how to import a wordpress blog to shopify

Migrate WordPress Blog Posts and Pages to Shopify All right in this tutorial I'll show you how to mi

Migrate WordPress Blog Posts and Pages to Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to import a wordpress blog to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to import a wordpress blog to shopify

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how to import a wordpress blog to shopify catalogs

Migrate WordPress Blog Posts and Pages to Shopify

All right in this tutorial I'll show you how to migrate your WordPress blog posts,and pages to Shopify using  Matrixify (Excelify) App. ,Let's get started! So for the sake of,example I'll be showing you how to migrate our old Matrixify (Excelify) homepage. See,we have, we have many tutorials and documentation here and I'll be, I'll be,showing you how to migrate this pretty standard WordPress page to Shopify.,Alright so for this on a WordPress site we would need to install the plugin,,which is called all export. I have it installed already so just find it in the,WordPress plugins and so yeah I'll just do here a new export and here at first,we will migrate the posts - so I select posts here it shows that I have 230,posts and then I need to click to customize export file. And then here I,have to choose which fields I want to export and for that I have prepared some,notes with fields that you are going to need from your WordPress you can, of,course, include more fields. Anything additional to those will be included as,Shopify meta fields. So essentially you will be able to see,them in your converted excel file and also in the world in the Shopify side so,I'll just quickly add those fields. You see id title and content is already,there so we need to excerpt, we can just do it like this field here. Select,this one, save and the same for all fields, I'll just fast forward so okay, so,this this is actually a custom field, it's a, it's if you are using Yoast SEO,plug-in, so in that case you would need to choose the... Yeah we can we can go here,in custom field and we can just search for this custom,field here and also drag it here. In that case it will allow you to migrate your,SEO title and SEO meta description and as I mentioned you can add also any,other fields that are not amongst them, for example, adjust some kind of VP old,date or something like that. And okay when you have added all the fields you,can press "Continue" and assign some friendly name, for example, "Posts confirm",and run export and you download to the CSV file,here, like that. Okay so you download this file here and what you need to do is add,the word WordPress posts. So this file name should include the word WordPress,and include the word "posts" so that that way we know that these are WordPress,posts. Okay and then you drag and drop the file into the Matrixify (Excelify) app and you,should see as a confirmation that the format here is recognized as a WordPress,and so here you should see the two sheets generated one is the blog posts,and the other is read directs, so we are generating redirects from your old,WordPress blog structure to the Shopify blog structure, that's why each blog post,will have its own redirect. And so, yeah. Then assuming that you don't have any,blog posts in your store right now I'll just show you the fastest way to do it,by just pressing the import and importing directly them to your Shopify,store blog post section and so what it's doing,now - one thing it's creating those blog posts you see here the progress, but the,other thing is that it's actually downloading, for each blog post it's,downloading all the images from your WordPress to zip file which you will,get at the end of this import, you will have this zip file along with the,converted Matrixify (Excelify) file, so well it's important we can go here to the blog,posts and see that indeed they start to appear and these are the Matrixify (Excelify),blog posts, as you can see, and when we look at them right now it has a featured,image it has all the embedded YouTube videos,and basically basically the same HTML structure. And one important thing is,that if you are using visual composer on WordPress, we are like doing our best to,convert those visual composer elements to the Shopify elements so that actually,embedded videos will be converted also and and some HTML elements like tables,and formatting should also start to appear as a proper HTML in Shopify and,as you can notice here we have some broken image links. It's because those,images are inside the HTML code here but one thing you will notice is that, for,example, here is the image link and the source is already pointing to the CDN, so and this this is something we are doing on our own, we are,converting your WordPress image links to the Shopify CDN image links and once,this import is done here. And actually it's already done,we will, we will have this, you see the zip file when we download this import,results, something awesome will be here prepared for you. So we unzip this file,and here is inside the zip file you will have folder images and you see that, here,are all the images which exist in those blog posts and, of course, there is the,import results file which we will look at a bit later, so to solve this broken,in image problem I'll just, let me just open and,show you how it looks like, now you see there are broken images which is,expected, then we go to settings in Shopify store and we go to files and,then click upload files, find this images folder select all and press open so that,they get uploaded to your Shopify files section. Now we go back to the, to our new,migrated blog post and we just refresh it and voila here are our images. They,are now in Shopify and so in this case you can,,after doing this migration you can turn off your old WordPress site and those,images will be still here, because they are now taken from this Shopify's in the,end the image storage inside the Shopify. Ok and here also if we refresh it and,should show us the images like that. All right so what else right about this,import result file, when we open it, it's an excel file and here you can see at,the bottom there are two sheets the blog posts and redirects, so these are in the,Matrixify (Excelify) format the two excel sheets so we are generating the handle,,basically we are taking the same WordPress slug, but you can, of course,,modify it if you need it to be different. So we are bringing some columns from,WordPress along with with this file so that you can use the other fields just,in case you need them, for example, the WordPress ID, the original URL for the,WordPress, the slug which is the WordPress,handle, basically the title the author the summary HTML which we didn't have,,but you you could have and then here is this body HTML and note that it's,converted so any image links here, for example, this one,these are converted to the Shopify CDN, but in case case you don't need,something to happen to be converted with those HTML, here next to it you have the,WordPress content field, which is the original HTML which is, which we are,getting from the WordPress without any conversions so you see here the image,source still points to the old image and that way if you didn't want us to,convert those HTML so you can just copy and paste those values here in the body,HTML and and import this file again and so in that way it will, it will just stay,the same HTML as you had in WordPress. Ok now next is the tags. We are bringing all,the tags over and also the categories, but since in Shopify there is no,separate categories field for blog posts we are using this kind of notation that,there is a category and the underscore and, for example, tutorials right and that,will give you the what, what some themes support in Shopify, that this will appear,as the as the filter, which will allow you to filter by, by tag groups basically,and there will be a separate group called category and under, under that,there will be those values, of course, here is the WordPress categories,unmodified just in case you need them and also tags exactly as they come from,the WordPress so you can see that they are here in a bit different format that,we just prepare them here as for Shopify, so then it's whether it's a published or,not published blog post when it was published and it was updated template,suffix in case you need to set a specific different template for this,blog post you can do it here and then all the images and image or text, also,here we will set the blog in which blog these posts are are being imported,,because in Shopify you can have several blogs so in case you will have several,blogs already in the world in English Shopify, then we just will assume the,first one but you can change it here, you can change the blog handle and the blog,title and when you import this file then it will put those blog posts in that,other blog, so then when here comes the SEO title tag and description tag and,the conversion comment just in case something was, like, if in case there is,some additional information that you need to know about the conversion,process and it shows that everything was ok imported and those were new blog,posts and you might notice that there is no meta-field column here, because the,meta-field which are the custom field which I choose chose from the WordPress,,it didn't have any values so since it was all empty then the meta field was,not added here, but if there will be meta fields like the custom fields with,values, you will see them here, appearing as the new columns at the end. And about,the redirects here you can see that there is the for each old WordPress link,you have the proper path to the target in Shopify, which is like blog slash, blog,handle and then comes the blog hand weights,and so those are also important. That is about the blog posts, but now that's not,all, because we also have the pages from WordPress and it actually works the same,exact way and I have already prepared earlier, the same kind of export here,with all the fields which are needed for pages and you will be able to see those,fields in our written tutorial on our website, so don't worry you will have a,precise list of those and just to show I will add some additional custom field so,that we can see how the meta-fields work. When they get generated I hope there,will be many fields for those... Ok and now I'm dating the template, I run the export,confirming around the export and that's it, I download the CSV file and now here,,let's just delete those and again the same as earlier, we need to add the,WordPress word to the file name so that it has words for pages it needs to be to,have at least WordPress and "pages" in the file name and that way,Matrixify (Excelify) I will  know that you are importing ,WordPress pages and it's the same way,I'm just dragging and dropping this file ,into the Matrixify (Excelify)  app and let me just show,you the longer path, so that you can prepare some changes before you import,the pages, but this, this works the same way for blog posts and for pages and,actually for products and everything you can just do the dry run when before,importing and so pressed, press import and it will actually not import anything,,it will just convert the data to the Matrixify (Excelify) format so let's just wait a,bit for it to finish all. So here it's downloading all your images the same way,from your WordPress as it as it did earlier for blog posts. Ok,so it's done here so I'm downloading the input results, nothing is important at,this point yet so if we go to our pages you'll see that it's empty, so in case,you had some pages it will not overwrite anything. Anyway, it will not delete any,of your existing pages just in case the handle matches any of your existing,pages and in that case it will find this page and it will update it to the, to the,new page which you had in this file, just because the handle was the same. So, and,again, here we have the same thing - we have old images and we have input result,file so let's just do the quick demonstration to open this file and this,warning what, what you got from the Excel in just seconds ago it was, because there,is actually a limitation in Excel for how long the one cell value can be, so in,this case most likely some of the HTMLs are longer than 32,000 characters and so,it cuts them off. Yeah, so you need to be careful with that if you open this file,in Excel and if you edit something it will cut them off. So basically the,suggestion is not to edit this file in Excel you can edit it in Google sheet if,you need to and because Google sheets has the limit of 50,000 characters per,cell so you might get more lucky to to have all the contents without cutting,them off, but in case if you don't edit this file and you just import it then it,will import just fine it will not cut anything off. So and here is a little bit,different thing, because in WordPress your, your pages can be in a nested,structure, like there could be a parent page and then the child pages and then,the sub pages and so which also we can see here in the,in the WordPress URL here, for example, we have a contact us tutorials and so on,and then you see the under Shopify tutorials there is a products page and,there's a store copy page and so on and so since in Shopify there is a flat,structure of the pages there can't be sub pages and each page should have a,unique handle, so this is how we, we are solving it, we basically, we generate the,handle such that it contains all the path to the, to that page,and we separate it with two underscores, so in case you need to change it or,split it somehow. You can always use find/replace,to, to work with this in the Excel or Google sheets so, but that will guarantee,that each page handle will be unique and again some WordPress fields which you,might need the same kind of title author position and then again if you don't,want to use the converted agent you know you can always take the WordPress,content and copy it over here and, because this is, like, unconverted,originally as it comes from the WordPress you see there are these,strange square brackets notations which are attempted to be converted using,Matrixify (Excelify) again the published whether it was published or now you will be able,to distinguish that in Shopify. And here also the SEO title and description. And,here are those additional custom fields which were added as a meta fields so you,can see that the column says meta field and then comes the WordPress which,is the namespace in a Shopify, then is a dot and then comes the name of that,custom field, so if you don't want them you can just like,delete that particular column, which you don't want to import or you can add some,other columns which you like if you want some more meta-fields, but generally if,you import this it will go in as a finite field in that particular,WordPress namespace. Alright and the same thing about the redirects, so each page,URL gets redirected to its new page handle and to the specific path where,,where this page will exist in Shopify. So yeah, without, without changing anything,we'll just import, in this case I'll import the same import results file,which is already converted  to the Matrixify (Excelify) ,file format so that we don't have to,download those images again, because this one is already converted and then don't,click the dry run this time and just press import and it should start,importing the pages. And meanwhile, again remember, when we have the pages you see,they are starting to show up, so the Contact Us page is without images,and again we go to files press upload files, choose here,from the images, select all the images and press open. Then they will upload to,Shopify files section, ok and now we just refresh here on a Shopify side. BOOOM!!!1 We,have our or our contact us page on Shopify blog, or more precisely as a,Shopify page with all the images of course it all, all the look depends on a,theme which you are using and you might need to tweak some things to make it,look as you want on Shopify, but at least you have all the content and all the,most important elements here. Alright so and we see that the import is,finished with all the pages and redirects and if you want, if you need to,edit the redirects, you know they are found here under online store navigation,URL redirects and here they all are those like from the old WordPress path,to the new Shopify blog, blog or page path and definitely if something doesn't,work as you need it to work, or you run into any issues please reach us out to,our support here on our web page there is a contact us section, we have a web,chat and also from from the app here at the bottom there is a chat where you can,reach us anytime. And you can write us e-mails, you can reach us in Slack,Workspace so just don't hesitate if you have any trouble or misunderstanding or,,like, something doesn't work, reach us out and we will be there to help you! Thank,you so much and see you around and inside the Matrixify (Excelify) App! BYEE!

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