how to fix mobil website shopify

How To Turn Shopify Store Into Mobile App foreign,thanks for watching out this video today,in this v


Updated on Mar 15,2023

How To Turn Shopify Store Into Mobile App

The above is a brief introduction to how to fix mobil website shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to fix mobil website shopify

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How To Turn Shopify Store Into Mobile App

foreign,thanks for watching out this video today,in this video tutorial we will going to,discuss about the Shopify mobile,application so the Shopify mobile,application is based on the flitter,technology and we do have this,application available for both the,devices like for Android and iOS as well,to convert your Shopify Web Store into,the mobile application you can make use,of this application that is Shopify,mobile app,so uh before proceeding ahead I would,like to inform you like when you have,installed this application then you will,get a prerequisite PDF file according to,that you need to provide us the required,details like app name color Banner image,and Logo as well so that we can,configure the mobile app for your store,and deliver it to you before proceeding,ahead I would request you to please,subscribe our Channel and press the Bell,icon button to get more updates and,regarding the demo link I have added the,demo link for both Android and iOS in,the description of this video tutorial,so let me take you to the front end of,the Shopify mobile application,as you can see here I have already,downloaded the Shopify mobile,application from the Play Store and so,let me take you to the work performance,of this mobile application,as here we are checking out the complete,work performance like how it will going,to appear at the front end,in the left navigation you can able to,see like we are having an option signed,in as a customer you just need to tap,over there and here you will get two,options like sign in with email or you,can create your own account,so I am clicking Here sign in with email,now just tap over the sign in and you,will get a pop-up like successfully you,have logged in into the mobile,application,okay so here you can see it is our home,page and you can able to see different,product types which we have configured,from the back end of our Shopify uh web,store,you can able to see the complete home,page products like we have added with,different card types here,and as you can in the left navigation,you can able to see we are having,different options uh first we are having,the customer profile section and this we,are having different options like,account information,from here you can able to update the uh,account information as well,and like here you can see my orders you,can check complete order list here,and in the address section you can able,to check the registered addresses and,you can also able to edit the,previous address as well and you just,need to tap over that submit button,as here you can see we are also having,contact us option uh once you click over,here then you will drop an email,so that we will get back on your queries,and here you can see we are also having,this wish list option you can wish list,all your products,now you can also check your reviews,which you have provided you can check,complete list in the my review section,and from last you can able to log out,from this mobicle mobile application,now let me back to the home page and we,will be checking out the process of,product purchasing,and here,you can see we are having different,options available here like you can wish,list your product you can add to cart,and buy now and in the last you can able,to get the complete description of this,product,now I am moving forward to the buy Now,product,as once you click over the buy now then,you will be redirected to the checkout,page I and you can able to see the,complete information here after that you,need to proceed with the shipping part,and after that you need to proceed with,the payment option now we will be moving,ahead step by step,as you can hit this email me with news,and offers once you check mark this,option then you will get complete,information regarding the news and,regarding the offers as well,now you you need to fill here the,shipping address as well like,here I will be filling out,after filling out the details you just,need to,update the state and you can able to,proceed further,and you can if you need this information,for the next time as well you just need,to check that Mark and press to continue,to shopping,okay here I need to,update the PIN code,I am writing here the PIN code,now I will be checking out over the,option continue to shopping,as you can see here I have added,complete information now I there you,will get an option you need to choose,shipping methods like you can able to,see here the standard method we are also,having we are having heavy Goods option,as well now uh you I have I have been,chosen here the standard shipping method,now you need to proceed further with the,payment option so for that you need to,click over the continue to payment,as here if you are having any discount,code then you can Mark over here,now you need to proceed further with the,payment section so you need to add your,car details here,as I am adding some card details,and if you want to change your billing,address then you can use a different,blink address from here or if you want,to put this same as the shipping address,then you can check that Mark option as I,have chosen the same shipping address,and now I will be move ahead with the,pay now option,as you can able to see here your order,being processed,now you will able to see over the screen,like your order is successfully,confirmed and along with that you will,get a notification as well,so this way you can able to purchase,your product like the options which is,available is once you hit over the buy,now option then you need to fill out the,required details like information,shipping address and then payment method,and accordingly you need to proceed,further this way your pro order has been,processed successfully,now in the left navigation you can able,to see we are having different options,like here in categories section you we,are having different categories okay and,after that we are having different,preferences as well you can change the,currencies from here and uh,here we are also having language,switcher option as well you can change,the language from here and in the other,section we you can able to see like we,are having this option contact us,you can contact us for any kind of,concern or queries and we are also,having privacy policy you can able to,check out from here in the lab,navigation,here you can check like we are having,this change shop option as well you can,also switch to other shop by entering,your unique app ID and just need to,enter over the submit button,now you can also having this option you,can chat on WhatsApp once you uh chat on,WhatsApp then we are we will be get back,to your queries,so I think we have covered all the part,of our Shopify mobile application,so that's all about our Shopify mobile,app if still you are having any kind of,concern or queries you can reach us at, or you can also raise a,ticket from,I hope you liked our video if so then I,would request you to please give us a,big thumbs up lastly thanks for watching,this video and have a great day ahead

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