how to get multiple tabs on venture product page shopify

How To Show Products in the same Collection on the Product Page for the Venture Theme Shopify okay

James Byrne

Updated on Mar 19,2023

How To Show Products in the same Collection on the Product Page for the Venture Theme Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to get multiple tabs on venture product page shopify

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how to get multiple tabs on venture product page shopify catalogs

How To Show Products in the same Collection on the Product Page for the Venture Theme Shopify

okay in this video i'm going to show you,how to add um more products by um the,vendor,um or the collection right for uh,product pages,um,getting more products from the same,collection or vendor,right in on the product page for the,venture theme in shopify was driving me,kind of crazy,so i had to get a good night's sleep and,then,come back at this guy so this is the,venture theme before the 2.0 update,so what i have to do is if you notice in,the original default um venture theme it,just has you may also like right in the,back end it doesn't have the ability for,more products by dave's pet pet food,right some of the newer themes are,starting to add this um so what i ended,up doing,was i went into the back end to look at,this now this particular client has it,set up where,these are the actual vendors but all the,vendors,have their own collection pages right so,in order for it to work,um correctly for do that we have them,create collections for all of their,different vendors that makes life a lot,easier right so here's what we ended up,doing,if you go back into the back end of your,uh liquid code here so you're gonna go,into your theme and then we're gonna go,ahead and go to edit code,i'm not gonna show you the other,dashboard you'll need to see that yes i,do have a bunch of tabs open at the top,there and i also have like multiple,windows probably like 20 widgets from,chrome open with the same amount of tabs,so this is a mac it is a 2012 it does,fly the speed of light um just got a new,one but this thing seems like it's,faster,um anyway so whenever i'm going to make,changes even though there's this older,variations thing i always make sure i,make a backup right i'm going to edit,something so in this instance i'm going,to go ahead and just expand this to make,this bigger and then inside,product.liquid,it didn't have this section so i had to,create this section and how i did that,was you scroll down,and you go to sections,and then you click on add new section,and you type in the name and then in,this case it was,uh,this guy right here,products in this collection okay so i,created that section,and if you scroll down here and i'll,paste the code down into this as well so,products in this collection so i ended,up just copying the,product recommendations um,liquid code,but i deleted everything i just kept the,main css and such so you can copy this,code in the description below it might,make you like a lot easier,um but if you go ahead and look at this,you'll see,that here's the css for the this is the,actual page with right so that's the,left to the right,section block this is the header text so,i just put in more products by i could,have made this so that it was in the,back end of uh,the,um,customize your dashboard but i didn't,like putting the schema in there and,messing around with the rest of it so i,just put products by more products by,and then if you look at this i just,threw a little quick color red in here,just for some styling and then i linked,it to the collections,now if you look at this collections,right and in this case i've got product,vendor,okay product.vendors and my little pipe,here and then handle ize so this is,going to and then that's going to give,me the pro the actual vendor name right,so this is the vendor and it's going to,link to a collection for the vendor okay,that's,at the,very top of this uh where it,is right here so this links to dave's,pet food,okay let me go back,and then each of these products,also go to their own products right and,they're different if you notice they're,different products than what's up here,you may also like so this is a,randomizer that pulls from other,collections and now this one just does,products from within this collection and,vendor,so now if i,go back over here and you look at this,so this is the section block this is,just the square around where it is the,grid how the products are going to look,in boxes right and then here's what i,ended up doing i assigned my collection,so i created a variable,okay,and then i equal the product.vendor,pipe and handle so i want to grab the,handle because that's going to be the,link right,so,i grab the handle which in this case is,uh dave's pet food dave hyphen,pet hyphen food and you can also do this,where um if the product count is more,than whatever one etc so you could you,can do that if you wanted here this is,just the basic version of this otherwise,i would put in here you know if uh,product count is greater than zero and,then to show this right so i i'm not,going to do that but it goes here,percentage,right here,you know if product and then,you know count and then you know you can,just look that up right so i'm just,showing this by default because they,have products for everything this is a,quick and down and dirty,um,way of doing this so you're going to,want to probably put if the product,counts great you know is greater you,know than zero and then and then you,would show this and then put your end,your end if tag down here,okay,so um,now if i,go down so i made this as a collection,the product end of the handle so now i,have to go through the loop of the,products in this particular collection,right,so,what,i have is for product,for product right,product in,collections,and then my collection,which is the product vendor handle all,right,dot products,and now i have a limit of five because i,only wanted to show five on the screen,if i put in 10 here and i save it,i'll go back and refresh this,and then you'll see that it's going to,give me it only has nine but it would,give me 10.,so i'm gonna put that back at five,okay and then here you have just the way,it looks right for loop,index you know if the loop index is six,on the home page that's just it's,this doesn't need to be in here but,anyway,because i created my own,uh products in this collection so the,index page is pulling in product,recommendations so that's why it has the,index,there as well so now i'm going to,include the product card which is the,way that the actual products look this,is the card this whole thing the image,the name the title and then the price is,the product card,okay and that's underneath uh you know,your snippets over there,snippets and then you got your product,card right here,and notice how my backups,and then you have it pulls in the,product collection and that's it,so now,i save that guy,and then this works,save it,now that works it was driving me crazy i,couldn't figure out,where how to place these on here for,some reason i don't know why anyway so,more products by dave's bed food it's a,vendor it's also the collection url,for the vendor and that's how you add,um,products same products from the same,collection on a product page for the,adventure theme in shopify if you can go,ahead and like or subscribe to this,channel i'll create these videos as i,come up with problems and i deal with,people's websites or i try to create,these how to's,just to you know,save everyone else from having to google,the crap out of what the code is all,right,thank you

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