how to fake shopify sales

How Shopify Guru's Fake Sales! hey what's up guys I think I have a,really cool and interesting video

Zain Merchant

Updated on Feb 15,2023

How Shopify Guru's Fake Sales!

The above is a brief introduction to how to fake shopify sales

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How Shopify Guru's Fake Sales!

hey what's up guys I think I have a,really cool and interesting video for,you today I'm actually gonna show you,how you can fake your sales and perhaps,how Shopify gurus doing your friends do,it here is how people show that they,have a lot of sales they have a lot of,money and they actually haven't made a,single dollar so here's how you can do,it quick disclaimer this is for,informational and educational purposes,only I do not recommend that you do this,you know obviously you're lying and it's,not the right thing to do but if you,just want to learn how people do it,here you go okay so right now I have a,hundred and fourteen dollars in sales,that's actually sure I'm testing our,product you know whatever but I'm gonna,change this so it says maybe a thousand,dollars a million dollars you know I,don't know let's just I'll show you how,we do it there's two ways you can do it,number one you can right click right,here words you could right click this,114 and by the way this method only,works on Chrome but the method I'm gonna,shoot after this works on all browsers,okay so you can right click you click,inspect and this is just called inspect,element you're not you might know about,this and essentially what you can do,here is you can change the 114 in this,little browser to say whatever so let's,just make it say a million there we go,that's a million dollars and yeah that's,basically how you do it you just change,the number over here and using this,method you can change anything on the,screen on any platform on any website so,I can even change the total sessions,here you just use this little you you,press this little mouse thing over here,you you click that and you hover over,things and you can change where where,you want to what you want to change so,I'm gonna press the 34 and change the 34,over here to let's just say five hundred,store visitor visitors store sessions,okay so that's one method you can do it,here's another method let's go to orders,okay now I'm blocking out I have a bunch,of orders here obviously but I'm,blocking them out because obviously I,don't want to I don't want you to see my,customers and stuff think that,pretty self-explanatory so you can go,ahead and click create order and search,for the products on your store so I'm,just gonna select one of the products,I'm testing and I'm gonna sort of block,out what product cuz they don't want you,to see okay so I've added the products,now what you do is click mark as paid,okay this is important you click mark as,paid and boom it's basically done you go,ahead and click create order,okay now the order was created so you,can go back to orders and now you can,see here I'm blocking everything else,out but this order is here the total is,49 dollars and 17 cents and when you go,back to your home page as you can see I,had fifty dollars in sales today which,was just that created order and now the,cool thing about this is this will show,up on your phone this will show up on,that mobile Shopify app because it's,essentially a sale it's recorded it's,gonna show up on your app so that's how,you can sing it across all platforms,it's scary how easy this is but that's,how you do it that's about it there's,the video for today you clean you simply,either use inspect element or create the,order alright so that's it I hope you,enjoyed this video like this video,subscribe down to my channel and have a,great day

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