how to get an app created for my shopify store

How to Turn your Shopify Store into an App how's it going people jeff here from,ecom geeks today we'

Ecom Geeks

Updated on Mar 06,2023

How to Turn your Shopify Store into an App

The above is a brief introduction to how to get an app created for my shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to get an app created for my shopify store

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How to Turn your Shopify Store into an App

how's it going people jeff here from,ecom geeks today we're going to be doing,something a little bit different,we're actually going to be talking about,five different apps that allow you to,turn your store,into a mobile app so that means that,we're actually going to be taking your,store,and making it into an app that somebody,can download via their,you know their iphone or their android,through the you know,apple apple app store or through google,play,uh download it be able to utilize it be,able to purchase things through it to,receive notifications from your store,now i mean all this sounds great but why,is it so necessary,basically in today's world 70 to 80,percent of online shopping,happens through people's phones and not,through their desktop computers,so if you can get them to download an,app that is going to send them,notifications that is going to be,on their phone just waiting there if you,have a rewards and loyalty program that,goes along with that mobile app,things can can really start to get,moving so without further ado,let's take a look at the different,options different pricing and,how much effort it would take to,actually get one of these things up and,running,without further ado let's get started so,we're actually going to go through these,apps,in order of least to most expensive,so the first one we're going to talk,about here is automizely,which is a mobile app builder uh it's,it's free which i mean you can't say no,to the price,that being said from what i've been able,to determine,from going through you know the the,different aspects of it,it seems like there is a lot of hands-on,on work,with it uh it's not it's not as much of,a one-click setup as,they'd like to to make it appear also,your,your store's app isn't actually an,individual app that somebody would be,able to download,uh you know from from the app store of,their respective mobile device,um instead it's a single app that,allows people to use like a qr code,uh to go to your store and and have your,store connected to the customer,through their app through uh uh,automizely's,automizely's app uh so just just be wary,of that,you know you get what you pay for uh so,just be conscious of that,um there is a little bit of um,issues in terms of people trying to,remove the app,so if you don't like it people are,saying they're having issues actually,removing it from their store so i just,keep an eye on it,give these guys a bit of a bit of time,to kind of review and,bring things up to date i mean like i,said it's hard to argue with the price,but at the same time if it's going to be,beyond your capabilities and just,outside your area,expertise then let's go on to the next,one that's a little bit more user,friendly,the next app builder we have here is,called mage native and it's by,said commerce here and uh this one is,actually,pretty decent um this guy is a,starts from 29 a month a 30-day free,trial,and er i was actually pretty impressed,with it,i actually went to our our store and i,started to actually work on making a,a custom uh app there and it's actually,pretty cool because a lot of it is,is drag and drop um you know so i can,just,add another category in there and then i,can edit it and go into it and,customize like everything about it and,where things go and,etc etc so i found it very very user,friendly especially,for um you know people who aren't,necessarily like crazy super computer,savvy,um i think it would be a great app to to,take a look at to,to go with and how to start taking a,look at the pricing here,uh it's uh you know starts at twenty,nine dollars goes up to forty nine,and then sixty nine uh it's uh,there are limitations uh it's uh,you you'd want at least the middle plan,because,uh with the first plan it's either or in,terms of android,versus apple and you definitely want to,have both so you'd need at least the 49,plan um you know it's going to have a,lot of the,the extra things on it the free themes,are fine because you can actually make a,custom theme,um at least in my opinion maybe i'm,horribly incorrect,um you know some blocks with different,repetitions i mean a lot of this is,specific to the app,so it's never it's never a bad idea to,you know give an app a try if you think,it has what it needs to,to help you out um like i said this has,a 30-day free trial give it a shot if,you think it's the app for you,and if it's not make sure to remove it,so next up here we have the mobile app,builder by,j curve and this is going up to our next,price point which is 49.99 a month,it also has a 30-day free trial like the,previous one,it's uh it's much more realistic in,its claims so you know launch a mobile,app in one week,um that seems pretty legitimate,um it's uh you know both the other,things that,a number of these other apps boast as,well,and it has pretty competitive pricing,uh it's kind of similar to what we're,seeing before uh,in that you know it's one or the other,with the lower part,the middle one it's both so you're,definitely going to need the 89,plan so it is going to be more expensive,um,there's uh there's some other things,that can be integrated you know,for example like judge me and other,things that you could integrate,pretty well with the higher level plan,um for example even just having it,connected to,uh something like the you know judge me,or langify i mean judgement is really,great because it allows customers to put,reviews um,directly directly on your site which is,great customer reviews,both positive and negative are super,useful when i am a,on the customer side of things i i want,to know sure i want to know about the,the good replies and what what is good,but,more importantly i also want to know,about the bad reviews and what is,not so good about saamling so to have,your,your store on a mobile app and connected,to,you know these sorts of tools it allows,people to very very easily uh,you know take an image with their phone,you know it's already on their phone so,they can,you know do that in a review super duper,quick customers are actually,much more likely to leave a review via,their phone because it's easier faster,and people have more disposable,time than than if they were just on,their their desktops so,it can be another way of getting,different uh,different reviews from different people,so keep that in mind as well,our next mobile app builder is vajra,i believe it's bajaro um and uh,it's it's the next price point up uh if,we go down to the different prices here,um you can see that just the the basic,plan this time at least has both,you know ios and android which is,fantastic and you know definitely like i,said you definitely,need both in order to make it work now,uh this one is also nice because,it's very similar to the one i was,showing you previously uh in terms of,you know dragging and dropping things um,just,very straightforward and obvious uh,ability to change your colors your your,text what the different sections do,et cetera et cetera so it gives you a,lot of control over things,uh it lays things out very well for you,and uh,it it allows you to make something that,that really is yours,without being a huge pain in the butt in,terms of having to know coding or or,something like that you know there's,there's really a lot of things that that,you can do with this one or with any of,them really so,uh just do keep an eye on the price like,i said these guys start to incr,increase in price pretty quickly at the,end of the day though you want something,you want an app that's actually,appealing to customers so if you're,going to be,putting time effort and money into this,you want to make sure that it is an,app that people are actually going to,download and use,so definitely make sure that it is of,high enough quality,based on your price point and based on,your skills that,it'll actually be useful to your,business and help you grow,the last mobile app builder we're going,to take a look at today is called tap,cart and this is the most expensive out,of all them,uh we can go to the uh the pricing here,so the basic one is 250.,uh they don't even mention that you know,one of the other in terms of android or,iphone because i'm assuming it does both,um the the biggest difference between,the different,things here is uh different blocks um,so i don't i haven't played around with,these guys too much so i don't know how,much a limitation of,you know 15 blocks versus uh,you know 20 blocks i don't know how much,of a difference that is if you have more,information about that i'd love for you,to post that in the comments down below,so yeah it's uh you know if if you're,gonna go up in price on this app,250 to 550 to 1200,you know definitely uh definitely,not cheap there um you might want to,take a look at some of the others,uh you know before you decide to go this,far uh it also depends at what stage of,your business you're at,now so looking at this one i haven't,been able to have the opportunity to,to fully test it out in terms of its,uh its user friendliness in terms of,being able to,to make it more customizable i wish that,they had been able to provide a little,bit more information,and so i could have played around with,it a little bit more but,uh you know obviously is well recognized,and uh you know this these guys have,been around for,a while now so i mean definitely give,them a shot as well there is a seven day,free trial if you want to give it a go,just,do keep in mind the price point because,this thing ain't cheap so there you go,those are our top five suggested mobile,app builders for shopify,i really hope that helps and catch you,guys next time,if you liked this video and would like,us to create further content make sure,to give it a thumbs up,it really does help us out thanks for,watching catch you next time

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