how to get sales on shopify without ads

How To Get Sales On Shopify Without Ads 2021 (I DO THIS) so we're gonna dive into how to get,sales o

James Kuck

Updated on Feb 14,2023

How To Get Sales On Shopify Without Ads 2021 (I DO THIS)

The above is a brief introduction to how to get sales on shopify without ads

Let's move on to the first section of how to get sales on shopify without ads

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How To Get Sales On Shopify Without Ads 2021 (I DO THIS)

so we're gonna dive into how to get,sales on,shopify without ads i know it's a,popular thing right now shopify it's a,great platform,i do use it as well and you'll hear a,lot of people that do drop shipping,they sell their own products on shopify,and you probably also went down that,rabbit hole of hearing people,running facebook advertisements,instagram advertisement even google,pay-per-click,and youtube ads right to drive people,into their funnels and to make sales,but in today's video i'm going to show,you how you can actually,sell on shopify without paying for any,ads,i have tested the paid avenues i still,do some of the campaigns can win some of,the campaigns can lose there is a lot of,testing,and if you're going to outsource it to,someone who actually knows what they're,doing,it can also be costly so you're probably,wondering right now how can you start,with shopify,and actually do it away where you don't,spend any money on ads,and in a minute i'm going to share my,screen and show you some of the examples,on how to actually accomplish this now,paid advertisement,is great if you have the budget to test,and to move forward with that,but my favorite method is actually,organic free traffic without paying a,dime on ads,and this is all by leveraging seo,search engine optimization and in a,minute i'm going to share my screen and,show you,live examples step by step of how these,websites shopify stores are actually,making money from,free organic traffic now when you're,implementing,seo search engine optimization and this,approach that i'm going to be sharing,with you,it does take more of your time and more,of hands-on,labor from you but it can be well well,worth it,in the end if you're new to my channel,i'm james cook i talk about,business tips and advice from experience,especially when it comes to,online investing in digital real estate,if you like that type of content,definitely click the subscribe button,now,so you don't miss any of my weekly,videos i always try to add a lot of,value,now let me share my screen with you and,let's go over some of these shopify,stores that's leveraging,and utilizing search engine optimization,to actually,generate organic traffic build a brand,and also generate sales okay so now that,i'm sharing my screen,what we're gonna do is just go google,search,really quick and what we're searching is,charcoal,facial cleanser and now a lot of,charcoal,products started coming out i know some,people started making their own charcoal,products some people drop shipping them,maybe using shopify maybe even using,just an e-com store if you have your own,product,regardless what i'm showing you now yes,it's showing you,how to leverage seo with shopify's build,a brand and over time build,a lot of traffic organically towards,your shopify store and get sales,but this also works if you're doing ecom,if you just have an ecom store this,works as well,so we put this keyword in charcoal,facial cleanser and i have a couple,things going on right now and if you're,a newbie i don't want you to get,overwhelmed,when you see all these numbers what this,is right here where you see volume,this is a plug-in from ahrefs i have,that plugged in it's a tool that i use,it's an seo tool,i just like to look at the keyword,volume it's pretty much telling me how,many people,actually search this per month the,volume up here the other one this is,keywords everywhere the one that says,1600 searches a month,these are just software's they're not,100 accurate i just like to see,some of the data that they show and it,always is a good sign if you see a,number here,but if you see xero here and you are,using these tools,don't let that fool you sometimes it's,just not picking up that the,keyword is actually getting searched so,the first thing we're doing is,we're looking at keywords things that,people potentially can type into google,because they're looking for,a charcoal facial cleanser and then we,start coming down and we want to see,who's at the top,you know we see some products usually,see a lot of amazon listings so we're,not going to click on those,and as i'm going down i want to see okay,who's on here,and then some other sites when i start,seeing sites,that look potentially like they're not,big big juggernaut sites like cvs,that's a good sign okay because when,you're building your brand you're not,going to be a big brand like cvs yet,right,so you're going to want to see other,bloggers and other website owners,that are kind of on your level so like,this perfectly natural soap let's just,click this open and you'll notice that,this is ranking this is a shopify store,so because they're on page one for,certain terms they're gonna,organically get traffic over to their,stores,to their blog they're gonna be able to,educate people,about their products and then make sales,and this,is not through any type of paid,advertisement this is,organic seo now i'm just going to take a,step back i just want to go back so,you can actually understand this in case,you're new,what we're doing here is we're doing,keyword research and then we're building,on our blog and on our website,content around these keywords and we,want to rank them on page one of google,so when people search those terms,they find our website they find our,blogs,they get educated and then we can guide,them to buy our products,sometimes even our products will,actually rank for the keywords just like,in this case,the product page is actually ranking so,if someone looks for charcoal,facial cleanser and they land on this, the shopify,store,they click they're looking for it boom,if they like what they're reading,they can add to cart and buy this,charcoal facial cleanser,all right so that's just one example and,you'll also notice i'm coming back on,this right side,you're gonna see a whole bunch of,keywords pop up in about a second,right here and this is from keywords,everywhere,it's a chrome extension that i'm using,it's very cheap,i like to use it just to get keyword,ideas,and pretty much what it's doing is when,i'm typing in a keyword,i get to see other related long terms,that are,similar that people might be searching,and when i know that people are,searching for these,i can start to think oh wow maybe i can,actually end up,optimizing my blog and my content around,these other terms and get even more,organic traffic and the beautiful thing,about this is,once you are building this content,machine and it does,take time seo takes time it does take,some hard work because,you're going to be typing all these,blogs and this content out yourself,optimizing the images i do have other,videos going over seo,i'm not going to cover every single step,on how to do seo,but i wanted to show you that if you're,looking for a solution for your shopify,store,if you're really serious about building,a brand around it,and you don't want to spend a lot of,money on ads right now,you should really consider going the,evergreen route,and building optimized content around,your products,that help educate people and then in,return,they will buy from your shop so you,might be asking okay,that that's great i know i could,leverage seo now but how am i finding,these keywords how do i know what to go,for well the first thing is i am using,these keyword tools this chrome,extension that you can see,and then also google is very good at,suggesting,other keyword terms that are relative to,what you're typing in,so if you just scroll down all the way,at the bottom you'll see all these other,searches related,this is google letting you know other,people are typing this in,people are typing this stuff in how to,use charcoal facial cleanser,right so that would be a great blog post,to write about,or to include in your blog post that's,already ranking,not only showing them your product but,showing them how to use it,there's going to be a better chance for,them probably to convert and buy your,product if you're teaching them,how to use it what's in your charcoal,facial cleanser that makes it different,step-by-step guide and when you're doing,that you're going to get even more,organic traffic by really,building your content around a whole,bunch of terms,that you can rank for and generate,traffic let's say you have an idea right,now,you're in the beginning phase of your,shopify store let's just do a quick,example in case you're,in a position where you have a product,that you're,being built now in this example what,we're going to pretend is,let's say that i was building a product,a charcoal facial cleanser,right now i'm i'm in the beginning,stages i'm looking at my competition,that's the first thing i want to do,not only am i looking at keywords but,when i'm typing in keywords and i see,that they're getting searched,i want to see who's on page one and when,i see other sites especially shopify,sites,what i want to do is i want to copy,their url and i like to bring it in the,tool called,sem rush so we're going to jump on over,to semrush so here's sem rush,and you can see that i put their url in,here and what i started doing,is running pretty much data on their,site to see,how many backlinks do they have how much,organic traffic are they getting per,month,what is their authority score is their,traffic growing,because i want to see what they're doing,if they're on page one,i want to see what are they doing if,they're selling similar products to me,i want to know okay what keywords are,they ranking for and right here i could,start to see wow they're ranking for,natural soap they're in position 14,they're almost on page one,here charcoal facial cleanser tear and,spot five,so if i just click more view details,right here and what this is allowing me,to do,is start to gain an understanding of,other keyword,terms that i can add to my store,and to my blog blogging is incredible,giving information on your website,through blog form,and then funneling them into your funnel,and helping them make a decision to buy,from your shop and your shopify store or,your ecom store,is where you can make the organic sales,and again,what's the best thing about this is it's,evergreen,once you create this powerful content,machine,and you keep putting out all this great,content you're looking at your,competitors you see what they're ranking,for,look at their content reverse engineer,it make even better content in time you,start ranking,you're getting more traffic you're,building more and more organic traffic,that's coming in through google search,another thing you can also keep in mind,when you're doing,shopify is you can leverage youtube and,youtube seo,i also talk about youtube seo by ranking,these videos on page one of google,and then also ranking these youtube,videos on page one of youtube,some people will go over to youtube,directly because they love video,and they might type in how to apply,charcoal facial cleanser or,what is the best charcoal facial,cleanser or charcoal facial cleanser,reviews,and if you're making videos for your own,products or you have a partner that will,do it or you're paying someone to do it,these videos can be very powerful,and then in the descriptions of the,video you link out to your shopify store,you can give a discount if they go,through your your link you can tell them,give them a coupon code and that's how,you can also drive organic sales,by leveraging not only your blog in the,search engine and your website,but also youtube videos i just wanted to,throw that out there it's a powerful tip,it definitely will help you with,conversion as well when you're,leveraging both,a blog and a youtube channel so now,we're going to jump into another case,study if you just type right in the,google search bar,beard conditioner benefits,you'll see this number one snippet right,here let's click on this,this is a well written blog post a lot,of detail around that term,and it's talking about the benefits of,using a beard conditioner,so you're going to notice that there are,links throughout this blog,to other educational blog posts of,theirs all about beard grooming products,and then also links over to their,products so think about this,ranking number one for beard conditioner,benefits,teaching people why they should,condition their beard some of the,benefits,the best ingredients to use and then,also throwing in there a link,over to a quality beard butter,conditioner,if we click on this look what it opens,up it's going to open up the shopify,store,and right here you can make your,decision to now buy,a beard conditioner for your beard you,see how that works,that's leveraging organic search traffic,it's getting your website and your blog,to work for you,this is evergreen so now that these blog,posts start,ranking and educating the consumer the,traffic starts coming over to your site,organically,this is not paid ads this is just,organic search you are putting in the,work by getting the content written,especially if you're writing it yourself,you have to do the keyword research you,might want to also look at your,competitors to see what they're doing,and you want to make sure that you're,really informing people and really,writing,very well written content and then at,the same time,having your shop available right in,front of them guiding them over to your,shop,to make a buying decision so let's jump,back over to google and let's do,one more in-depth research here,and let's start from the beginning like,we're just start starting a shopify,store again,and one of the things that i think i,want to do is like the fruit infuser,water bottles i see those are getting,popular a lot of people walking around,with those,let's say that i was going to build a,brand around those and that was a,product that i was going to create a,shopify,store first thing i would do is how i'd,start is go over to google,so that we could do this together and,just type in fruit,infuser water bottle right there,let's let google come back with what,they have now i can tell right here,by this being keyword everywhere in 9900,monthly searches this is definitely a,popular keyword,which is great but it's probably also,competitive so if you're just starting,off with your blog,you do want to find the gem keywords,that are a little bit longer that are,not as competitive,and again we're using tools and also,google to help find us those terms and,then looking at competitors,bringing them in sem rush which is,another seo tool i'll leave that in the,link in the description down below,where i can pull these competitors in,and see what kind of traffic they're,getting,what keywords they're going after and,then i can go after similar keywords on,my blog,and generate that targeted traffic as,well so now as we see in the search we,see amazon again,we see very well fit that might be a,site that we definitely want to check,out,walmart huge site this is a pretty tough,term competitive term,so to be on page one for that they,definitely probably have,some type of authority or they've been,around for a little bit so what i would,suggest,you do is come down all the way to,suggested terms,and i kind of like this long term right,here what to put in a fruit infuser,water bottle,now what is that doing that's educating,the consumer,and you're getting free information,you're teaching them something,and you're going to get them over onto,your blog if you can rank for this,now i just want to pull up this keyword,term 170 searches per month,and i think it's nice long tail we have,to do a little bit more,deep diving on these keywords to see how,competitive they are,because again when you're first starting,off you want to get keywords,that are not super competitive so that,you can have a chance of,ranking at the top of page one of google,and take some of this traffic over to,your site,dick sporting goods culinary hill,okay so let's look at this,sounds like a water bottle type of,website,it's taking a little time to load,how to use an infuser water bottle okay,so it looks like they have a nice,long in-depth blog post nice images,okay so this website is not selling,their own water bottle,if they were you'd probably see a shop,button up here,which they could do if they wanted to,add shopify on here they could,they could create their own and i want,you to take this in consideration,when you're doing your research you,might find other blogs that are,generating good amount of traffic,and they're ranking for a lot of terms,and they don't have a shopify store,but they still your competitor because,they're on page one stealing some,traffic that maybe you want,don't just click off just because they,don't have a shop look at their content,because what you can do is mimic their,content strategy generate the same type,of traffic,and then instead of linking out to other,websites,because what they're doing here it's,called affiliate marketing they're going,to get a commission for linking out to,these other,websites and if you buy the best fruit,infuser water bottle here they'll get a,small commission they can actually send,this back over to their own shop if they,had their own brand,and generate sales that way so you would,be doing the same thing,so just get in the mind of that when,you're reverse engineering,your competitors that are on page one,for certain terms that you think,would be really good for your brand they,don't always just need a shop it is good,to see if they have a shop because then,you can also go look at their shop,get other product ideas but when there's,content that is ranking,it helps you understand okay this is the,type of content that's ranking,it's usually well written content it,usually is very informative,they're teaching people something they,have really well,optimized images that are really clear,again it's a nice,easy to read blog post that's in depth,look how long this,is so you want to see how long is it how,much content do i have to write,you never want to copy any content as,well you need to have,original content okay so with that said,what we're going to do now,is we're going to take this site over,and because i like what we found here,i like that there's some potential here,they're ranking on page one,for this long tail term on,exactly how to use the water infuser,and what fruit to put in it and how it,works so what i'm going to do is i'm,going to copy this,and come over to sem rush we're going to,come back up here,get rid of that website and let's run a,search on this,website so domain overview all right,they got a decent amount of backlinks,and referring domains,they're ranking for decent amount of uh,keywords,authority score is nice for this type of,website,31. again this is semrush and i know if,you're new you might be going like,what is all this data i can't in one,video teach,everything about sem rush and seo we,just wouldn't have enough time we'd be,here for hours on hours,but i just want to show you this tool,because this actually helps you so much,when you're doing your research if,you're going to implement seo,on your blog and your shopify store you,want to make sure that you're looking at,competitors let's see what else they,have we click view details,and we'll look at a list of the keywords,that they're ranking for,how does fruit infuser bottle work okay,that could definitely be something that,we would want to look into,because we're going to be selling a,fruit infuser,bottle looks like they talk about water,filters as well,why do i feel sick after drinking water,so what we're doing here is we're just,looking,at a competitor potential competitor who,is ranking for,one of the fruit infuser terms that i,believe is a good term that we can go,after and now we're bringing them into,sem rush,and just seeing what they have going on,on their blog where are they getting,traffic from whether keywords,might be potential keywords and we would,make a list and we would go back,and look at other keyword terms and we,would keep coming in here with other,competitors,that have terms that i think would be,good for our blog,and we'd just keep making a list keep,making a list and then we'd really,narrow it down especially,if you are a new blogger and new website,owner with your shopify store,you want to look for terms that are not,too competitive so then you narrow it,down,by finding terms that are more long tail,and that aren't too competitive and then,writing the best,content around that topic that you can,after you write the best content,that you can you're going to optimize it,on your blog you're going to let it sit,you're going to maybe do an outreach,campaign where you can start getting,that content shared and then also,get backlinks back to your content which,fuel it up,it's a whole seo process but just know,when that process is going on and you,keep putting out optimized content,over time your website becomes more,authority it builds higher authority,score,the more content you have the more,traffic you get the more trusted you,become,the more backlinks you'll build,organically as well,and you just start fueling up your site,your blog,and your shop and then people just start,finding you organically and it's,evergreen,in the beginning yes you're putting in a,lot of work because you're writing,unless you're outsourcing the writing,which,i outsource a lot of the writing that i,have on all my blogs,so i have a writer that's very good at,writing that,i just task and they write all the,content then we,optimize it we put it on our blogs and,we let it sit and we get backlinks and,we just keep fueling up the blocks,keep fueling up the blocks and as the,blog gets stronger,you can also start to go after some more,competitive terms,and those are terms that get searched,potentially thousands and thousands of,times per month and once you're on page,one for that,your site can really start to take off,get tons of traffic and if you have that,shop,and you're leading people and educating,people and you have good products on,there,they're gonna start converting and start,making sales organically,so this is how we are leveraging seo,with shopify stores,and with ecom stores and not spending,any money,on ads you can generate sales in the,long run,by investing in search engine,optimization i hope this video gave you,some gems i hope it was valuable and you,learned something today,me sharing actually a store of mine and,showing you that,you can actually leverage search engine,optimization position yourself in the,search engines for the right keywords,get targeted traffic and then also get,sales without spending a dime on any ads,if you like this video,please give me the thumbs up share this,with anyone that you think might be,interested in this type of content,subscribe if you haven't already and i,will see you in the next video

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