how to get inventory for shopify

How To Manage Inventory In Your Shopify Store what's up guys anton here and in this,video you're goi

Anton Kraly - Drop Ship Lifestyle

Updated on Jan 25,2023

How To Manage Inventory In Your Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to get inventory for shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to get inventory for shopify

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how to get inventory for shopify catalogs

How To Manage Inventory In Your Shopify Store

what's up guys anton here and in this,video you're going to be seeing exactly,how to manage inventory on your shopify,store i'm going to take you into the,back end of one of my stores and show,you step by step how it's done so you,can replicate exactly what we do on your,shopify store as well and if you hang,out you end up sticking to the end,you're gonna learn everything that i,have learned about managing inventory,starting at little baby beginner shopify,stores all the way up to eight figure,stores so sit back relax and enjoy i'm,to share two different ways to manage,inventory on shopify now one of these is,free and it's already built in to the,product page settings within the admin,panel of shopify the other option is,paid this is using a shopify app to,manage inventory for you but regardless,of which of these options you choose,it's going to make you and your,customers much happier because you're,not going to have to worry about what,products are in stock and which are sold,out and when you track inventory,properly it's going to lead to a better,business for you people are not going to,buy things they can't get you're going,to have less customer service to deal,with and you're going to be able to save,your money by only advertising products,that can actually ship fast so let's,jump into shopify and i'll show you how,it's done so you'll see here i'm logged,in to the dropship lifestyle merch,stores shopify account now this store,specifically dropships via a service,called printful and what they do is,custom make the products when they're,ordered it's print on demand drop,shipping so here under inventory you'll,notice it says inventory not tracked and,if you're watching this most likely,that's what your store is showing as,well now the reason we don't change that,for this store is because if somebody,orders something that's currently not,available they can make the product and,if let's say a specific shirt's not,available they'll choose one that's,extremely similar they can still make,the product we can still fulfill the,orders but let's say you're doing,traditional drop shipping the way that,we do it on dropship and,you're working with a supplier that,sends you a spreadsheet every week,showing you how many units are left in,stock of specific products now the times,i think this is most important is when,your best selling products start running,low on inventory that's when you'll want,to actually change the settings if,there's consistently plenty of stock for,a ton of items this doesn't need to be,meticulously updated it would simply be,a waste of time and most likely cause,more problems than it's worth if there's,always plenty in stock you can just,leave it inventory not tracked you'll do,just fine but let's say for example here,this shirt dream big hustle hard came,from a supplier that sent me an,inventory sheet where there were only,two units left in stock and it wasn't,going to be back in stock for the next,eight weeks then i would want to update,the inventory on my store so what i,could do is just click edit go into the,product page and then what i'll do is,scroll down and you'll notice since this,is a shirt there's many variations if,there was only one variant of a product,on your store you'll simply see the one,variant with the price and the skew,number let's say the one that was,running low on inventory was black size,large i'm simply going to click edit,next to that variant and then it's going,to open that specific product page where,i can start making edits so if i scroll,down a little bit on this variance page,you'll see it says inventory and under,inventory there's a little box that says,track quantity now for me that is not,checked but what i want to do in this,scenario is go ahead and click that and,then you'll see the little quantity,counter appears now right now mine is,showing at negative 35 and that simply,means that we've sold 35 of these since,we started selling them of this variant,so it's showing negative 35. but if,there were two left i could simply go,ahead and i could change available to,two so now there'll be two left and once,those two sell you can choose what you,want to happen do you want to continue,selling them if you do click that box if,you don't leave it unchecked and then,the product will no longer be available,for purchase now again we don't track,inventory for these print-on-demand,products so i'm going to uncheck it but,if i wanted to keep the changes that i,just made i would simply click save you,can do the same and now that inventory,will be updated here's the important,thing with this free method if you're,going to do this it's all manual so in,this hypothetical example again once,this product is coming back in stock i,or somebody on my team or you if this,was your store would need to go back in,go to the quantity counter and update it,again to reflect accurate stock it's,time consuming which is why i don't,recommend doing this for every product,in your catalog only your best sellers,that you see running low on inventory,now what i just shared with the free,method will be good enough for most drop,shippers out there but let's say time,goes by your store gets bigger and,bigger and bigger and maybe one day in,the future you work with 300 different,brands in your niche and you sell 20 000,different skus on your store and you and,your team find this is taking way too,much time to update manually we need a,better solution that's when it's time to,consider the paid option and the paid,option that i recommend is called stock,sync this is in the shopify app store,you just simply go through your,dashboard click add app and you'll get a,free trial now their pricing is,extremely affordable it's free if you,barely use it but if you're the type of,person that needs this most likely,you'll be on at least the 5 a month plan,possibly 10 or maybe 49 and if you're on,the 49 it'll be well worth your money,for what it does but the gist of this,app is that it connects to your shopify,store and then you connect your,suppliers inventory to it now i like,this app over others because there's so,many different ways to connect and the,ways that you choose are really going to,be dependent on your relationship with,each supplier and how they traditionally,send you inventory reports now if,they're still sending you the excel,sheets or csvs that have availability,then what you can do is simply get the,template from stocksync and go ahead and,modify the suppliers version to match,this format so if you have the sku,number you could simply enter the,quantity remaining upload this via stock,sync to the back end of your shopify,store and all of the inventory for every,sku number listed in this csv will,update on your store and again if you,get to the point where you're working,with tens of thousands of products and,you notice inventory is consistently an,issue this could be the solution to your,problem because you can actually have it,scheduled to automatically pull and,update inventory as much as multiple,times a day so you will not have issues,with customers purchasing products that,are not available and you won't be,sitting there dealing with customer,service when you could be dealing with,marketing getting more sales coming in,and having those sales go to happy,customers so those are the two options,guys that i recommend both the free and,the paid if you got value from this,video you know what to do click the like,button subscribe to the channel we have,two new videos a week just like this one,every single monday and thursday and for,everybody out there that is new to drop,shipping and wants to know how to build,highly profitable semi-automated stores,from anywhere in the world be sure to go,to,where you'll find a free training,webinar that i have waiting for you see,you next time,you

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