how to embed custom pixel on shopify

How to Add Facebook Pixel to Shopify and Track Conversions (2023 UPDATED!) before you can start runn

Metics Media X

Updated on Mar 21,2023

How to Add Facebook Pixel to Shopify and Track Conversions (2023 UPDATED!)

The above is a brief introduction to how to embed custom pixel on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to embed custom pixel on shopify

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How to Add Facebook Pixel to Shopify and Track Conversions (2023 UPDATED!)

before you can start running Facebook,ads there's a couple of things we need,to set up first we need to create a,Facebook business page for our store and,then we need to create a Facebook,business manager account then inside of,that manager account we need to create a,Facebook ad account and then we need to,create a Facebook pixel a Facebook pixel,is simply a piece of code that we're,going to put on our store which is then,going to track all the activity that our,visitors are going to be doing on our,store which is then going to be the data,that we're going to use to optimize our,campaign so we can see exactly what,works and what doesn't work and then,once we have all this set up we can,start creating our campaign and set up,our ads alright so the first thing we,got to do is create our Facebook,business page so log into your Facebook,account and then here on the left side,where it says Pages we want to click,here,and then we want to click on create a,new page,then we want to give our page a name so,this would just be our store name in my,case perfect paw apparel let's say store,and then we also have to decide on a,category so this would be let's say,clothing then here we can also put in a,description about our page and then,click on create page on the bottom left,and then here we do want to make sure to,fill in as much information as possible,for our Facebook page which will help us,keep our accounts our ad accounts,healthy and not get us banned when we,start running the first ads I'm gonna,skip this part for this video because I,do have a complete tutorial about how to,create your Facebook business page I'm,going to leave a link to this down below,in the description and I'm gonna just,skip through this real quick here and,I'm going to move on to the next step,now we have created our Facebook page,and we also need to create our Facebook,business manager or meta business,manager whatever you want to call it so,let's go to, and then once,you're here click on create an account,then here we're going to type in our,business name and also an email address,then click on submit,now we are inside of the Facebook,business manager the next step is to,create our Facebook ad account so you,want to come over here to accounts and,then go to ad accounts,and then click on ADD and click on,create a new ad account,we're going to give our ad account a,name choose the currency and then click,on next,then choose my business click on create,and now we have to assign someone who,will manage this ad account in our,example it's just going to be ourselves,so we're going to choose our own,Facebook profile here and then we're,going to just do full control so we're,going to take this box and click on,assign,great now we've created our Facebook ads,account the next step is to create a,Facebook pixel and put that pixel on our,Shopify store so that Facebook can track,everything that our customers do on our,store so that they're actually able to,optimize who our ads will be shown to,this is absolutely essential if you want,to make sure you're able to optimize,your ads so let's go to data sources,down here and click on pixels,and then click on ADD,and then here you can change the name of,the pixel if you want to I'm just going,to leave it as it is and click on,continue,then let's click on setup pixel now,and then we have a couple of options on,how we can get the pixel on our store,the easiest one if you use Shopify is,just use this first option add code,using a partner integration so we're,going to choose this option and then,here because our store is on Shopify,we're going to choose Shopify,and now Facebook tells us to connect our,Shopify store to Facebook so we're gonna,need to go to our store to our Shopify,store here and start connecting our,Facebook account with Shopify so let's,go to online store and then go to,preferences,and then we're going to scroll down to,where it says Facebook pixel here we're,going to click on set up Facebook,and this will redirect us to the page,where we can add the Facebook sales,channel so let's just click on ADD sales,channel here at the top,and now as we can see here on the left,side we have created a new sales channel,for our store which is Facebook now we,need to go through all these steps to,connect our Facebook account to this,store so let's click on connect account,then here we need to connect the,Facebook page that we have created,before so this would be perfect paw,Apparel Store,then click on connect,and then we need to connect a Facebook,business manager account that we have,also created before so I'm just going to,use this one here click on select,then connect,and then here Shopify is asking us how,much data they're allowed to share from,our store with Facebook now I would,recommend to choose maximum here because,that will allow Facebook to optimize,your ads better so I'm choosing maximum,here and then click on Save,and then here we want to connect the,Facebook pixel that we have just created,before which is going to be the source,of all the data from our store so let's,click on connect here,then we have to agree to the terms and,conditions and click on submit for,review,so now you can see it says your shop is,in review however that is referring to,the shop on Facebook which is not,something we're setting up right now all,we want to do is be able to run ads to,our Shopify store and as you can see,here we are already able to run ads on,Facebook and Instagram because we have,now added the Facebook sales Channel and,installed the pixel,so we can now come back to our Facebook,business manager and move on with the,pixel setup process so we can now check,this box I've completed the setup on,Facebook and then click on next,then here we want to check if our pixel,is actually working so we're going to go,and get the URL of our website so we can,just go to our Shopify store go to,online store click on this icon here and,then just copy the URL from the top of,the browser then go back here to,Facebook and just paste in the URL click,on send test traffic,now sometimes it does take some time,until the pixel is active on your store,so if it doesn't show you that your,pixel is active right away don't worry,just come back in like 30 minutes and,then try again to send some test traffic,and see if the pixel is active and,eventually you should get to this page,where you can see that the pixel is,active then what you want to do is click,on next,then here let's click on finish,and now we want to connect our Facebook,account and also our Facebook ad account,to this pixel so we're going to click on,ADD people here at the top choose our,own Facebook account make sure we have,the full control over this pixel click,on assign,and done and then click on ADD assets,and then choose our Facebook ad account,here click on ADD,and done,and now to make sure our pixel works,properly we also need to verify our,domain so we need to go to Brand safety,here on the bottom left click on domains,then go to add and click on create a new,domain,then here we simply put in the domain of,our store and then click on ADD,and now we need to add this meta tag,which is basically just a piece of code,onto our HTML code of our store so all,we need to do is just copy by clicking,on this code right here then go back to,our Shopify store go to online store,themes,and then go to actions here click on,edit code,and then we want to go to theme liquid,here on the left side,now this looks quite confusing but just,don't freak out just follow what I'm,doing here all we need to do is just,paste in that code in the header section,so here as you can see the header starts,so we just click here click on enter so,we get a new paragraph then we just,paste in the code just like this and,then we click on Save that's all you,need to do to enter the code onto our,store and now we can go back to Facebook,and check if that actually works by,clicking on verify domain here,and there we go our domain is now,verified now sometimes it does take a,few minutes or even hours until the meta,tag is live and you can verify your,domain for me it only took like a minute,until I was able to um verify this,domain after I paste it in the code but,once you see that page here then you're,basically done verifying the domain,great now this domain has been verified,now another thing we need to do is also,verify our Shopify domain because now we,have verified our main domain that,people will see when they visit our,store now we also need to verify our,Shopify domain because when you go to,your Shopify dashboard go to settings,and then go to domains you can see,there's the domain that you have,assigned to your store the one we have,purchased and then also your Shopify,domain which is this one right here and,Facebook also wants us to verify this,domain so let's just copy this domain as,well then go back to the business,manager and click on domains then you're,gonna go to add domains again click on,create a new domain paste in the Shopify,domain click on ADD and then we just do,the same thing again so just copy the,code here go to our Shopify store so I'm,going to just show you again where it is,so online store or then themes actions,edit code,and then go to theme liquid and then,under the head as you can see here we,just click enter and then just paste in,the code for the second URL as well,click on Save,and then again wait like two minutes and,then we can come back to the business,manager here and click on verify domain,now if you're not able to verify your,Shopify domain for some reason what you,want to do is go to the Shopify,dashboard go to settings and then to,domains then click on your currently,used domain as the primary one for the,store,and then under domain type you want to,set this domain as redirect so click,here set as redirect,and then once that's done you want to go,back to your business manager click on,verify again and then you should be able,to see this screen right here once,that's verified you can come back to,Shopify and set the other domain as,primary Again by clicking on this button,and now the next step is going to be to,tell Facebook what kind of customer,actions on our website should be tracked,so that we can then use that data to,optimize our ads and to do that we're,going to go to the three lines here all,tools and then go to events manager here,here let's click on manage prioritized,events,and here we're going to set up our,events for both of these domains so,let's start with the first one here,click on manage events then click on,edit and now we can add up to eight,different events and prioritize them as,well so we need to tell Facebook what is,the most important event that we want to,track on our site so the most important,event would be to it would be a purchase,a conversion on our store so let's first,choose the pixel here that is tracking,all the events which would be this one,that we have already installed and then,we're going to choose the event name so,this would be purchase right here,and then we're going to choose another,event so choose the same pixel and we're,going to use initiate checkout here,and then add another one same pixel this,one is going to be add to cart and then,another event which is going to be view,content right here,so again these are going to be the,events the actions that people do on our,website so that we can use that data to,optimize our campaign the event of a,purchase has the highest priority,because eventually that's our goal to,get people on our store and purchase our,products and then we have initiate,checkout add to cart and view content so,it's basically the customer Journey from,getting to our store to buying something,first somebody views a product and then,they add it to the card then they,initiate checkout and then they purchase,the product so let's click on apply and,save the changes confirm and apply and,then we're gonna do the exact same thing,for the other domain as well so just,manage events edit and then add all the,all the four events based on the,priority here as well as we've just done,before when that's done click on apply,confirm apply,and now we actually want to go and check,if all the events that we have just set,up for this pixel are working on our,store so let's go back to the events,manager and then here we make sure our,current pixel is selected and then we go,to test events then here we just choose,the URL of our store and then click on,open website,and now we are a new visitor on our,website so the Facebook pixel should,already have been triggered so we can,now go back to the events manager and,under test events we can see we have a,new page view so our pixel is in fact,working so now let's go back to the page,again and then maybe click on t-shirts,here and then click on one of the,products,and now again we go back to the events,manager and see what pixel event has,been firing so we have two page views,and then one content view which,represents somebody looking at one of,our products and now we can also just,click on add to cart here,and now when we go back to the events,manager we can see the the add to cart,event has also been fired so the idea is,to just go through the entire checkout,process and see if all the events are,working now you don't actually need to,go ahead and buy your own product just,to see if the purchase event is working,because you're going to notice on your,store if you get a sale anyway and if,you don't see it on Facebook then you,know that the purchase event is not,working okay

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