how to get cost per click adds on my shopify page

Cost Per Click Facebook Ads for Shopify You Need how's it going is John here from add,chill and toda


Updated on Mar 18,2023

Cost Per Click Facebook Ads for Shopify You Need

The above is a brief introduction to how to get cost per click adds on my shopify page

Let's move on to the first section of how to get cost per click adds on my shopify page

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Cost Per Click Facebook Ads for Shopify You Need

how's it going is John here from add,chill and today I'm gonna talk about the,cost per click you want to shoot for,with your Facebook Ads for Shopify,or pretty much any e-commerce platform,now I have a lot of requests for this,you know what CPC should I be searching,for what Add to Cart cost should I be,chasing after and it's a good question,it's a hard question to answer but I'm,gonna get into it in just a second make,sure you subscribe and if you want me to,review your store go ahead and put a,link B live again a lot of questions,asking hey can I can you review my store,on video that would be really cool so I,actually think it's pretty neat idea and,I'll do that so go ahead and put your,link below but what is the CPC you want,to shoot for with Shopify and Facebook,Ads so it's not a simple answer simply,because hey if I'm selling a product for,$500 that cost per click I can't tell,you you know I can't tell you it has to,be under $1 simply because hey if it's,under $50 and you convert one of 10,people its profitable right so with this,answer I'm gonna first talk about free,plus shipping for free plus shipping I,look for a dollar or less cost per click,and closer to 75 or 50 cents the the the,lower the better because free plus,shipping czar kind of almost clicked,baby right there saying hey free get,this free product at this free product,just pay shipping and it gets clicks for,a relatively low amount so if you can,get under $1 that's the first good good,step if it's understanding 5 and it's,like okay that's great and if it's under,50 is like okay let's really really work,on this product to make it profitable,now if it is not a free plus shipping if,it's like a $50 like up to $50 product,you know under a couple dollars should,be fine a dollar 50 but this is all,really dependent and then if it's like a,high ticket product you know just look,at the you're gonna have to spend some,money to figure out hey how much does,the Add to Cart gonna be and how much is,the actual purchase gonna be but free,plus shipping and,Thunder say 30 bucks let's shoot for,under $2 and of course the lower the,better I'm looking at my stats over here,and some of my biggest winners you know,one of them had a 40 cent CPC one of,them had a forty seven cent CPC but then,at the same time another winner had won,it a dollar 40 so it's all over the map,but just kind of test enough products,that you can benchmark yourself you know,against yourself now you see over here I,have this diamond ring it's a free plus,shipping we set up on our store now I'm,gonna show you exactly what our testing,process is so you can kind of see how,like we're able to benchmark ourselves,so much because we spend 15 bucks,testing this product out we're seeing,how many clicks how many clicks does it,gate what's the CPC how many add two,cards does again it doesn't get any,purchases if it gets purchases oh my god,so what I want to do is just launch this,product so the first thing I want to do,here is I'm actually making a short URL,to my store really quick on Google so I,can pull it up real quick over here and,you can see it's already set up on the,store free plus shipping real real,simple description there but what I'm,going to do is just take a couple,screenshots of this image here I think,two will probably actually you know,let's do three to show on the box as,well but the reason I'm taking,screenshots of this product is because I,want to make a video video is so,important it's just so hard to make so,I'm on add chili here you can see I was,just making another video and what I'm,gonna do is upload those three images,let's see here those are two and that's,the third so I'm gonna upload these,images and it's gonna create a video for,me which is pretty awesome because this,process used to take so long and I'm,gonna say free today because it is free,today and they can see wow this is,beautiful and eight I can create the,video just like that I'm gonna call it,ring diamond ring,and then you're gonna hit make video and,just like that you've made your video,and the next step is just to make the,post really simple to do I'm gonna grab,that link I have here don't you love,this ring it's on us today just cover,shipping smiley face grab yours and put,that link and then who would this look,good on and then let's go ahead and put,an emoji maybe a heart emoji could put a,diamond de mogi as well I like to use,them because they kind of grab people's,eyes now I know a lot of people are,using them a lot these days but oh well,let's go ahead and go to post and so we,just made a video just like that in like,two seconds right go to post and let's,make the post now you just pick your,page your video is already uploaded,unless you want to upload a new one and,then you can paste in that new text and,just like that Save Changes badda-boom,badda-bing we just made the post it's,already on your Facebook account you're,ready to launch this product the only,thing you have to do now is make the,interest right so let's let's go ahead,and make those interests type in diamond,actually want to type in diamond cut and,this is pretty much searching Facebook,for the very best interest let's go back,to the first page here and let's see,what it has first let's select diamond,cut and then it's going to look for,audience insight through audience,insights for all of these brilliant,engagement ring let's try that Ernie,ring diamond cutting and I think I,already have a folder but let's go ahead,and check it out ring I have a ring,folder already so you can make folders,and come back to them it's really cool,and now we can launch the product like,you've only been with me here for a few,minutes right and I was talking the,first half of this,but all I'm gonna do now is select a,campaign that's already converting to my,store like I know it's Aria point of my,pixel I can click new campaign here and,I'm going to call this ad chill ring,March and then what it's gonna do is,gonna take this ad that's already,pointed at my pixel in my store we're,gonna select our new post I need to go,ahead and name this new post,go ahead save give it a little refresh,over to page posts and just type in ring,and there we go so it's gonna take this,ad set create a new post that we just,made and then go ahead and find the,interests here we go ring let's pick,like five of these because I just want,to test a few and I'm gonna send them,all for three dollars so this is gonna,spend fifteen dollars I'm gonna figure,out if this is a winner or a loser just,like that schedule now and work off to,the races,I'll come back tomorrow see how many,clicks I got how many add two cards you,got if it got any purchases a lot of,these videos I post on this channel are,getting purchases so I'm doing this,process showing you two very,transparently so you can go ahead and,get add show down below launch products,like crazy find winners and that's about,it so you can see my answer launched in,just a few minutes with AD so instead of,spending an hour an hour and a half if,you have any questions let me know in,the comments below also like I said if,you want me to analyze your store on,video I'll pick a few each week and do,that just put your link below and then,go ahead and subscribe other than that,guys I hope you have a wonderful day and,I'll talk to you later bye

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