these are also,customizable and duoplane,enter a tracking number and an invoice,number vendors can use duoplane to enter,invoices this will then create an,invoice in the dual point system which,will help you track invoices payable to,vendors and ensure,that you are current on all payments to,defenders while creating a shipment you,can also update the quantity in the,shipment the cost of each item and the,handling cost once all of that,information has been entered you can go,ahead and click save shipment as soon as,that is done a notification is sent to,your shopping cart which then sends an,email message to your customer letting,them know that the order has been,shipped the message contains the,tracking information that was entered,here as well as any other information,you have specified in your shopping cart,here on the shipped purchase order we,can also access the tracking information,if we need to and download a packing,slip the packing slip into a plane is,customizable with the base customization,you can add a logo and input any packing,slip footer information that you need -,we also have a fully customizable,packing slip that is available you can,also manage returns here and do a plain,the returns process in dual plane is a,workflow management system that helps,you ensure refunds are tracked and taken,action on you can do different things,while creating a returns such as,selecting a returned destination,uploading shipping labels sending,returned instructions to customers and,indicating why the item was returned you,can also use do a plane to manage your,inventory and products dual planes main,functionality around inventory is,ensuring that inventory levels are kept,up-to-date you can also use dual planes,inventory management system to alter,products here and send that information,on to your suppliers the only,information that dual plane will sync to,your shopping cart is the inventory,levels duoplane connect as the source of,truth your shopping cart connect as the,source of truth or neither can it's up,to you and whatever works best for your,business we can jump into the product,dashboard and view all SKUs that are,being managed here in duoplane,you can also search for different,products here down at the bottom of the,screen based on vendor or other,information,if I scroll up and choose an item here,we can view different information that,is available in dual plane things like,the name retailer SKU price cost and the,vendor that is fulfilling it are,recorded here in dual plane you can also,use dual plane to enter additional,product information that you would like,to store here,things like UPC manufacturer part number,weight and dimensions descriptions and,other pieces of information are,available to customize here for your,product dual plane is able to sync the,SKU the wholesale cost and the vendor,that is fulfilling the item from your,shopping cart any other changes that are,made here in the product record will,only be passed on to the vendor and will,only be available in dual plane no,updates to these items will be made in,your shopping cart dual plane does have,the ability to have multiple suppliers,per product if we go to this product and,click add another supplier we can then,specify the additional supplier that we,will be fulfilling that product this can,be automated or updated in Mass if you,do have multiple suppliers that are,fulfilling products duoplane can select,the correct vendor in a variety of ways,including cost location and more you can,also use duoplane to upload an inventory,feed and product information the,inventory feed can be uploaded via the,portal or a variety of other ways we can,use different vendor templates or a,default template here to upload the,inventory feed once that's done the,inventory quantities will then reflect,in your duoplane portal duoplane also,supports the bundling of products,bundles can be created here in duoplane,and then sent on to suppliers via,purchase orders anything that is created,as a bundle needs to be created as a,product in your shopping cart when you,create a bundle and that item is ordered,from your shopping cart do a plain will,create a purchase order that contains,each item contained in that bundle we,will split the bundle out into its,individual components and send those on,to the supplier rather than sending one,purchase order with only the bundle item,you can also manage your vendor,relationships and settings here into a,plane if I click on the vendor tab and,then go to see all vendors I'm able to,view all vendor relationships that are,managed here into a plane if I go ahead,and click on one I can view different,information like general info contact,info email preferences and more you can,manage contacts here in duoplane this,indicates who has access to that vendor,account and which notifications they,receive you can also manage different,settings like the way that purchase,orders are delivered the way that,vendors upload inventory and shipment,information and more vendor,relationships here and do a plane are,highly customizable and if you have any,questions on different things that we,can do please don't hesitate to ask us,duoplane also offers some accounting,features that can help you manage your,business when a vendor uploads a,shipment they also have the option to,input an invoice number for that,shipment when that is done it creates an,invoice payable here and do a plane and,lets you manage those to ensure that,your vendors have been paid I can go,ahead and view that invoice and the,amount that it's for you can also use,duoplane to track credit memos needed,and ensure that those have been paid,duoplane also has some reporting,features that can help you manage your,business here you can view different,information like sales gross margin lead,time and more you can modify this search,by time period by vendor and more you,can group it by different categories to,ensure that your insights are customized,to what you need,with that we've concluded our,walkthrough of dual plane everything,that I've shown you to this point has,been fairly high-level that's part of,the beauty of dual plane on the exterior,everything functions simply and smoothly,if you'd like to get more information on,what we can do to streamline your order,management and fulfillment process,please don't hesitate to reach out to us,thanks for tuning in and have a great,day

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