how to edit shopify landing page

Shopify Landing Page // Case Study | How to make your first sale online (shopify for beginners) for

Cinquanta Cox-Smith

Updated on Feb 05,2023

Shopify Landing Page // Case Study | How to make your first sale online (shopify for beginners)

The above is a brief introduction to how to edit shopify landing page

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Shopify Landing Page // Case Study | How to make your first sale online (shopify for beginners)

for me,today i am back with another video in,the how to make your first sale online,shopify for beginners case study so,today i am just going to simply show you,guys how to set up your,password page so you can start getting,some type of traction,or getting emails before,you completely like open up your shop,and um if you already start you know,sharing or making your first post,then people can actually have some place,to give you their,email address where you can then have,some emails already,to send a email out when the shop is,ready,or teasers or just anything that you,want to send beforehand,so this is your dashboard in your,shopify store and you're just going to,go ahead and click on online store,we have not decided on the theme or,anything yet,so right now we're just going to use the,current debut theme,and then we're going to hit customize,so because we're not sure what we want,our store to look like yet,we're just concerned about the password,page um,as the days go by you'll get more into,designing colors and all that but today,we just want to have our landing page,which is our password page,to actually look like something when you,go to our website,okay so now you're in the customized,part and you're gonna go up to the top,and from the drop down menu going to hit,password page,okay so this what it looks like and then,you can go into the header,and you can select your image i'm just,probably going to put um,the logo,so let's see which one i'm going to use,i don't want to use the one with the,white words because you probably won't,be able to see it,so we're going to use our logo,which is there okay,we can make it bigger smaller,that's a good size,we can just leave coming soon there,gonna hit the back button,i'm sorry guys and it says you know be,the first,to know when we launch or i can pee just,put welcome,to slov,and then i'll put,will be,opening shortly,but in the meantime,drop your email,for early access,make it enticing so then they put their,email address in there,and you just put sign up,okay then you go back,and then they have a footer here,and we can just put our um,let's put one,stop shop for,all things sloth,okay that's what we're gonna put there,so and then you know they have facebook,twitter pinterest those things,there all right,so,all right so we are pretty much good to,go so,you can check out the view on the phone,what it looks like on the computer,and it's just a full view of what it,looks like,i'm not sure did it show anything about,a background page,let me see didn't show anything about,the background,or anything but we're going to hit save,then i'm going to go over here i'm going,to type in sloth,,and you'll see the password page that we,just did,so you know that just looks a little,better,for anyone visiting your site okay,so i'm gonna go back here,and go back to shopify,all right so right now it's just,basically saying okay this is your,current theme,you have pages navigations,and we're going to go over to preference,really quick,so on your home page this basically says,what do you want this to say,and i wanted to say the business name,and i wanted to say one stop shop,for all,things,so this is something called like,metadata um,i'm gonna probably put this in the same,thing but you want to,accurately express,what your website is about in detail um,you also want to add a lot of keywords,that you think people will be using,so i'm going to say apparel,sloth necklaces and,jewelry sloth t-shirts,and sloth mugs now i'm i have not,picked my actual product yet but i just,this is what i'm leaning towards um i,haven't picked it,as the time this video was recorded but,you guys will see i will pick these,things,um we'll go come back later and put in,our facebook pixel here,but um this is like the password the,password page,so you just want your you know your,metadata to be good and it's good idea,to,we can let's see how much time i've,talked so we can just check out the,themes right now so let's look at some,of the themes,so we want to look at the the free ones,and no matter what we do we want to make,sure that this is simple,and clean and i'm probably going to go,with the simple thing,mainly because it basically shows,that you just want you want the product,to be at the forefront,easy quick to come to,you know super simple so,we're going to add that to our theme,library and this is you,choosing a theme so,you can switch it so i'm now going to,show you how to use that one,because right now the current theme is,you know just a debut theme,and so we're going to say actions and,we're going to say we're going to,publish this one okay,your password page isn't enabling it,can't be disabling after,publishing so we're gonna,change the theme and then we're gonna so,now the theme shows is simple,that was so super simple if you want to,switch it and duplicate it rename it,edit the code preview it you can preview,it here,everything should look the same with the,wording um with the password,password page when we do that but um,we'll go over here so we can see what,the password page looks like versus,how your shop will look so i'm going to,go to customize i'm going to select the,password page again this is after we,change the theme,so in this so so far we've changed the,theme,and we've created you know a nice little,landing page,for our um thing so because we change,different themes we have to do that,again,because we want the content to be,cohesive okay,so i'm just gonna put welcome to sla,fluff,so i'm not gonna put anything there,i'm just gonna put sign up,okay go back,all right so got all that and that's,what this one will look like,and then um since i saved that i should,be able to,refresh and then you just kind of see,the new one,how that looks okay so that was your,password protection page,just so your store can look like,something,when someone goes on to your store your,actual store,so it doesn't look crazy so so far i've,showed you how to sign up for shopify,um i've showed you how to pick a theme,you can actually pay for themes if you,want to if you don't want the free,themes,i'm going to use the free theme i showed,you how to create your password page i,showed you how to change a theme and,customize your password page,um so so far that's it for,this video um and don't forget to like,comment subscribe and share,and guys don't forget to um check out,,backslash cinquantagocsmith uh there is,a,plan your brand workbook and case study,checklist that is available on my gun,world,store first 20 people um to purchase and,use the code youtube,gets uh 10 10 10 off so check that out,and until next time i love you more than,i love this video,peace

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