how to get product datafeed from excel to shopify

Shopify IMPORT Products from CSV Spreadsheet - MOST Efficient Overview - Get UNFAIR Headstart! hey t

Ryan @ Web Eminence

Updated on Mar 29,2023

Shopify IMPORT Products from CSV Spreadsheet - MOST Efficient Overview - Get UNFAIR Headstart!

The above is a brief introduction to how to get product datafeed from excel to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to get product datafeed from excel to shopify

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Shopify IMPORT Products from CSV Spreadsheet - MOST Efficient Overview - Get UNFAIR Headstart!

hey this is ryan from web eminence in,this video i'll quickly show you the,most important things you need to know,to give you an unfair head start in the,process of importing products to your,Shopify store with a spreadsheet or a,CSV file,many people just enter products manually,in Shopify and that's fine but if you,have hundreds or thousands of products,or you already have a product list from,a vendor importing your products from a,file as an awesome way to get it done,really fast it does take a time,investment up front to create your,spreadsheet but it will definitely save,you a ton of time in the long run so the,first step to importing products your,Shopify store is to get a sample,spreadsheet file this is going to be a,file that can be opened in Excel or,Google sheets and it's also known as a,CSV file it's comma separated so there's,two ways to do this you can go to your,Shopify store and if you click import,which is where we're going to go later,to import your product list you can,download the sample CSV template and if,you open this file in Excel it'll look,something like this,the important thing is it's going to,have all these headers for you so these,are the fields that must be included in,any import file you don't need to fill,all of these fields out but you do need,to have a file that includes all of them,so you can work off of this sample file,and add your product information into it,and then upload it to Shopify so another,good option if you already have some,products entered or if you want to enter,two or three of your products just as an,example enter a few products that are,just typical of the type of products,that you're gonna add to your store,after you have those entered you can,then export products so what that's,going to do is export your list of,products that are currently entered into,a CSV a spreadsheet file that you can,open in Excel this option might be the,better option for most people just,because it's going to give you a product,list that's formatted in the way that,your products have already been entered,so you'll get a look at the file in the,format that you are likely going to need,to use to enter additional products so a,lot of Shopify sellers are working with,vendors that have product lists so I'm,working with a client now who has this,product list from a vendor and it's a,good complete list,we're gonna be able to use it to import,products but you can't just take this,file and then upload it to Shopify and,change the options you need to actually,take all the data and put it in the,correct format for a Shopify import so,one important tip I'll give you is just,to start with a few products to get your,spreadsheet file in the correct format,you can continually import and re-import,your product file and overwrite the,previous products so don't feel like you,need to create in complete your entire,product list before you upload the,product you can just do a few at a time,to make sure you have the formatting,correct once you have it looking the way,you want and presented on your store in,the correct way or the way you want it,to look you can then begin to enter all,your other products so what I've started,to do in this example is take some of,the product data from the vendor you see,they have asked you at UPC product title,they have a description in the form of,like five bullet points and then they,also have images and weight so that five,image URLs and then they have pricing so,basically what I did is I took that info,and I'm creating two products just to,test in the Shopify sample document so,this has all the correct headers at the,top and I need to make sure that I have,the required ones filled out they're not,all required I'm not going to go through,each one there are some other videos on,YouTube that go through each one but the,best way to learn what each of these,fields is and whether or not you need,them is to go to the Shopify help,document and I'll link to this file in,my description under the video but there,are some useful instructions on here,there's also a video to help you,understand CSV files and how you import,products but the important thing you,want to go through is the CSV file,format table here which actually,describes each of the fields and it,tells you which ones can be left blank,what the default values are so if you,read through this she'll understand,which one you're gonna need and maybe,which ones you can just leave blank and,keep in mind you can always edit and,re-upload the product this later if you,want to add more info so let me just,show you a few of the elements of these,two products that I added and it'll give,you kind of a head start to understand,the different fields in Shopify import,file so the first column column a is,called handle this is going to be the,URL of your product and it's going to be,required for every line of your sheet,the reason there's five in a row is,because there's either variations of,this product,you see there's three color variations,which is called option one name and,option one value and then the reason,there's two more that are totally blank,except for the image is because I'm,adding two extra images to this product,so there's a total of five images that,are going to be uploaded from a URL so,for this file I do have the handle which,again is that URL that's going to show,up I'm using the title you're gonna have,to have a title it's a product title,body is a description you don't have to,use vender I'm using vendor here,published it's going to be true or false,and then the option or variation so for,this product I have three colors so,color is the title of the variation and,then this is the actual value my second,product here does not have variations so,I just leave the default title and,default title for option name in value,if I scroll over you can see some of the,other fields I'm using like the SKU,grams is the weight so the weight is,always in grams you can display it on,your site as pounds but you'll need to,upload it in grams so you might need to,use a conversion here in your original,document use the formula to convert to,grams variant inventory is one by,default I believe but you can change it,to whatever you want very an inventory,policy I have as deny so then I have,pricing and then I have a barcode and,then again I have the image URLs a bunch,of other fields here that you don't need,to use another tip to make the,spreadsheet more manageable because you,might be working in it for hours is to,hide certain columns so to do this if,you know you're not going to use them,and you can always add them back later,or unhide them you select the columns,and then right-click and say hide and,it's going to create this little,here telling you that there are hidden,columns so I might hide these too if I,know I'm not going to use them and,that's just gonna make the work a little,bit quicker all right so now that I have,these two products mostly complete I,need to save this file it's probably,already a CSV file but in Excel you can,go to save as make sure you select CSV,which is a dot CSV file save it I'm,going to replace the file go back to my,Shopify account go to products and click,import choose a file I'm gonna click,overwrite existing products and you're,gonna want to do this in the future too,if you you know are making edits to your,file and want to overwrite instead of,creating new products that actually,won't if you if you leave this unchecked,it won't create new products it just,won't create anything or edit anything,I'm gonna click Choose file choose that,CSV file I had selected or I had saved,click upload it's gonna give me a sample,of the first line of data and tell me,kind of a summary of what's being,uploaded that's a good way to just check,to make sure you have things formatted,correctly and then click start import,can take a few minutes depending on how,big your file is mine will go pretty,fast since I only have a few lines ok so,once those products have been imported,two of them are imported one of these,was added manually by me I can go to my,live site and go to the product catalog,and see the products that were uploaded,it does upload the images from your URL,that you added you can see my,description my pricing my compare price,here's the title and the vendor so,depending on what theme you're using,you'll see what the product looks like,based on your upload you may need to,tweak it and then re-upload the file so,it has the five images that I added from,five URLs so one of the time-consuming,parts of uploading is kind of error,checking and debugging your get,definitely gonna get a lot of errors,when you upload and create a brand new,sheet so just a matter of getting the,right formatting and correcting all the,errors so for example if I was to delete,this be header row for title,save the file and then re-upload it I'll,get in error so I'm gonna re-upload the,test file select overwrite and it's,gonna give me an error right here,missing headers title so it checks the,file for all the headers it's not there,so I'll get an error so obviously in,that case just having the title header,in there is gonna fix it but after it,gets past that initial check you will,get an email telling you if products,were successfully added so here's what,that email looked like on that last,import I did it says two products,successfully imported zero product,existing products ignored and zero,products failed if any did fail it'll,probably give me errors down here so,there's two levels of error checking,that you'll need to debug to get your,products importing correctly so just to,give you an example of an error you,might see in the email confirmation that,comes I can delete one of the values,from this color variation and save and,re-upload that and actually that error,was caught in this upload check and it,says line two to six option value,provided for unknown options if I made,another change what I did is I copied,this SKU to this line here which is only,meant to be adding an image for this row,number eight so there's an image over,here that's being added but there's no,other information so if I just add a SKU,here what it does is it will import,correctly but it'll give me this error,in the confirmation email and it's a,long err it won't always be this long,but it's basically telling me all these,different required rows all these,different required fields are missing in,line 7 to 11 so that just gives you an,example of what these error checks will,look like in the confirmation email so,one product was successful in the second,product here fail to import so if I were,to remove this here it'll view it,correctly as just adding an image and,it'll import correctly and get rid of,that error so you'll probably find,different errors showing up depending on,the formatting in the mist,that you've made but one quick tip is to,just search for that error whatever air,you get in here like variance dot,inventory policy is not included just,search this in Google and it'll probably,bring up some tips or answers to this,problem this error in the Shopify forums,or the Shopify help documents so one,last tip I do want to share is after,your products are all imported correctly,you can still go into your products and,edit them manually so if I were to click,on this one that was imported you can,still make all the changes you want add,images delete images change pricing all,the things you're used to doing in,Shopify you can then export the file to,get a new revised version of your file,just make sure you aren't making changes,on the product list and on your Shopify,store because you might end up with two,different versions you want to keep a,master version and make sure you're,using the most updated version whether,you're making changes on the document,and re uploading or manually making,changes to your products in your Shopify,store so I hope that helps you get a,head start into importing products into,your Shopify store make sure to read,that help document at Shopify that's,going to give you a head start and then,if you have any questions feel free to,comment on this video and I'll do my,best to answer them or point you in the,right direction make sure to subscribe,and watch some of my other videos on,Shopify,I'll link to one of them at the end of,this video and we'll see you there

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