how to i get all my blog posts to show in shopify

How to Add Blog-Posts Section to Shopify Home Page hello and welcome my name is amelia and,you are w


Updated on Mar 25,2023

How to Add Blog-Posts Section to Shopify Home Page

The above is a brief introduction to how to i get all my blog posts to show in shopify

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how to i get all my blog posts to show in shopify catalogs

How to Add Blog-Posts Section to Shopify Home Page

hello and welcome my name is amelia and,you are watching tubemint in this video,i'm going to show you how to add blog,section to your shopify store,so let's get started,this is dawn theme,or dawn based theme and i'm going to,show you how you can add a new section,to your home page of your shopify store,so let's get started,so go ahead and log into your shopify,admin area i'm already in here,and then click customize make sure you,are on the online store section here,and then customize,once you are on this customizer if you,have a different template selected go,ahead and select home page,however the same,steps are going to be,followed,if you want to add a section to a,different template it could be anything,blog posts,pages collections or collection,or products page but in this video i'm,going to show you how you can add a new,section to your home page so go ahead,and select home page if you want to,follow along,and then these are the options you have,under home page template,by default,it's completely default theme,from github if you want to know how you,can install this dawn theme completely,free theme,from github i already have a video on my,channel you can go ahead and watch that,and install,it on your store if you would like to,use this free theme,also this is,a store 2.0 compatibility,so definitely want to try,so we are going to add this section here,at this,just below this,section which is a column section,so,on the left you simply click on this add,section and then these are the options,that you can add to your,template,and you can see these are all,options,but in this video we are going to just,add the blog post you can try these all,however i'll be keep coming and making,video on each,section type that you can add to your,home page,so go ahead and select blog,posts and also you remember you can go,ahead and,drag it wherever you want,but we are going to keep it at the very,bottom that's the right place,also,you can use this,view toggle button which will simply,hide this section,and show it back on the right side you,will get few options if you want to,change this heading you can change it,from here,if you want to select the different,categories,this is a news category so go ahead and,change from here,if you want to add this particular blog,news blog you can edit by this,link clicking this link you can change,it from here if you want to select a,different,category i would say or blog in shuffle,factor,you can also,decrease the number if you want to,let's say,view just to post auto,but i want to view three posts,if you don't want to show the featured,image go ahead and uncheck this box,because this will slow down the page,load,but i'm going to keep it up,uh if you don't want to show the date,you can simply go ahead and check it if,you want to display the author name,you can see this will appear just below,it,uh,i don't have any secondary image if you,have you can go ahead,check this box and it will start showing,the second image,view all button here on the right top,somewhere,i don't see it,maybe maybe i need to just save it,and then check it on the,full screen okay,so,that's the view all,button is the blog and cool includes,more ports than the shot so if you block,let's say i have two,i i think i have just okay,so there are just three blog posts,in this category this is why it was not,showing so you need to have at least,more than the,blocks,you want to,display here so let's say you wanna,keep three at least,so you need to have at least,minimum four blog post in this,section,and if i do keep it like two,it will start showing you,so,once you're done there you can go ahead,and,save it,if you're not happy with the,section that you have added you can,simply go ahead and select the section,and remove,by,pressing this remove section button now,let's go ahead and,view the changes so,go to view,and this is our home,page,let's scroll down to the section that we,added,and here we have,okay so,there are three blog posts,now if i go ahead and make two,because i want to see that you are,button,now if i go ahead and refresh it,this will automatically adjust and you,will see,the view all button here and if you,click this,this will take you to the news blog,where you can see all the blog posts,all right,so this is how you can add a blog,section,to your home page,in shopify 2.0 store using dawn theme,that's all for this video guys thank you,so much for watching bye,you

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