how to embed gallery code cozy responsive to shopify

Add Gallery Template to the Flex Theme in Shopify hey scott austin here from jade puma,in this video


Updated on Feb 25,2023

Add Gallery Template to the Flex Theme in Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to embed gallery code cozy responsive to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to embed gallery code cozy responsive to shopify

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how to embed gallery code cozy responsive to shopify catalogs

Add Gallery Template to the Flex Theme in Shopify

hey scott austin here from jade puma,in this video i'm going to explain how,to create a new gallery template,in the flex theme so i'm using this,fraggle tribe store that i'm building as,an example here,and you can see they've got multiple,lookbooks and each one of these,lookbooks,is a page right i can see that up here,and if i click on the edit page,functionality there,and open it up in the shopify admin what,you'll see,is the template that is applied,is the template,now the theme comes with a, template but only one of,them and the thing is,if i look at another one of these,lookbooks which is also a page you know,with a gallery template and i edit this,one,in the shopify admin it's going to have,a different template applied to it this,is gallery dash,4. and the reason for that is,notice there's no content here in the,page right,so all the content that is showing up on,this page,all the photos that information is,stored,in the theme settings so over here in,the shopify admin,i've got my uh customized theme,functionality open,on one of these pages already uh one of,these uh lookbook pages,and you can see here under gallery,if i open up that section that's where,all of the,image information is stored right all,the all the photos and any links that,are in them,um so if i was to apply the same you,know gallery 4,template to another page it would have,the exact same content i couldn't have,two separate pages with the gallery temp,the same gallery template apply,with different photo galleries so every,time you create a new,photo gallery page you have to create a,new,photo gallery page template so what i'm,going to do is show you how to do that,and it's actually pretty simple we're,going to go edit our theme,code but we're not actually going to,edit code we're just be doing,copying and pasting inside of the theme,code so this is the kind of,process that people without any code,skills could totally do,if they follow these steps here so let's,go into edit code so i went into,online themes or online store themes,and right now i'm working in the live,theme so i'm going to edit the code and,that live theme,and what i'm going to do is close out,anything that's already been opened,all right so if i look under this,template section here you'll notice i've,got a,now i've got one through,nine for the eight different lookbooks,that,i've already created and we're going to,make a nine here but,your your theme when you open it up,should have a,now if i look at that file you'll see,that it has,um a couple sections in there of a,banner and a gallery main,so what i'm going to do to start off is,i'm going to click on this,add new template and i'm going to add a,new template and it's going to be a page,template,and it's going to be named gallery,nine right because i've already got one,through eight,you can also you know name it for what,the gallery is going to be about if you,wanted to,um you know gallery 2021 or whatever,um or baseball or you know what whatever,it doesn't have to be a number right you,can put any any kind of you know allowed,characters in there,so now what i'm going to do is i'm going,to take this,file that i already have open i'm going,to select all of that text and i'm going,to copy it,then i'm going to go to the page gallery,9 liquid,section that i just created and i'm,going to delete all that code that's in,there and just paste the code,that came from the gallery liquid i'm,going to save that now,so now i've got a,gallery 9 liquid file but it's referring,to this section and i need a unique,section,just like i needed a unique template i,need need a unique section,for every one of these uh pages that i'm,doing it for,and let me just show you as an example,here if i open up gallery eight,you'll see that you know what it's got,is a gallery dash eight so what i'm,gonna do,is i'm going to my gallery 9 liquid,section and i'm going to add,or yeah in the,template i'm going to add a reference to,the gallery 9,section so now that section doesn't,exist,and i need to create it so i'm going to,copy,and i'm going to go into now my,sections here and add a new section,i'm going to paste the name that i just,put you know copied page 9,page gallery 9 main create that,and now i'm going to in my sections,find the original page,gallery main liquid file,ctrl a to copy your artist highlight all,that text,right clicking to do copy going over,here selecting it all,right clicking and saying paste now i'm,going to save that,and i'm going to close out the section,that i use for reference and i'm going,to save both those files,and now when i go to create a new page,so if i go into so now i'm done with the,code edits that i need to do,right so now what i'm going to do is i'm,going to go create a new page,and i'm just going to call it gallery,and i'm going to apply the template,gallery,9,and then what i'm going to do is i'm,going to theme customization i'm going,to refresh this so it brings up a new,list of pages,so up here i'm going to select,gallery 9.,and there is no gallery nine yet so,let's see if i can,refresh it again sometimes the server,takes a second,we make a change over here before it'll,show up over here,just gonna view that so that that page,does exist and you can see it's blank,it's got empty content,so i should be able to pretty soon here,i'm,gonna close this one out i'm gonna open,up theme customization again,so it loads up all the data it needs to,load up,there it is gallery,and you'll see here just like we saw in,the front end of the website here in the,shopify admin there's no content loaded,and that's because here i have this,gallery 9,section that's empty right now now,here's another fun,little tip for you is i'm going to,because what happens sometimes is you,get a lot of these um,sections created and things get a little,confusing so,what i'm going to do here let's just,call this you know an advanced trick,is i'm going to open up that section,that i had,just created and it's gonna say,page gallery nine,and what i'm gonna do here is,under the the schema where it says,gallery i'm gonna say,gallery so right here,under schema the name gallery 9 and,sometimes the name is also set,in settings and there is no,name set there so we're good now if i,save this,and i refresh this page,shopify server's taking a little bit of,time here but it's still thinking,and here you can see now instead of it,just saying gallery it says,gallery nine so this can be a little,trick to use,to adjust the names of your sections so,that you know,which you know one you're looking at um,this is a good troubleshooting thing,because sometimes you know,the template for eight will actually be,pointing to the section for eight or,four seven kind of thing this is a good,way a good check and balance to keep,that uh,straight so that is how we create a,new gallery template in the flex theme,hopefully this is helpful thanks for,watching

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