how to fix asain size shopify

How To Handle AliExpress Asian Clothing Sizing (Shopify Dropshipping) so when you sell aliexpress as

Andy Mai

Updated on Mar 31,2023

How To Handle AliExpress Asian Clothing Sizing (Shopify Dropshipping)

The above is a brief introduction to how to fix asain size shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to fix asain size shopify

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How To Handle AliExpress Asian Clothing Sizing (Shopify Dropshipping)

so when you sell aliexpress asian,clothing you have to let customers know,that they have to size down by two,because aliexpress clothing,a large is more like a small so you,either have to go ahead and put up a,sizing chart maybe edit that size of the,chart like it'll work with your supplier,to edit tags out and have them downsize,all your products or you have to go,ahead and just,re-mix up the variants matching a small,to a large,so that when people purchase their items,then you can get the version that's too,sized up so we go ahead and fit them,like i know i'm a medium so i always buy,medium if i go ahead and buy medium from,aliexpress,it's not going to work out for me so you,automatically,link up your variants where if someone,orders a medium they're going to get,excel,and yes they're going to get confused,because the tag is different,but you have a follow-up email to help,them explain that situation,here's an in-depth segment from a,program explaining how to go ahead and,do the whole situation well another,really important question,is sizing so obviously we haven't got,any complaints because we haven't,shipped anything,but i'm always worried about sizing,because i've heard other gurus that,basically,i've just left this how the aliexpress,sizing is but i've heard a lot of,other gurus who basically they bring the,sizing down,three so basically if it's three excel,we'll just make it excel and then,they'll everything dante because this is,like chinese size,this one doesn't copy this size yeah it,does listen but,anyway i did put a sizing chart so what,would you do in this scenario do you,have any experience if this sizing chart,is really here,this one show you a moroccan if this one,is really,correct,later yeah so i'll give you the whole,breakdown when it comes to sizing and,aliexpress,so yes the chart is accurate um,but people that wear medium,they just assume that they'll order,medium but if they went ahead and,measured the lengths they'll find that,the length,for medium would not fit them if they,actually look at the child they use the,chart,numbers people do not use charts so,option number one or one of the things,you can do is you can put a message in,saying,hey this is asian sizing please refer to,this,please size up three times,in brackets if you're medium go,excel furthermore please refer to the,chart below,so you want to put that at the very top,of your line now yes,that will decrease conversion rates,um yeah because now people are like i,don't want to do that they just sort of,leave,but now you will have less angry,customers,so that's one of the things that you do,now number two,is you can go ahead and sort of address,this post purchase,now you can sort of send an automated,email,um you could set up mailchimp or,something where any when anytime someone,orders this specific product,send them an email with the sizing chart,with the exact same issue saying hey,this is actually much smaller we wanted,to double check because we really want,to care about our customers satisfaction,putting the same message you know it's,agent sizing and uni size up three times,be like please double check to make sure,that the size you ordered,is correct now if you do that then you,don't have to put any sizing chart on,your,home page and your conversion rate is,actually going to be higher because now,there isn't a sizing chart,and two um you don't have to sort of,give the disclaimer so your,conversion rate will stay high but now,you have to deal,with a bunch of order changes on the,back end but the good thing is,you've locked in the money you got their,money and now you just sort of have to,change all the orders and update all the,customers that email you back,also the problem is maybe sometimes,customers don't email you back,and they just assume that it should be a,medium and you send them the wrong,product,and they get angry later on but that's,your option number two,now option number three is you,do it for them you um change the sizing,for like you change the variance so if,it's medium,you rename it as um,x more extra small and if it's a excel,you rename that,as median so you rename everything,three sizes down so that when people,pick their sizing,it shouldn't have an issue yes they,might get confused,that the tag is different to what they,ordered,but when they wear it it will fit them,perfectly and they will not complain,so that's another option but that does,cause confusion because,the size on the tag when they receive it,looks different,but it will fit them so those are the,three different routes you can take,yeah man and it's basically is it like,100 that is three sizes,um these ones are three sizes smaller,that's not one hundred percent for me,sort of like i think it's two,um so what you can do is what i'll do is,i'll go to like,ralph lauren and go to nike and i'll,look at their sizing charts,and i'll go ahead and match up okay if a,medium,for nike adidas that's sort of the,standard if,a medium shirt for them has these,dimensions that,does that match with excel or does it,match with large,or does it match with xxl so that's,another way to really,know for your specific product if it's,two sides down,three sides down or even one size down,or if it's perfect,okay well that's that's perfect man and,if i was doing that and then i found out,like for example medium was extra small,i'll just take out this chart so it,doesn't,confuse yeah exactly,it's optional it's a pretty good option,like when customers email just be like,um,yeah we first our clothing is,agent sizing so we since we sell to,mainly us,on our store we automatically converted,the sizing,to make sure that you guys do not get,confused as a result,we know that a medium,would fit an extra small so we downsize,it three,size so you guys do not receive a much,smaller product,and we made it americanized do some nice,template like that,for customers that do email say hey how,come i ordered,a medium and instead i got this double,xl,piece why is it different even though it,still fits i'm just curious,that's something that might email,something like that i think oh thank you,so much for addressing that man,as you can see that's all the different,options super in-depth so now you guys,will never,have to deal with this situation or if,you do go into this situation you'll,know how to,to it like if you guys want to learn,more stuff like this click the link,below book in a call with me,what's your free training if you guys,want to go ahead and work with me,and my team to go ahead and get results,when it comes to shopify,and sort of have all these weird,questions dealt with,by me personally question of the day,have you ever successfully drop shipped,clothing,let me know other than that i hope you,guys have an amazing day,oh before we end today's video let's,finish off by announcing last week as,winners for a thousand dollars worth of,courses or consulting because with me,the winner's here i've got someone,qualified what to do is drop a comment,below,follow me on instagram hit the subscribe,button hit the notification bell and,we'll be picking the best comment,every single video i'm that hope you,guys have an amazing day and i'll be,seeing us,tomorrow with nothing but more value,peace

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